

*Katie looks sternly at Jason. A certin annoyance in her tone.*

"Jason you can stop saying sorry anyday now, after heading you say it for almost 2 years it gets kind of tiring. And no you dont make things harder on me. I make things harder on me, by locking my own feelings away."

*Katie gives her head a shakes again."

"No its not you at all. Its me."

*Leaning back in the chair Katie crosses her arms and looks at Jason.*

"I know people are waiting for me. They can just wait. I've spend time with them all day. I'd like to spend alittle with my friend. So...I ask you AGAIN. Are you coming to the Bonfire?"

*Wes courners of his mouth upturn in a grin as he sits listing to the soft music. Suddanly words start to enter his mind. Glancing around at the people He finally speaks.*

"OK I have a song to sing. But you have to all promise not to laugh at my horrable voice. I'm going to dedacate this song to everyone at the ranch, and TJY. Even thoughs who dident come."

*Leaning over to Wendy Wes whispers something to her and she nods. Starting to strum a soft yet upbeat tone. Wes stands and for a moment closes his eyes. Leting his memories at the ranch flow as he sings.*

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

*Wes remembers the day he ment Cindy. On that day he new his life would change forever. God had a reason for him being here, for loving Rosetta at one time to stay. If he hadent this life he was starting with Cindy would never had happend. Wes sit back down puting his arm around Cindy.

As if it was planed Rosetta stands as the music plays on. Her own voice starting to have a nice melody to it.*

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

*Rosetta memories come back to her. So many times Mick had left, or been kiddnaped, even gone on missions and dident come back with the rest. Never knowing when she would see him again. But God new what he was doing and in time Mick always did come back. Rosetta never gave up hope, or gave in trusting in God knowing this was in his plane. Again Mick would be leaving tomarrow and the question was lingering in the air. Would he be back? God new that answer to that question. And all Rosetta could do was have faith. Rosetta sits her eyes drifting to Mick filled with emotions.

Angel stays siting put looks around the bonfire. Her voice soft as Wendy continues to play.*

Now we're back to the beginning
With the new generation
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye
To say good bye…

*Angel eyes linger on Scott, than Wendy, Clint, Ty, and Rosalynn. Her mind even drifts to the two that wernt here Jason and Katie. Angel scan some of the other as well, the next generation. They had been pulled into this curse of a mess no matter who they tryed not to let it happen. They were. The heart ack, the pain. Angel could only hope tomarrow would go well and TJY could be in the open. Than the search to take down the Agency would continue so finally there could be peace. Angel slips her hand into Lukes and leans her head on his shoulder.

A certin quietness settled over to bonfire. Even Wendy stoped playing for a moment. Just to reflect on the words that were said. Till finally the music started again, the laughter, storys and chatter.*

*Aerith returns Wyatts kiss and smiles at she stand and streaches. Her shoulders feeling alittle better. *

"Mmmm....food sounds good. And if I can help at all I'd like to."

*Aerith slowly follows Wyatt into the kitchen awaiting instructions.*

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