

Carson smiles and runs his fingers through Misty's hair, not trying to move her after her response. Settling his own head back down, he closes his eyes, drifting back to sleep.

Scott doesn't even hear Katie come into the mess hall and when she talks to him, he jumps. He looks up at her with bloodshot eyes, though her suggestion of coffee brings a grin to his face. "Right about now coffee sounds marvelous. Not to mention your company - you can keep me awake."

Turning back to his work, he continues to ramble. "I'm telling you, I should have brought more equipment with me. I figure at least half this stuff would be straight here, but Pete and Con did a doozy of a job on some of this and now it's a mess. 'Course it's always me that winds up fixing things. If they'd just let me set it up in the first place, it wouldn't be so bad. But no...they have to try it themselves first."

He sets his glasses back up on is head as he sticks is face down closer to the back of the television set and squints. "So not only did I have to figure out what on earth had to be fixed first, I've got to then set this thing up so everyone here can see that court hearing later today. I don't have enough time to make it two-way, but at least they'll see what's going on....did I answer your question? I don't think I did. No, I haven't been to bed." A silly grin emerges. "Now you get to witness me in the wee hours of the morning as I pull an all-nighter. Just don't say anything funny or you'll never get me to stop laughing, and this mess will still be here when everyone comes in for breakfast in a couple hours. That would be bad and Austin would kill me. Did I ever tell you about the time that he 'bout had my hide after I rigged up his computer back at TJY? Man, that was funny. Now Susanne on the other hand, I'd bee too scared to do something like that to her..."

Scott's rambling continues, an obvious sign that he's got very little left that his body is running on, and he's relying on his own talking to keep himself awake.

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