

Scott stays quiet for a moment as Katie reminds him that they’re all important to TJY, though his lack of confidence in that area shows in his eyes.

At her question, he doesn’t miss a beat, still working as he answers. “That’s easy. You’re a twelve.”

He pauses as he types in some codes and brings up a grid on his screen. “First comes the number one. You’re the top of your class. You come before tens and thousands because of your skills. Without you, numbers can’t grow, so you’re an extremely important figure. Adding you to zeros multiplies the force by hundreds.”

Pausing again, Scott moves to switch out a wire from the television set, then focuses back on his computer. “And….the number two is there because you’re humble and willing to take second place, even though you could be first any time you want. The one and two together as a twelve makes you divisible, proving that there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

Cindy leans back against Wes, nestling her head in his chest, silent tears flowing from her eyes. She knew God was with them…she knew He was in control…it was just still so hard…so very hard.

“I don’t want to lose you,” she whimpers quietly. She’d never felt as weak and vulnerable as she did now. She’d been so strong all her life, but finding Wes had turned her whole world upside down, and she wasn’t ready to give it up.

What number

*As Katie sits on the floor next to Scott she listen to him intently. His every word, even every breath he took without words. Taking another sip of her coffee Katie thinks for a moment than speaks.*

"Everyone that words at TJY Scott is what holds it together. You, Me, Con, Jason everyone. You just as important as we are. And your differnt at the same time. And I like ya for it. Your amazing just the way you are. Sooo..since your brain see number what number am I?"

*Katie cant help but grin after her question.*

*Wes bolt upright as she hears Cindy in the bathroom. Geting out of bed Wes ambles to the bathroom knocking lightly on the door than entering. Pushing the door open slightly Wes enters his eyes fill with worry as he see his wife on the ground. Going over to her Wes slids to the ground next to her. Wraping his arms around her he pulls Cindy into his lap to hold her closer to him. Leaning his head on her his voice soft and sweet.*

"Its going to be ok Hun. Dont worry yourself to much remember the baby. Everything is in Gods hands and he wont let us down."

*Wes gently rocks Cindy as he holds her close sinking his breathing with hers a gruf but soft hum emerges from his mouth.*

Bogus Hobby

Scott doesn't care that Katie fiddles with the wires, and doesn't react. Smiling at little as he receives her kiss, he gives her a playful poke with his elbow. "I said keep me awake, not distract me."

He shakes his head with a wry grin. "No, they ask me because I don't yell at them for messing things up like this. I'd hardly call what I have a talent. Bogus hobby maybe....I think most of the stuff I do turns out more because of luck than because I know what I'm doing."

He pauses, looking closer at a couple switches, then drags his laptop around and starts typing. "When I first started at TJY, I mostly worked on hacking and stuff like that, then Reese discovered I knew more than that, so now it's any piece of equipment everyone thinks I can solve, fix, reprogram or rewire."

Scott stops for a moment, thinking as he looks at his screen. His tongue is a little bit looser than normal after not having had any sleep. "You know...I always wondered what it would be like if I were better at the other stuff...combat...undercover work...that sort of thing. I see Wyatt and Jason...Nate...Con...they're really what holds TJY together and keeps it going." He gives a little sigh. "But I was cursed with an unbalanced hand that can't hit the broadside of a barn, the spine of a jellyfish and the brain that sees numbers instead of people."

He gives a laugh at himself. "Takes all kinds, don't it?" Reaching across Katie, he grabs his cup of coffee and takes a sip, letting it slide down his throat. "Mm...you brew a good cup." Setting it back down, he resumes his work, glancing at the clock. "We're pushing it," he muses. "But I think we'll have this sucker up and running. Once we're in the courtroom, I'm hoping they'll give me five minutes to communicate with Pete back here to make sure it's showing the picture."

Cindy opens her eyes in the dark, her digital clock telling her of the early morning hour. Her achy muscles wanted so badly to continue sleeping, but her all-night worrying had done her stomach no good, and it took her on another mad dash to the bathroom.

Sitting on the floor, she leans her head back against the wall, taking a deep breath after throwing up. She was trying to be strong...she really was....but thinking about her son...her husband...all her close friends...all going to prison... there was a chance she could be taken in as well. It was overwhelming, and it only proved to intensify any morning sickness that was hanging on.


*Once the coffee is done Katie grabs a cup for Scott and some for herself. Bringing if back out into the room and seting it down for Scott. Leaning back in one of the chairs and taking a sip. Listing to Scott babble Katie is content even though she still feels a bit tired.

Taking a look at the back of one of the TV's Katie fiddles with a wire, but than stop not wanting to upset Scott at all.

Moving from her char to the ground Katie slids close to Scott intently watching what he is doing.*

"I know alittle of what you are doing but not nearly as much. I'm good, but your the best. Thats why everyone askes you. You have a good talent."

*Katie steals a kiss from Scott quick than draws away leting him get back to work and taking another sip of her coffee.*


Carson smiles and runs his fingers through Misty's hair, not trying to move her after her response. Settling his own head back down, he closes his eyes, drifting back to sleep.

Scott doesn't even hear Katie come into the mess hall and when she talks to him, he jumps. He looks up at her with bloodshot eyes, though her suggestion of coffee brings a grin to his face. "Right about now coffee sounds marvelous. Not to mention your company - you can keep me awake."

Turning back to his work, he continues to ramble. "I'm telling you, I should have brought more equipment with me. I figure at least half this stuff would be straight here, but Pete and Con did a doozy of a job on some of this and now it's a mess. 'Course it's always me that winds up fixing things. If they'd just let me set it up in the first place, it wouldn't be so bad. But no...they have to try it themselves first."

He sets his glasses back up on is head as he sticks is face down closer to the back of the television set and squints. "So not only did I have to figure out what on earth had to be fixed first, I've got to then set this thing up so everyone here can see that court hearing later today. I don't have enough time to make it two-way, but at least they'll see what's going on....did I answer your question? I don't think I did. No, I haven't been to bed." A silly grin emerges. "Now you get to witness me in the wee hours of the morning as I pull an all-nighter. Just don't say anything funny or you'll never get me to stop laughing, and this mess will still be here when everyone comes in for breakfast in a couple hours. That would be bad and Austin would kill me. Did I ever tell you about the time that he 'bout had my hide after I rigged up his computer back at TJY? Man, that was funny. Now Susanne on the other hand, I'd bee too scared to do something like that to her..."

Scott's rambling continues, an obvious sign that he's got very little left that his body is running on, and he's relying on his own talking to keep himself awake.


*Misty's eyes flutter open intaking Carson question. She was comfortable where she was. Wraped in the coutch and Carson's arms.*


*Misty leans her head back down on Carson closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep.*

*Waking with a quick jolt to the sound of music Katie trys to catch her barrings. The coles in the fire a light shades red now and smoldering out. Katie just stuck around in her own throught long after everyone was gone, watching the fire and thinking. SHe must have dozed off.

Looking twords the mess hall Katie see the light on and hears the music again. Standing Katie slowly makes her way over and slowly opend the door. Peeking inside she see Scott at work.*

"Have you been to bed at all yet Scott?"

*Looking at his tired face Katie gets her answer.*

"Let me put some coffee on for us and let me help you."

*Katie heads into the kitchen to start some coffee before rejoining Scott.*

All night

Hearing his daughter's voice, Jay lights up despite the late hour. Though the conversation is short, it's cherished, and he promises to be in touch soon.

Eyes are heavy, and despite the longing to stay up and continue enjoying each other's company, sleep will have no other way. Tiredness takes over whether they want it to or not.

As the gang begins to disperse, sweet goodnights are exchanged with hugs and kisses. No one wants to think about tomorrow, but it's still heavy on all their minds.

Most of the people gone, it leaves only a few left around the fire. Jason finally stands up, ready to follow Clint to one of the bunks, opting to stay the night here. Cindy had already promised she would return in the morning to say goodbye.
Stretching, Jason ambles over to where Scott and Katie were still sitting. "Goodnight, guys."

Scott looks up at him warily for a moment, but gives in. "Night, Jason. You flying back with us in the morning."

Jason nods. "If there's room."


"Alright." Jason looks at Katie for a moment, giving her a nod and he manages a smile for her. "Night, Katie."

As Jason leaves, Scott squeezes Katie's hand. "I think it's time we all got some rest, don't you?" Slowly, he manages to stand up, trying to hide how stiff he was. Drawing Katie close, he gives her a gentle kiss, his hand brushing back her hair. "See you in the morning." Sighing, he slowly leaves the fire site, ambling across the yard toward the path that led to the cabins.

Eventually, all is quiet. No noise exists except for the chirp of the crickets, the rustling of the wind, and an occasional nicker from a horse in the barn. It was peaceful. It was a blessing of rest before the storm.

Wyatt opens one eye groggily, the tv still on in the living room. Aerith was beside him, using his shoulder as a pillow, and his dad was sound asleep in the easy chair. It was late. After a fun supper of fish and french fries, they'd watched a couple movies, but their adventure earlier in the day had tuckered them out, and they'd eventually drifted to sleep.

To comfortable to move or to care about going to bed, Wyatt shifts his weight a little bit to stretch his feet to the coffee table, and settles back in, resting his hand over Aerith's shoulders.

"Hey..." Carson brushes Misty's cheek gently as she lies next to him on the couch. The quiet television had put them both to sleep after a quiet day of walking and just being together. Plenty things could have been done, plenty of places could have been seen, but neither had felt like doing much, and Carson had been careful not to let Misty over do it. Now it was after midnight. "Misty," he whispers. "You want me to take you home now?"

Three-forty-five a.m.. Classical music fills the mess hall, several lights illuminating the room. They hadn’t been shut off once, and the music had been playing for hours.

A two-liter bottle of mountain dew sits on one of the tables, almost empty, along with a small package of beef jerky that’s half gone.

Scott sits cross-legged behind a stand with a television and computer, working with wires, and bobbing his head to the upbeat sound of the orchestra. Standing, he patters in his bare feet over to his bag and unravels some new cords. He takes another swig of pop and grabs a bite of jerky to chew before returning to his work. Cringing just a bit, he eases back down to the unforgiving floor. Furrowing his brow at what he was working with, his glasses slide from his forehead back down to his nose.

Sugar, caffeine and adrenaline were all that were keeping him going at this point, and he was about ready to make a pot of coffee on top of what he’d already had to keep himself awake. After a hard physical day like the day before, and then staying up all night to get this work done, it was doing a number on him, but he had to get it done. In just a few hours, the TJY group would be going back to Nevada, and he needed to finish this job. The sun hadn’t even dared to rise yet, but Scott worked alone, concentrating in the solitary quietness.

The Call

*Wes wraps her arm around his wife alittle bit tighter. His emotions showing as he kiss her forhead.

Jamie cant help but laugh at the display Con and Jeff put on together. Laughter rings out*

"Con your gonna kill the poor guy."

*Laughing more as they continue Jamie just shakes her head.

Siting down next to Scott Katie gives alittle smile.*

"Sorry I dident stick around for dinner, I just...I dont know. Sorry."

*Katie leans into Scott as Jason sings the words hiting her heart, and everyone around her. As Jason stops singing Katie sits up and gives a small clap. The words were meaning ful. Katie eyes light up for a moment as she remembers she wanted to do something earlyer but forgot. Leaning over to Scott Katie lets him know she will be right back. Katie makes her away from the bonfire disapreaing into the dark. Once out of earshot of the others Katie pulls out her number and waits.*

"HI Dad! I know its late sorry. I just wanted to call and tell you I loved you and sorry I havent called sooner...there is just a court hearing tomarrow and I just wanted to make sure you new. ok Dad. I'll talk to you again soon."

*Katie makes her way back to the group siting down next t Scott again and listing to the rest of bullfrog.*

The Night drages on as everyone had a blast. BJ lay asleep in Rosetta's lap and Maggie was almost asleep on Nate. Soon the fire starts to go out.

Leaning over Rosetta gives Mick a kiss telling him goodnight as she gently lifts BJ and heads inside.

Wes and Cindy decied to call it a night as well, Nate and Maggie following along again after saying good night to Laura.

The rest of the gang slowly starts to disperse as well going there own sepret ways for the night. Know tomarrow had to come sooner or later.*

More songs, more feelings

Jason hates it that Katie takes the blame, but he's too tired to argue. He's just tired of fighting altogether. Where once anger had burned so bright, now was just a dull ache that resisted the conflicts around him.

Lifting an eyebrow, he takes another bite of his apple and studies the exposed core for a moment or two. He really didn't want to go to the bonfire. But if he didn't, Katie would just feel worse, and she probably wouldn't let him get away with not going anyway. He wasn't sure how all this figured into the fact that Scott was out there, but along with being tired of fighting, he was tired of trying so hard to figure things out. It was slowly turning into apathy.

"Yeah, I'm coming." He spins the apple around to start in on the other side, finally ending up with just the core. Twirling it by the stem, he stands up and stretches tall. Gesturing to the back door, he nods. "Ladies first."

As the song is sung around the fire, eyes wander to the distance, or to the ones they love, ears listening...hearts receiving. The words were so true...they struck each and everyone here.
Tears come to Cindy's eyes and she moves in close to Wes as if afraid she will lose him if she lets him walk away too far from her.
Mick looks up to Rosetta as she sings, and he locks eyes with her for a moment, returning the same emotions. The same thoughts. Though he hadn't spoken too much of tomorrow, he was worried, and struggling to hand it over to God like everyone else was struggling as well.
Luke gives Angel's hand a squeeze, turning to kiss her head lightly as she rests against him. Soon....soon it would be over...it had to be.

As the melody slowly fades away, it's so quiet....but gradually the gaiety returns, providing the upswing of moods once again. It's a night to have fun and a night to reflect. Like a rollercoaster, the atmosphere would rise and dive as the emotions flowed.

A short break in singing provides ample opportunity to get up and move around if anyone wanted, the chatter and banter continuing. Several people get up to get treats of cookies and lemonade, chatter starting up again. Jeff grabs two cookies and stuffs half a one in his mouth. As he turns back to the fire, he sees that Con has left Jamie for a moment to sit on the log by herself, and he grins mischievously. Stealing Con's place, he elbows Jamie. "Hey, good lookin'. You better teach your man not to leave you out in the open like this. Guys like me are liable to come pick on you."

"Oh, really?"

Jeff looks up, suddenly realizing that Con had been right behind him. He gives the taller man a cheesy grin. "That's right."

"Well you better teach yourself not to pick on good lookin' girls like this. Guys like me are liable to take offense."

"Aw, now, you wouldn't take offense at me, would you? Con, ol' buddy, ol pal?"

Con crosses his arms in mock defiance, and steps forward. Turning around, he doesn't give Jeff a chance to move before sitting down right on top of him.

"Oh, help!" Jeff cries, slapping Con's shoulder.

Con doesn't move, but acts as though everything is normal. He glances to his side at Jamie. "Did you hear something."

"You weigh a ton, you big tank!"

Con taps his good ear. "I could have sworn I heard some guy calling for help."

Jeff's squirming finally results in him losing is balance off the back of the log. It's enough movement for Con to lose his balance as well, and before they can stop it, both have rolled off backward in a heap.

"Aw man!" Jeff groans as Con lands on top of him. "I give, I give!"

Con lies still, sprawled across Jeff and knowing that he was squishing the poor guy. "What? I haven't even started yet!"

"I don't care! I can't even breathe!"

"Oh...why didn't you say so?" Con crawls back up over the log, ignoring Jeff who's struggling to stand, and gets his seat back next to Jamie.

Jeff finally stands up and staggers just a little bit, stepping back over the log to figure out where he'd been sitting earlier. Con nonchalantly sticks out his foot right in his path. Not seeing it, Jeff's brought down again, landing in the dirt.

Con's eyes widen. "You okay there, Jeffrey? Need help?"

Jeff rolls over, his eyes narrowing at Con. "No, I don't need any help, thank you very much."

Jason ambles behind Katie to the fire, hearing the chatter and laughing. For a moment he was taken back to when he'd been here before. It felt like a lifetime ago.

Nearing the group, Jason spots Scott over to one side, and he glances to Katie. Giving her a nod and a little smile, he lets her know that he'll stick around, but that he's heading to sit near Clint and Ty. Separating himself from her, Jason makes his way to the other side of the fire.

Scott looks up a smile creasing his lips as he sees Katie. A part of him is glad to see Jason too. Despite their difference, Scott didn't like seeing Jason so down, and was glad that he'd come...he knew that Katie had probably convinced him of such.
Scooting over a little on the ground beside the log, Scott makes a spot for Katie to sit.

"Hey, it's Jason!" Clint waves him over. "Wondered where you were. You've been missing all the fun!"

Jason is barely seated, when Sparky spots him too. "Oooh, now here's a singer for us. How about gracing us with a song, Jason."

Jason raises his eyebrows. He'd expected just to come, sit, and hardly be noticed. "Uh...I don't think so, Sparky."

"Come on. I heard you're the lead singer in a band. You can't tell me you're not qualified." Sparky even holds out his guitar.

Jason really hadn't planned on this. His eyes rove to his mother who gives him a slight nod, then to Katie, then back to Sparky. He could feel the eyes of others on him as well as they awaited his response. Knowing it would be worse off if he refused, he finally accepts. "Alright..." He reaches over to take Sparky's guitar and sits up straighter, plucking at a few strings to get the feel of the instrument. "What do you want?"

"Whatever you want," Sparky prompts. "We've run the scale tonight, so it's all yours."

Jason rolls his eyes. That was a lot of help. The chatter continues around him, and he's glad he's not quite the center of attention. It felt weird singing apart from JetStream. Looking around the others at the fire though, new words begin to drift into his mind, a tune following. Despite his own depression, he knew how the others were feeling, and could slip into this role if he really wanted to.

Finally he starts to strum the guitar strings, finding a new melody, eventually starting to sing.

Heavy hearts,
Burdened minds.
We sit in silence,
By family and friends.
What’s better than…
Family and friends.

The future doesn’t look so bright,
Unknowns haunt our dreams.
We hold each other’s hands tonight,
Just waiting out the time.

Jason's voice has grown stronger since he was here last, and as he sings, it draws people's attention, captivating them. The sweet notes are sang so naturally and so smoothly, one would think he'd practiced this song for hours ahead of time.

Heavy hearts,
Burdened minds.
We sit in silence,
By family and friends.
What’s better than…
Family and friends.

We gather all together now,
Time pressing on our hearts.
The distance can be all but shown,
Not knowing, we hold our breath.

Jason's eyes are closed as he continues to sing and play, not seeing that the others are looking at him, entranced by the song. Cindy watches her son with pride. He'd never let her watch him sing before, and this was more than a treat for her.

Heavy hearts,
Burdened minds.
We sit in silence,
By family and friends.
What’s better than…
Family and friends.

Mmm…family and friends…
Yeah hearts are lifted…
Family and friends…
Family and friends.

As it dies away, the notes drift into the night, lifted up high like the smoke rising from the fire, dispersing to scatter beyond reach.

Opening his eyes, Jason realizes that everyone has grown quiet, and color comes to his face. For a moment, he'd been lost in another world, alone with his thoughts. He'd taken on the role of performer once again, even without a stage.

Before anyone can respond though, he clears his throat, wanting to get the chatter and laughter back. "Alright, Clint, you're helping me out with this next one," he instructs.

Clint's eyes widen. "I can't sing!"

"It's just one word," Jason insists. He starts to play an upbeat tune, starting to grin a little as he remains in performance mode. A few chords later he starts up singing Bullfrog, and by the time it's done, everybody is smiling and laughing again.


*Katie looks sternly at Jason. A certin annoyance in her tone.*

"Jason you can stop saying sorry anyday now, after heading you say it for almost 2 years it gets kind of tiring. And no you dont make things harder on me. I make things harder on me, by locking my own feelings away."

*Katie gives her head a shakes again."

"No its not you at all. Its me."

*Leaning back in the chair Katie crosses her arms and looks at Jason.*

"I know people are waiting for me. They can just wait. I've spend time with them all day. I'd like to spend alittle with my friend. So...I ask you AGAIN. Are you coming to the Bonfire?"

*Wes courners of his mouth upturn in a grin as he sits listing to the soft music. Suddanly words start to enter his mind. Glancing around at the people He finally speaks.*

"OK I have a song to sing. But you have to all promise not to laugh at my horrable voice. I'm going to dedacate this song to everyone at the ranch, and TJY. Even thoughs who dident come."

*Leaning over to Wendy Wes whispers something to her and she nods. Starting to strum a soft yet upbeat tone. Wes stands and for a moment closes his eyes. Leting his memories at the ranch flow as he sings.*

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

*Wes remembers the day he ment Cindy. On that day he new his life would change forever. God had a reason for him being here, for loving Rosetta at one time to stay. If he hadent this life he was starting with Cindy would never had happend. Wes sit back down puting his arm around Cindy.

As if it was planed Rosetta stands as the music plays on. Her own voice starting to have a nice melody to it.*

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

*Rosetta memories come back to her. So many times Mick had left, or been kiddnaped, even gone on missions and dident come back with the rest. Never knowing when she would see him again. But God new what he was doing and in time Mick always did come back. Rosetta never gave up hope, or gave in trusting in God knowing this was in his plane. Again Mick would be leaving tomarrow and the question was lingering in the air. Would he be back? God new that answer to that question. And all Rosetta could do was have faith. Rosetta sits her eyes drifting to Mick filled with emotions.

Angel stays siting put looks around the bonfire. Her voice soft as Wendy continues to play.*

Now we're back to the beginning
With the new generation
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
To say good bye…

*Angel eyes linger on Scott, than Wendy, Clint, Ty, and Rosalynn. Her mind even drifts to the two that wernt here Jason and Katie. Angel scan some of the other as well, the next generation. They had been pulled into this curse of a mess no matter who they tryed not to let it happen. They were. The heart ack, the pain. Angel could only hope tomarrow would go well and TJY could be in the open. Than the search to take down the Agency would continue so finally there could be peace. Angel slips her hand into Lukes and leans her head on his shoulder.

A certin quietness settled over to bonfire. Even Wendy stoped playing for a moment. Just to reflect on the words that were said. Till finally the music started again, the laughter, storys and chatter.*

*Aerith returns Wyatts kiss and smiles at she stand and streaches. Her shoulders feeling alittle better. *

"Mmmm....food sounds good. And if I can help at all I'd like to."

*Aerith slowly follows Wyatt into the kitchen awaiting instructions.*


Jason's head is turned but he doesn't have to look up to know that Katie is approaching. He was never surprised anymore, though always felt a certain amount of guilt for knowing that Katie felt what he was going through.

He lifts his head as she sits down across from him, and eyes the apple wearily, traces of a smile somewhere on his lips. "Sorry, Katie...I just always make things harder for you, don't I?"

Slowly he takes the apple, turning it absentmindedly in his hand for several moments before obediently taking a bite.

Sighing, he shrugs, not answering her question. "People will be missing you if you don't show up out there," he comments. "Scott headed out with everyone else, I'm sure he's waiting for you."

Con laughs and holds Jamie tight, spinning her around once as she jumps on him. Not letting her slide to the ground, instead, he lifts her up higher, slinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "I think we'll find room," he muses with humor. "I'll just threaten to sit on somebody if they don't move."

Luke puts an arm around Angel, grateful for her help and quiet respect of not making a big deal out of the fact that getting out here tonight was difficult for him. He just wants to enjoy this night with the one he loves...a prayer ever on his mind that it won't be the last.

Laura leans into Nate as he puts an arm around her, resting her head against his chest and closing her eyes, just enjoying the warmth of the fire and the sweet sounds of the soft guitars.

The scene is so quiet...so peaceful...

Scott sits back away from the others alone, just watching and not interacting much. A few conversations start to roll around parts of the group, and gradually some laughter starts up, bringing spirits higher. Scott sighs a little and stares into the fire, thinking about Katie...hoping she's okay...wishing she would come.

"So are we gonna have some singing or what?" Sparky stops his soft strumming and tries to find some good chords. "We can't have a bonfire without singing."

"Don't forget we got treats over here too!" Becky exclaims. "We're not letting all this stuff go to waste!

Wyatt grins as he continues to rub Aerith's shoulders. "Well, I don't think it would take too much convincing to get me to do it again."

Leaning down, he plants a soft kiss on her lips. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. If you want to come see the Reese chefs at work, come in the kitchen with me. But promise no laughing."

It starts

*Katie trys to muster up the best smile she can. She did feel alittle better after talking to Con. He always seemed to know the right things to say at the right time.*

"Thanks Big Brother."

*After watching Con walk away Katie turns back around leaning aganst the fence post once again. Just leting her mind run wild. Finally reverting to the growing feeling of Jason's emotions. His fear, pain, anxioty, his akwardness. The feelings he had filling her. Than resting on the growing feeling in her that Jason hadent eaten much all day and his bloodsugar was geting low.

Pushing herself off the fence Katie takes the long way around not to be noticed yet slipping into the messhall. Grabing an apple from the bowl on the table Katie goes over to Jason and sits down across from him slidding the apple twords him.*

"You really should learn to eat more before I make Rick keep you in the infermary when we get back."

*Katie trys to smile alittle. Katie's own emotions refelt in her eyes. Trying to convay to Jason she wasent upset with him. She was just confused herself. Trying to bring things back to a lighter note.*

"I'm glad you came Jason. Are you going to join everyone for the bonfire?"

*The bonfire crackles and burns as people start to gather. People helping Rosetta but throwing a few logs on. The night is a bit chilly but by the fire provides warmth for the others. As the fireflys dart around in the dark beyond the fire.

Rosetta looks around and finding Mick she sits down next to him, and BJ on his other side. Both wraped up in his arms, as the fire burns.

Jamie bounds out of the mess hall as Con starts to walk up. Giving a running start Jamie draws closer to Con and jumps into his arms wraping her legs around his wast and planting a big kiss on his lips before drawing away.*

"We had better get some good seats. It looks like it filling up fast over there."

*Wendy finishes up in the bunk house throwing her sweatshirt and making her way out of the bunk house. Her own guitar in hand. A smile on her face Wendy heads to find a seat on a log and wait for Clint softly join in with Sparky on strumming away.

Angel helps get Luke to the campfire just being a shoulder for him to lean on. Placing a pillow on the ground for him Angel sits down next to him.

Nate directs Maggie twords the bonfire, leting her know she can sit anywhere she likes. Looking around at all the faces she nods at Laura.*

"There, with Laura."

*Nate smiles down at his sister as they slowly go around the campfire and sit down with her. Nate draps his arm around Laura's shoulder.*

For the moment everyone was quiet. There memories in there own mind. Tomarrow lingering. Some dident want this day to end. They hoped tomarrow would never get here. But like the sand in an hour glass it slips by and today could be all they had left. They better enjoy the time while they could.

*Aerith leans her head down as Wyatt rubs her shoulders. The cooling sensation on top of the shoulder rub felt good. A smile cross her face.*

"If you dont stop your going to put me to sleep. For a guy you sure do have a gentil touch. Good quility. I'll have to get you to give me one more offten."

*Aeirth looks at Wyatt the thank you lingering in her eyes as they dance with joy.*

So much joy, so much pain

Cindy is hesitant to go to Jason after his reactions earlier in the day, but her husband’s reassurance gives her the extra shove she needs. Nodding, she rises from her seat, excusing herself from the others around her.

From a distant perspective, a mother rises and goes to her son. As she sits down beside him, words are exchanged that no one can hear. Perhaps they are words meant to gently chide. Or perhaps they are simple words of encouragement. Even still, perhaps they are words that simply offer a listening ear.

But as a son’s head falls to his mother’s shoulder and a mother’s arm wraps around her son, brokenness can be felt. Brokenness of the heart. Brokenness of the soul. That which has strength of no other, powerful enough to bring a man to his knees in surrender, grasping for hope, even if it is within his own mother’s embrace…an embrace that can heal like no other.

Con listens to Katie quietly, finally leaning on the fence next to her to look out across the darkening pasture. When she is done, he simply lets silence rule for a long while. “We’re all feeling it, Kat,” he finally responds quietly. “Some of us are just better at hiding it than others.’”

He shakes his head a little. “It’s not ridiculous…you’re human, whether you like it or not.” A slight chuckle surfaces. “Whether the rest of us realize it or not too. You’re so strong that sometimes we forget you’re human just like us, and we take that strength for granted.”

Reaching over, he gives Katie’s shoulder a squeeze. “It’ll be okay, Kat…no matter what…it will be okay. God’s not going to up and abandon us. He’s got a plan here, whether we can see it or not. We’re all confused…we’re all hurting. But we just have to hold our chins up and march forward, praying and hoping for the best.

“You want things to be normal again…but you’re right…they never will be. They never will go back to the way they were…the days of innocence…the days of nothing but carefree fun. But “normal” can be today. You can change your future, Kat. You have control over it – no one else. No matter who fights with you, who fights over you, or who tries to put you down…in the end…it doesn’t matter. Because you’re the one that holds the key, not them.”

Con gestures with his hand back towards the mess hall. “You’ve got a boy in there who has fallen head over heels for you, and let me tell you, he’s a different man when he’s around you. I’ve been working with him for years, and I’ve never seen him like this…and it’s good. It’s been good for him, and I can see it’s been good for you too. Don’t let that suffer because of these circumstances. That’s just what the Agency wants…to break us all apart, confuse us, and weaken us as we split up.”

He shakes his head, cocking it slightly to see Katie’s face. He offers her a small smile. “We feel pain so we can gain strength. We fall down so we can pick ourselves back up. And we risk our very hearts if only to gain an instant of pure joy. Hang onto that joy, Kat. It’s there.”

Movement catches his eye and he sees several people filing out of the mess hall and heading around back. He knew they were going to start the bonfire. “I’m still here if you need me,” he offers.

Turning, he starts away slowly, his hands hooked in his pockets as he aims for the mess hall, Jamie his destination.

People begin to help clear away the supper dishes and chatter picks up once again as excitement builds for the bonfire. Couples automatically stick together and head out to find good spots to sit. Sparky and Mel disappear for several minutes until they’re back again, heading for the bonfire site, Sparky with his guitar in hand.

Though unsure about this evening, Scott eventually follows suit, feeling just a little overwhelmed by everybody, and not knowing who to latch onto for company. He didn’t want to intrude upon anyone, and everyone else seemed to know their places automatically, slipping into their roles as friends or family. Scott wanders to the site and finally finds a log towards the back, and he sinks down slowly, gingerly sitting on the ground, careful not to land too hard.

The mess hall grows quiet. Just a few lights are left on as some of the women scurry in the kitchen preparing snacks. Jason is alone at his table, his mind wandering everywhere it will. He didn’t want to do this now…he didn’t want to hurt Katie any more…but after this evening…it seemed impossible to keep all of his emotions in. There was just so much pain left.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Jason has to let some of it out, lest the hurt become too much for him to bear tonight. Memories flood back to him…memories of being here before…the wrong choices he’d made…the friendships he’d severed. Being here again…the renewed pain of thinking about his past. The awkwardness of being around Wes. The uncertainty of being around his mother again. The fear of being around his group of coworkers who he hadn’t allowed to be his friends lately. No matter the emotion, it all hurt.

Opening his eyes again, Jason finds that he’s resting his head on his arms. He was tired…exhaustion was creeping up on him. He’d had little sleep…he’d had no food. He was just…tired.


*Wes nods to his wife from across the table trying to give her reasureance.*

"Why dont you go sit with him hun! Maybe he needs his mom right now?"

*Wes gives Cindy a smile and squeezes her hand lightly from across the table.*

*As Katie feels Con's hand her gives a jump. Her crying had muffled any sounds of someone coming up behind her. Turning and looking up at Con her eyes streaked with tears. Using her arm to whipe the head away Katie gives a dry laugh.*

"I feel like I am a kid again Con. This is radiculace."

*Katie sighs and sucks in her tears trying to stop herself from crying.*

"I guess my emotions are just running on over drive right now. Being faced with tomarrow I guess just braught alot of things up. Jason, Scott the tention with him. I know its to be exspected its just...I dont know. You tryed to warn me Big brother and I dident listen. and now things are such a mess in that area. I just want them to get along again, and things to be normal even though I know never will be.

And than tomarrow, alot is at stake and so many lifes are at risk. So many people could be torn apart. Life just isent fair. Growing up stincks, and I dont have any idea what I am really feeling. I just....I dont know."

*Katie leans on the fence post again and stairs off into the dark. her mind racing with so many thing.*

*As the time pass and everyone finishs up eating Rosetta stands clearing her thought and looking around the room.*

"As alot of people know, we have a tradition around the ranch. In the summer time we have Bonfires for the guests once a week. We already had one this week for the guests that are here but I'd like to have another one with you all. To shair this treat with you. So if anyone would like you join you can."

*As Rosetta draws silent Wendy speaks up beaming.*

"You wont be disapointed eather. A bonfire here is like, eating gallons of icecream. You cant fine anything better."

*Rosetta smiles at Wendy and speaks again.*

"Again anyone is welcome to come I am going to be heading out now to start it. Join when you are ready we will have more treats out there and lemonaid."

*Pushing her chair away from the table Rosetta takes her and BJ's plates puting them in the sink. Than heading outside Rosetta makes her way to the firepit to start the bonfire. Waiting for other to join her.*

Confused hearts

Greg smiles at Rosetta. “I’m doing pretty well. Better than most my age I’d wager.” He chuckles. “I’ve been ‘retired’ for the last ten years, but I’ve found I’m even busier now…not that I mind. Retirement is for the old and worn out…and I’m far from worn out. I’m glad to be back in this grand adventure, no matter what my nephew might say.”

As Katie leaves the table. Jason couldn’t feel lower. He’d known coming over here had been a mistake.

Scott watches her leave, worried about her…concerned at the abruptness…upset at Jason’s intrusion. But he dares not throw the glare he wants to. Jason may have said it was over, but Scott still knew the law of physics, and Jason was taller and stronger no matter what, and Scott needed to keep his mouth shut to stay out of trouble.

Jason waits a moment, then turns without saying another word to Scott. He aims for an empty corner table, sinking into a chair without getting anything to eat. He should have known better.

Scott looks down at his plate of food and shoves it away, his appetite lost. He wanted to go after Katie, but he held himself back. He knew he was making it none too easy for her…not when Jason was around. Maybe he shouldn’t have come after all. His presence just seemed to be making things worse, even if they had had a great afternoon. Once the dust settled, emotions were still high, and the tension was still there.

Con catches Jamie’s eye after he sees what’s happening, and he gives a little shake to his head, signaling that he didn’t know what had happened, but the tension witnessed wasn’t all that surprising.

Cindy glances up from her food seeing her son enter the mess hall, then a few minute later witnessing Jason trudge to a corner by himself to sit alone away from the others. Pain flickers in her eyes. She’d thought about going home for the evening meal as normal and inviting Jason over, but she’d thought it would be nice tonight to spend time with everyone, and she’d thought Jason would be responding to those around him. Apparently she’d been wrong.

She looks across the table to Wes, looking for reassurance.

The hand that is gently laid on Katie’s shoulder is unmistakable by its size and warmth. Con stands behind her, the concern etched in his face. “Hey, little sister…what’s the matter, hun?”

Wyatt smiles and squeezes some ointment into his hand. Touching Aerith’s shoulders, he’s as gentle as he can be, softly rubbing the soothing ointment onto her burned skin. “Thanks for coming along with us today, Aerith…I really enjoyed myself…and I could tell that Dad did too.”