

Nate gives a small nod as he makes his way over the the small bed and sits down with Laura. Keeping his arms around her the heat that had been on his face before was now going away. Nate could never be mad at Laura it just something he didnt think was possable.

"Tired, cranky, want this whole thing with Katie to be over, but yes I am ok."

Leaning aganst the wall Nate pulls Laura closer to let her rest her head on his shoulder. Running her arm softly Nate moves to running his fingers through her hair. Her sweet smell drifting to meet his nose and calming him even more. His eyes slowly falling shut as he felt comfortable.

Moving out of the way slightly Phinox just lets Gage slide to the ground quickly taking the gun from his reach and putting it back into his own holder.

Continuing to watch Gage his empression never changes till he can finally tell Gage is out. Reaching down Phinox grabs Gage by the shirt and toss him over his shoulder.

Glancing twords the door to the basment Phinox hated to leave Katie here but he had no other option. He daired not mess with her right now, not for his own life but for hers.

Making his way out with Gage Phinox ties his hands up and toss him into the front seat of his truck. Grabbing his phone and dialing he gets Reese.

"I am on my way back with Gage, the Agency will know I took him and double crossed them. From here my neck is on the line."

Hanging up Phinox continues to drive till TJY comes into view.

Double dose

"Ryder!" Reese sees the man heading for the exit, and calls after him. "Where you headed?"

"Fresh air? Maybe catch forty winks." Ryder shrugs, his hand resting on the door. "Figure I'm not doing much good hanging around here."

Reese shrugs. "Might have to call you back in. You got a phone?"

"No. I think I'm gonna head home. If I can't sleep, there's some windows I can patch up so Laura can come back sometime too, and we can take Henry back."

Reese nears by a few steps, studying Ryder's tense eyes. "Anything wrong?"

"Other than Katie being gone?" Ryder shakes his head. "Naw, mate. I'm gonna borrow Laura's car. I'll be back in a few hours unless you call."

Laura wraps her arms around Nate and buries her face against his chest. "I love you too," she murmurs softly.

Looking up at him, she shrugs. "No... but I will be." She forces herself to show him at least half a smile. She didn't know whether she needed to explain how she and Ryder had just happened on the same place at the same time, or if that would make Nate feel worse. She really hadn't meant to hurt his feelings... again.

"Are you?"

Gage takes the gun and moves past Phinox, ready to head downstairs. Suddenly though, he's taken completely by surprise. Feeling the strong arm go around him, he starts to move, then feels the sharp pain to his neck. "What the..." A curse slips out as he whirls around, but it's too late, the second shot has already gotten him.

Blinking, he stares at Phinox for the longest moment, a look of confusion of the betrayal in his eyes. He takes a threatening step, but already his knees start to buckle. "You s..." Too soon, his words are already slurred by the fast-acting injection.

Trying to grab at Phinox for support does no good, and Gage slides to the floor in a heap. He tries to get up, but it's no use as he sways on all fours, then goes down again. The room was spinning and everything was blurred. He gropes for the wall, but can't find it. Out of desperation, he tries to crawl to the door, but collapses. Though his eyes were still open, his mind was growing more and more lethargic and his muscles would no longer cooperate. The double dose had done its job.


Turning to see Laura Nate trys to give the best smile he can. He new this was hard for anyone to handle right now. Though he was tired, and he was hurt it wasnt always about him and he new it.

Giving a nod Nate enters the room and takes Laura into his arms and holds her tight lay a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you Laura!"

Pulling away just a little he looks Laura in the eyes and brushes a small strand of her hair our of her eyes.

"You ok?"

Watching Gage come closer to him Phinox does move or change his expression as he pass the gun off to Gage.

As he watches him move in front of him Phinox waits slowly reaching his hand into his jacket pocket and places one of the needles in his mouth as he holds the other in his hand. Letting Gage move just a little more Phinox swiftly brings his arm around Gage's neck as he takes his other and injects Gage right in the neck. Swiftly grabing the other Phinox takes no time or skips a beat usng the other one on Gage as well. With such skill it is easy to tell he has done this before.


Ryder cringes just a little at Nate's words, but it silent for a moment, at a loss for how to respond. His eyes roam the hall for a moment before he starts to just walk away. Instead though, he turns one more time. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I guess it's harder being a friend than I thought."

Leaving it at that, he continues his route down the hall, heading out onto the main floor.

Laura finds herself unsettled, and finally gets up off the bed again, wandering back to the door. Opening it a crack, she sees Nate, and her shoulders drop.

Holding the door open, she leans on the doorway. "Nate?" She tries at a smile but it doesn't work very well. "Can you sit with me? I don't feel like being alone."

Gage weighs his options as he sees Phinox waiting for an answer. Pushing himself off the desk, he approaches slowly. At least this way, he'd be in control of how severe the torture was, if there was any more at all.

"I'll do it," he takes the challenge. "I know her weak spots." Sidling past Phinox, he aims for the door himself.