

Hearing Mick's voice sent a chill through Rosetta. It had been so long since she had herd such a sweet sound. Hearing he was doing better was an even nicer sounds. The better he was the sooner he could come home and though it hurt that he couldn't come home today, or tomorrow it was comforting to know, to hear from him he was well.

As the conversation comes back around to her Rosetta pauses for a moment. She didnt want Mick to worry about her while he was there, but if she lied to him he would know and that might just upset him more.

"I'm here..I will be alot better once you are home again. But I am hanging in there the best I can. Not a day goes by I dont think of you, and pray you will come home soon."

Rosetta can feel her own voice crack as she stands in the kitchen leaning against the wall.

"That day will be one of the best days. BJ is here, do you have time to talk to him?"

Cringing just a little as Leo trips over the tool box Ryan closes her eyes not wanting to even see him fall. But not hearing him hit the ground she opens her eyes to see Jed caught him. A grin forms on her face once again as she just shakes her head and goes back to the car she had been working on.

Giving a shake of her head, it was always nice to see Gunner interact with the kids. They took so well to him, and just to have someone out of the norm come and see them was a nice treat.

"Come on guys, lets get you back to the story so you can finish hearing it to ok? Maybe if your good Gunner will come back again to see you as well."

Ushering the two kids down the hall Bree holds up her finger to let Gunner know she would be right back.

With in minutes Bree was back and with her jacket this time. She had an hour for lunch but than had to be back. It was a nice break in the day to get out and just go some where for lunch. Not to mention Gunner and herself always made the best of it.

"Alright ready to blow this popsicle stand?"


Leo bites his lip until a grin slips out. He could see the laughter behind Ryan's eyes, though she respected him too much not to let it out. "You won't be sorry... I promise."

He backs towards his own car again before turning around one more time. "But you have to make sure Eli agrees to go. Odd man out or not, just make sure he says yes, even if you have to bribe him with a late night ice cream afterward, on me."

Walking backward, he hadn't seen the toolbox that Jed had set beside the car and his foot catches it. Starting to fall, Jed catches him and they do a little fumbling dance before they're both steady again.

Jed puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. "Dude... get your head back where it belongs and quit flirting with your girl."

Though red in the face, Leo tosses Ryan a grin and a wink. Flirting with her was worth any amount of razzing at work.

Gunner sees the two little girls come running down the hall and his grin widens. Hanging up the phone, he slides off the counter just in time to sweep the littlest one off her feet and tuck her to his hip. "Hey, Tiger, slow down or you're gonna plow right into somebody."

His lips smack her forehead with a "Mwah!" right before he's joined by the second child. "Whoa, I'm being attacked." He hugs her to his other side, tickling her spine. "Don't tell me you want a date too."

Finally seeing Bree, a chuckle escapes. "For a minute, I thought I was gonna have to leave you high and dry for these two cuties."

Setting the child back on her feet, he squats down, pulling a couple balloons from his back pocket, which he promptly blows up and gives to each of them. He stands up again, setting his hands on his hips and looking to Bree. "If you wanna get these rugrats back to where they belong, that float is waiting..." He reaches down to cover up one of the girls' ears teasingly. "...And that kiss."


Looking up from under the car Ryan could see Leo clearly from where an engine once sat in a car. Giving him a grin she listens to him talk as she continues to work.

"You know I always like going place with you, but dragging my brother along, thats....he might feel like the third wheel ya know?"

Ryan scrunches her nose as she tightens a bolt before looking up again at the tickets Leo held. Not being able to see to well from under the car Ryan pushes herself from under the car and stands. Whipping her hands on her pants before coming around to Leo. Taking the tickets from him to look at the closer.

Feeling a small laugh build inside of her Ryan does her best to keep it down not wanting to laugh at all. It was aparent Leo wanted to go. Her was right when he said it was something they didn't often do.

Looking over the tickets for a moment and raising her eyebrow Ryan just looks at Leo. Finally handing the tickets back to Leo Ryan gives a nod.

"Ok, I'll go and check it out with you. Never know I could end up liking it right? And...I'll ask Eli to if he would like to go as well. Just for you Leo."

Sitting in the room with a group of the kids Bree flips the page of the book she was reading to them. About to start another page Bree stop hearing the announcement start. Not being able to help the chuckle that escapes her lips the corners of her lips start to turn up into a smile.

Before Bree can even stand two of the girls from the back of the group ages 5, and 7 jump up heading for the door.

"Kim, Chang...wait."

But it was to late both were out the door and down the hall squealing.


Passing the book off to one of the older children to continue reading Bree stands and leaves the room. Coming down the hall, a large smile on her face, Bree didnt care who was around and watching knowing she was with Gunner. She wasn't embarrassed by him or his display. Crossing her arms across her chest she gives another laugh.

"Looks like you made some frineds Gunner. Right about now, I think none ice cream floats, cherrys, and kiss sound great."

Your party

Tears spring into Mick's eyes at Rosetta's words. He hadn't planned on being emotional, but to just have the first thing she says be that she loved him... it sent pangs through his heart that were too much to bear. He'd failed miserably but she still loved him.

"I love you too." His voice cracks and he pauses until he can speak clearly. Bends to rest his elbows on the counter, closing his eyes to concentrate on what he wanted to say.

"I miss you guys something terrible. Every night all I can think about is you and BJ... that's what keeps me going... and what keeps me here until I can handle things again." Be bites his lip. "I've only got a few minutes..." He might have been friends with Adam and Brenda, but he knew that while he was here as a client, he had to abide by the rules. "...but I wanted to call and.... and let you know that I'm okay. I'm... I'm getting better. I want to be able to come home soon and make up for all the stupid things I've said and done and... I don't know... I just want to make things right."

Swallowing hard, he rubs his forehead, trying to stay on track. "Are you doing okay?"

Eli gives a little smile, the atmosphere having suddenly gone melancholic. "Yeah... yeah, I miss him too."

Taking a deep breath, Eli gets up to go dump out the rest of his beer, then comes back to hang over the back of the couch, his hands folded. "Thanks, Ry... I really appreciate what you're doing... someday I'll be able to pay back the favor."

Straightening and roughing up her hair, he turns to the hallway. "I'm gonna hit the sack. Tomorrow I'll make some phone calls and start the job hunt. And... I'll think about staying here or finding space at Leo's."

Stars dot the dark Nevada sky. For some, they are a wondrous display to be watched and admired before cuddling on the couch to fall asleep with a movie droning in the background. For some, the nighttime specks were nightlights, keeping watch over those slumbering past the worries and doubts of their futures. For others still, the stars gave hope that even the darkest night was not so dark after all, and the promise of morning was still there. And morning did come, slow and sure, the closest star of all rose in the east to pain the sky's canvas brilliant colors of pinks and golds, calling those sleeping to wake for the day.

"No, I'm living off unemployment at the moment, but hopefully that'll be over soon."

"Well whats the bandage for if it's not done yet?"

Axel leans back against the toolbench, glancing down at his hand. It was still a bite sore, even after this long after the minor surgery. "Trial run." He grins at Miles' feet sticking out from under the car in the auto shop. "It's complicated. But it was worth a shot."

"Daryl letting you come back afterward?"

"Yeah, he said he was keeping the spot open for me. If I can get the use of my hand back, I'll be back to work. If not... I'll have to figure something else out."

On the other side of the shop, Leo half listens to Axel while leaning into an engine and half paying attention to his conversation with Ryan too. He'd let her know that he was fine with Eli rooming with him if he wanted to, and he was glad that this new friend would be sticking around in the area. He knew that it made Ryan happy too, which made him even more glad.

Something else was on his mind too though and after missing half of what Ryan just said, he withdraws from the engine, wiping his oily hands on his rag. "Hey, Ryan..." Ambling to where she was working on another car, he leans on the frame, glancing in to what she was doing. "I checked the work schedule and there's a day coming up that neither of us are working. I thought maybe that night you and me and Eli could go do something."

He fiddles with his rag, oddly hesitant before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a couple tickets. "I... know this isn't the kind of thing we normally do and I don't know if Eli would actually want to or not but... I thought it might be fun... kinda different. I got a hold of front row seats."

The two tickets, one for Ryan and one fore Eli, were to a music and dance performance at the convention center in the next city over. Advertisements had been around town, proving that it was a fairly big local event. Fliers had described the show as a musical, portraying a story of young love and comedy. The dance routines were showcased as the main attraction, along with upbeat, contemporary music.

Leo was right - this was not something they would normally attend. It was pretty far from street races, action movies or parties. He could imagine Eli bursting out laughing at the idea, but he wanted him along for a reason, and he just hoped that Ryan would accept, even if she really didn't want to go. "What do you think?"

Gunner casually wanders into the children's hospital that was becoming more familiar. Today, he was in sneakers and jeans, a black pull-over hoodie keeping him warm. His baseball cap was turned backward so a few tufts of his hair stuck through the hole and his Elite badge swung from around his neck. He was without his sidearm today, but only a few people would know he had a knife hidden up his back.

Leaning on the counter, he throws a nurse an unmistakably flirtatious look, along with an obvious wink. Completely turned off, the appalled nurse sidles away so someone else could deal with him. Grinning at his success, Gunner looks over the counter before glancing left then right, and finding himself briefly alone. Checking out the phone, he boosts himself up to sit on the counter, his legs swinging. He reaches for the phone, and holds it upside down like a mic, pressing the button for the intercom.

"Miss Conner, your party is waiting. If you're in the mood for a floatless float topped with a cheery and a kiss, please come to the front desk. Miss Conner, your party awaits."

Several surprised shouts come from a back room and Gunner knew that in moments, he would be surrounded by irritated nurses. He didn't move though, still seated on the desk counter watching down the hall for Bree.

Miss Him

Receiving Bret's kiss Charlotte is all to quick to give back the emotions she felt. It had been a crappy day, and her chair layed broke in the kitchen but that was only minor to what could of happened.

Wrapping her arms around her husband as the kiss continues Charlotte was non to quick for it to end. Bret meant the world to her, and nothing could change that. She had taken the time to see deeper into his heart, past the quick temper, to see the man that was there, giving his love to her and nothing could even change that. At one point in life Charlotte could never dream of having someone else take care of her, but now she couldn't imagine being alone again.

Ryan gives a thoughtful not to Eli. She didn't mind helping him get back on his feet. As long as he payed off his dept, and stayed out of trouble it was not problem to her.

"You can stay here and not worry about rent right now, and if you dont feel comfortable with that I know Leo was looking for a roommate so you could ask him."

Standing and bringing her glass to the sink in the kitchen Ryan rinses it out before coming back into the livingroom and hopping back up on the couch Indian style.

"As for jobs, you cant work where I work because you might show me up in front of the other..."

Ryan gives a sidelong glance to Eli as a grin forms on her lips proving she was kidding with him.

"...But I can ask Derail if he knows any other shops that are looking for people. I know I saw some signs I just don't remember where."

Thinking for a long moment Ryan sits quietly. But hearing Eli's mention to there father Ryan looks to him and gives a small. A glisten behind her eye. Though she didnt day it much, she did miss there dad, and she though about him often.

"I wish he was here to see us. I miss him alot around this time of year."

Hearing who was on the phone for her Rosetta gets up from the table a little quicker than normal. Calling BJ to come with her. She couldn't leave him out when almost every day he had asked where Dad was and when he was coming home.

Getting into the kitchen Rosetta takes the phone and just holds it for a long moment. Gathering her words on what she was going to say. Finally bringing the phone to her ear, everything she wanted to say left her mind, and she could feel herself choak up as Mick's breathing could be hurt on the other end.

"Mick? I love you."

It was the only thing she could think of saying because How are you just didnt seem right, and asking when he would be home right off the bat seemed tastless. So her words were simple but strong, leaving room for Mick to talk next!

Ten minutes

Emotions fill Bret's eyes as he's reassured by Charlotte that he is good enough and that she will not leave. After Maria, his greatest fear was going through that heartache all over again, so just having Charlotte assure him now was more than he could ask for.

As his thoughts are brought to their unborn child, he looks down at his hand as he can just barely feel movement. His eyes come back up to his wife's and they glisten in the dim light. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the stress, or maybe it was relief. Regardless, only she would see the tear in his eye before he leans in to press his lips to hers.

He was sorry their day had turned out so poorly and that they had fought. But as confident as she was about staying with him, so too was he confident that he could never let her go. Taking her into an embrace as the kiss lingers, all he cares about now is how much he loved her.

Eli looks up at Ryan and grins. "Alright... I'll give it a shot. Anything I got left back in Florida, I can have my buddy send to me. If I can actually find a job around here, most of my paycheck will be going towards my debt. But if you can stand me being here for a while... I'll be able to make it up to you eventually. Unless you can help me find a cheap place so I won't have to take up your spare room any longer."

Taking another sip of beer, he grimaces. "This doesn't even taste good tonight." Setting it down, he sighs and glances to Ryan again. "You're the best sister any guy could ever ask for, and don't you forget it. Pops would be so proud of you."

Sparky grins as he and Faith walk back towards the dining hall. It felt natural for them to link arms. He couldn't explain it, but over the course of just a few hours, he felt like old friends. He didn't know if she did or not, but he at least felt as though this afternoon had been a lifetime.

Arriving inside, many of the others have already gathered. Sparky points towards a middle table. "Looks like Annie saved you a spot." He lets her arm slide from his. "I'll see you later."

In the kitchen, the phone rings and Becky sets down a basket of rolls to answer it. Hearing who it was, she quickly sets down the receiver and goes to find Rosetta and BJ, who were joining in tonight.

Leaning down so only Rosetta could hear, Becky keeps her voice low. "Brenda gave Mick ten minutes on the phone - he's waiting for you."

...Mick bites his lip as he leans on the kitchen counter, alone in the room. He was doing well enough that Adam and Brenda agreed he could have minimal contact with his family now. A ten minute phone call was an eternity compared to the silence over the last week and a half. He only hoped Rosetta would actually want to talk to him.