
What number

*As Katie sits on the floor next to Scott she listen to him intently. His every word, even every breath he took without words. Taking another sip of her coffee Katie thinks for a moment than speaks.*

"Everyone that words at TJY Scott is what holds it together. You, Me, Con, Jason everyone. You just as important as we are. And your differnt at the same time. And I like ya for it. Your amazing just the way you are. Sooo..since your brain see number what number am I?"

*Katie cant help but grin after her question.*

*Wes bolt upright as she hears Cindy in the bathroom. Geting out of bed Wes ambles to the bathroom knocking lightly on the door than entering. Pushing the door open slightly Wes enters his eyes fill with worry as he see his wife on the ground. Going over to her Wes slids to the ground next to her. Wraping his arms around her he pulls Cindy into his lap to hold her closer to him. Leaning his head on her his voice soft and sweet.*

"Its going to be ok Hun. Dont worry yourself to much remember the baby. Everything is in Gods hands and he wont let us down."

*Wes gently rocks Cindy as he holds her close sinking his breathing with hers a gruf but soft hum emerges from his mouth.*

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