
Silent walk

*Finally having Scott arive Katie eyes show they are weary but happy to see Scott.*

"And where were you?"

*Katie cant help but laugh and continue normal conversation with Scott. Seeing Jason make his way over her face lits up. Finally he was going to say hi. Katie quickly looks between the two boys. A strange feeling coming over her. Seeing Scott's fear and seeing Jason's hesatence proves to be to much on Katie's own emotions. It was becoming the end of the day and though her afternoon with Scott was good, time was coming to a close and tomarrow was heavy on her mind as a sick feeling was in her stomach. Katie eyes meet Jason's for a moment so much emotion wanted to pour out. Tears threaten to release from Katie's eyes. Standing Kaite pushes back her chair.*

"Excuse me for a moment, I'm sorry."

*Quickly Katie makes her way around the table and heads out of the mess hall ignorning the stairing eyes. Her head hurt and felt like it was going to explode. Crossing the yard Katie just keeps walking leting the cool breeze his her face. Finally geting to the far pasture Katie stop at one of the posts leaning her arms on it and burring her face in them. Leting her tears finally flow free. Katie wasent sure what emotion she was feeling right now they all seemed so messed up. Katie just wished everything could be normal again.*

*BJ looks up at Mick and smiles a toothy grin.*

"Yes, we pwayed dames, and I tickles Con. Than we made baloony samiches. and..."

*Bj continues to babble to Mick about his day and what went on. Rosetta watches the two as they talk her smile growing bigger. Finally leaning over to Greg who wasent to far away Rosetta smiles.*

"Sorry I dident get a chanse to talk before. How are you? Its really good seeing you again."

*Rosetta's attachen is take away from Greg for a moment as Katie leaves. Leting out a sigh Rosetta figures its nothing and goes back to talking.

Jamie watches as Katie leaves and than look at Con a question in her eyes about her friend disapearing.*

*Aerith rides home in silence leting the breeze send her hair flying. The coolness felt good on her hot sun burnt skin.

Arriving back at Wyatt's Aerith helps him put the items away. Than receveing his offer to put the ointment on she smiles and accepts. strattling one of the chairs so Wyatt can reach her back easy Aerith puts her hair up into a short tight pony tail.*

"Gentle now my shoulders are really sore."

Can't be stopped

Scott looks down at Katie, his face growing all the more redder, and he shakes his head, though ironically managing a “Yeah, sure.”

Gingerly dismounting, he opts not to sit, but attempt to walk it off, trying not to make this into a big deal. It was bad enough that he was a city slicker, and then to make a fool out of himself on top of it was just icing on the cake. Not that he wasn’t used to it. He just wished he could have been a little bit less clumsy in front of Katie.

He finally replies to her question. “I’m not gonna make you walk all the way back. Besides, I’d never live it down.” Bending over to rest his palms on his knees for a moment, he takes a deep breath. “Whew…okay…”

Straightening again, he looks at Katie, swallowing the pain. “No, stick with your own horse. I’ve got something to prove at this point, though so far I’m doing a doozy of a job.”

Cringing just as bit, he goes back to Crimson and mounts up again, easing slowly back into the saddle. The sweat the runs down the side of his face isn’t just from the heat anymore, but he grits his teeth together, determined not to make a big deal out of this.

He’s quiet most of the way back to the ranch. He’d gladly spend all his free time with Katie, but right about now, he can’t wait until the ride ends. It was faster than walking though, so he perseveres.

As the two reenter the ranch yard, Jeff is there to greet them. “Hey, you two. I was just about ready to come out looking for ya. How was the ride?” He quirks an eyebrow, seeing the look on Scott’s face. “Crimson throw you again?”

Scott grimaces and pulls Crimson to a stop. “Not exactly.” Rising to swing his leg over the horse’s back, he slowly lets himself down to the ground, taking a moment before even trying to walk. He was so stiff he could barely move. He’d never been this sore in his life.

Jeff takes Crimson’s reins, eyeing Scott skeptically. “Rough ride?”

“You could say that.”

“You don’t look so hot.”

“I don’t feel so hot.”

“What happened?”

Scott cringes and shakes his head. “You don’t want to know. Just imagine a saddle horn and me flying about six inches too high and about six inches too far forward.”

Jeff’s eyes widen. “Whooo boy. No wonder you’re walking like…”

“Jeff.” Scott’s eyes beg him to stop. “I’m fine.”

Jeff takes the hint and stops before teasing begins. “Other than that?”

“The sights were great.” Scott nods. “It was pretty.” Following Jeff and Katie into the barn, he’s not much help unsaddling or rubbing down the horses, but he sticks around anyway, not wanting to just up and leave them to all the work.

When finished though, he’s back with Katie for just a moment before bowing out of any more immediate adventures. “Thanks for the ride, Katie.” Despite the pain he’s in, his thanks is genuine. “I did have a good time.” He nods to the trail that leads back to the cabin. “I’m going to, um…go clean up. So, I’ll catch you in just a little bit, alright?”

The afternoon sun cannot be held back, despite the desire of those at the ranch to keep the day forever. Though arms are locked in hugs, time persists. Though hearts are being shared, the hours still pass. Though reunions are sweet, minutes are robbed like a fleeting mist.

And too soon, the sun is sinking lower in the sky, beginning it’s final farewell on this day, beckoning the coolness of evening…drawing the moon into its own play to watch over the land.

The gang begins to gather in the mess hall from supper. Everyone having found their own places for the afternoon finally come together again as one group, greeting each other warmly as if a week had gone by instead of only hours.

Mick is sure to regain his seat with Rosetta, BJ and Jade. Con automatically sits with Jamie, Laura with Nate and Maggie, and Ty timidly sits with his newfound family, along with Luke, Angel and Wendy all at one long table. Couples find each other as usual, and off to the side, Sparky and Mel sit together as well, though seem just a little bit happier than usual, a mischievous twinkle in Mel’s eyes, and a new light in Sparky’s.

As the food is prepared, the conversations are a bit loud, mixed with laughter and the sound of chairs moving on the tiled floor.

“So anyway, I…” Con glances around, for the first time, realizing that Scott isn’t with Katie at the other table. “Say, where’s Scott run off to?”

Laura shakes her head. “We were looking for him earlier, but he seemed to have disappeared. Pete said he was back at the cabin for just a few minutes once, but he hadn’t seen him since.”


“Oh, you know him…he probably went and found a corner to hibernate in.”

“With Katie around?” Con smirks a little. “I think you underestimate the power she has over him.”

Laura giggles. “Maybe.”

As if on cue, the door opens and Scott finally reappears to those who had wondered at his whereabouts. Looking over the room he finds Katie and makes his way to her, walking a bit slowly…a bit stiffly…and it’s obvious to just those who knew he’d been riding that he was trying very hard not to show how sore he was.

Grabbing a chair across from Katie, he eases down carefully and tosses her a grin. “Sorry I didn’t catch up with you sooner.”

…Jason enters the mess hall somewhat awkwardly, noting that everyone else was already there. The smell of food hits his nostrils making his stomach growl, reminding him that he’d unwisely skipped lunch today. From the looks of things, the evening meal had already started.

Scanning the faces, he sees little room for intrusion. Families were sitting together…friends and fiancés were sitting together. A few guys were by themselves, but even they had congregated at one of the back tables.

Sighing a little, Jason’s eyes land on Katie. Guilt hit him just a little bit, as he remembers he hasn’t even said hi to her. Not that it was required, but knowing Katie, she’d probably noticed him being offish. He hadn’t really meant to…it had just…happened. He felt out of place here…like an outsider.

Spying Scott with Katie, Jason’s shoulders sink lower. Even going to say hi to her seemed difficult now. But there was only one way it was going to get easier, and if he couldn’t do it for himself, he had better do it for Katie so this whole thing quit being so hard on her.

Standing a little taller, Jason weaves in between the tables, nodding to a few other people who greet him, and he comes up on Scott and Katie, approaching from Scott’s side of the table.

Scott is in the middle of a conversation with Katie when he catches sight of Jason coming towards him. Immediately on edge, reflexes cause him to jump, and he starts to rise from his chair, unwanted fear hitting him.

But Jason’s hand goes firmly to his shoulder, pushing back down a little roughly to avoid a scene. “It’s over, Scott.” He speaks sternly but quietly. “Please stop being afraid of me.”

Scott swallows hard and glances to Katie, then back up to Jason. “Easier said than done.”

“I know.” Jason removes his hand, his eyes unwilling to stay still. “But I was wrong.” He looks over to Katie and gives her a little nod. “I’m a little late, but I just wanted to say hi to you guys…I hadn’t had a chance since I got here this morning.” An empty chair sits at their end of the table, but Jason dares not sit. He’s done enough damage without barging in on Katie and Scott’s meal together.

Mick leans back in his chair and grins at BJ who is just getting settled, waiting for the evening meal. “So, did you have fun with Jamie and Con today?”

Wyatt cringes a little at Aerith’s discovery of her own sunburn. “Yeah, I thought it looked like you were getting a bit red. When we get back to my place, I got some stuff that you can put on it that will help with the sting.”

Fishing for just a while longer, Wyatt and Reese are finally satisfied with how many fish they have. Starting to gather up all their tackle and remnants from their noon meal, they realize that the sun is lower in the sky than they’d realized.

Wyatt makes sure that Aerith is with them and they make their short trek back to his jeep, taking the ride home with the top down, letting the wind comb their hair.

Arriving back at Wyatt’s house, Reese is quick to get to the kitchen to start preparing the fish while Wyatt gets their tackle put away. After cleaning up just a bit, he finds Aerith in the living room, and holds out a small bottle of ointment. Cocking his head a little, he holds it out his hand. “May I?”

Walk or Mine

*Katie comes up along side Scott seeing what happend. For a moment she is silent leting Scott try and recover. She could feel his pain for him. Finally Katie speaks her own pain from what happend in her voice.*

"Scott are you ok?"

*Katie dismounts placing a hand on Scott's arm relized how stupid her queston was.*

"Scott, Here...come on get down and sit for a second. "

*Giving Scott some time to recoop Katiefinally stands again.*

"Ok we are almost half way back to the ranch we can eather walk the rest Hun. or you can ride Rocket. Her stride is much softer and could be less painful for you, its up to you at this point."

*Katie here eyes still full of worry for Scott.*

*Jamie and BJ finish with the sandwhich. As BJ hopes down off the chair and heads to he table puting it back. Jamie turns place and sandwhichs down and looks up to see Greg. Giving a friendly smile she walks up along side Con.*

"Hi. I'm Jamie. We were just siting down for something to eat. Would you like anything?"

*Aerith opens her eyes as Wyatt speaks to her. She was comfortable and was lost in though on the rock. Siting up she smiles at Wyatt.*

"As long as I am still invited I'd love to. I'm not really in a hurry to go home."

*Scratching her shoulder a bit of pain shoots trhough it. Looking down she can see her shoulders are beat red. Leting out a sigh she winces in pain.*

"I forgot to put suntan lotion on great. I look like a lobster and feel on fire."


Scott cocks his head as Katie talks, digesting her reasoning for staying in Nevada, and her connection to this place. He doesn’t say a whole lot, but gives a start as she mentions heading back down. He’d been so comfortable that he’d lost all track of time.

“No, I don’t think heat stroke would be a very good ending for this trip. Though knowing me, it wouldn’t be something I couldn’t pull off.” He rolls his eyes, helping Katie clean up and head back.

Keeping a grasp on her hand, he follows along with her until they reach the cave. Pausing behind the waterfall again, he gives a little shrug. “Me? Leave Nevada? What would a homebody like me want someplace else?”

The corner of his mouth upturns. “Nah, guys like me set ourselves down in a cozy corner and stay there, lest we venture out too far and make more of a fool out of ourselves than we already have by our quirks and habits of hibernating behind computers.”

Scott gives Katie’s chin a light tweak before tightening his grip on her hand and stepping further into the cave, signaling the end of the conversation.

Finally getting back to the horses, Scott has to take a few minutes to figure everything out again and make sure he’d tightened the girth properly before mounting up again.

Crimson is a bit anxious to get back to the ranch and Scott has just a bit of trouble holding him back, especially with as sore as he already was. But making their way back down the mountain seemed not to take as long as it had coming up, and the sights were just as pretty.

As they reach gentler slopes, nearing the wider path, a rabbit darts across the path. Crimson, already hot and tired of moseying back to the barn, takes the opportunity to shy. Jumping to the side, he gives a little buck and tries to break out.

Scott feels the quick movement and immediately draws his reins back to keep the horse from bolting. But not having an experienced seat, his body is propelled straight up out of the saddle. With Crimson held back, Scott doesn’t fall off the side or the back, but comes back down hard too far forward, hitting the saddle horn before sliding back into the seat, both feet out of his stirrups.

Though Crimson can tell he’s not going to be allowed to bolt and simply keeps walking, Scott doubles over in pain, hunching over the front of the saddle, his eyes starting to water.

He sees Katie and Rocket beside him, but can’t find his voice just yet to even tell her he’s fine, and just lets Crimson keep on walking. Letting out his held breath and cringing, his face reddens with more embarrassment than anything. If Katie hadn’t seen where he landed, he wasn’t about to admit it.

Con just stands in the kitchen doorway for several minutes, watching Jamie interact with BJ, and enjoying the sweet picture.

“You have got to be Conrad.”

Con turns around, hearing someone speaking. “Pardon?”

Greg smiles. “Conrad?”

“That would be me.” Con approaches with an outstretched hand. “And you are…?”

“Greg Timble.”

Time passes slowly through the afternoon, and after resting for a while on the rock, Wyatt finally rises to join his father in fishing once again.

As the sun makes its way across the sky, he glances over to Aerith. “You are coming over to help us eat this fish for supper tonight, aren’t you?”

This moment

*Laying down on Wyatt's arm for a pillow Aerith closes her own eyes. Many pictures fill her mind and flash before her eyes. Good memories, happy memories. Wyatt had given her more than just his devotion, but on this day Wyatt also help Aerith keep the memorie of her father alive and well.

Listing to Wyatt's words, and the noises around her Aerith keeps her eyes closed as she whispers.*

"Its God's song to us."

*Than grows silent again just listing, soaking in the sun, the sounds and Wyatt's presence. This was bliss and happyness. Something Aerith hadent felt in so long.*

*Bj stands with Jamie taking Con and her hands leaning them.*

"I want to hwelp too please."

*BJ smiles as they head into the kitchen opening the fridge he russles around for a minute before pulling out some balonie, mustard, and mayo. Struggling BJ trys to put the stuff on the counter but isent quiet tall enough to reach.

Seeing BJ struggle Jamie goes over to him and takes the stuff helping him push it on the counter and than grabs some bread.

BJ quickly waddles away from the counter and grabs a chair pushing it to the counter next to Jamie ready to help her.

Jamie smiles at BJ as she takes a dull knife from the draw. Opening the Mayo Jamie repositions herself so she is behind BJ. Gently taking his hand in her Jamie helps guild them as he takes out some bread. Showing him how to hold a knife Jamie opens the mayo before playing her hands back on BJ the knif in hand. Helping him dip it into the mayo and than spread it on the bread.

Smiling BJ turns to Con.*

"Tome on you need to hwelp too. You tan put the balloon...."

*BJ thinks for a moment knowing that, that dident sound right.*

"Bologa...bollne...dologna...ya dats it dologna. You tan put the dologna on the bed...bread."

*Jamie cant help but laugh at BJ and his words as he talks. Looking over at Con Jamie smiles. She loved kids. Knowing if things were to keep going fearther with Con they wouldent be able to have any dident bother Jamie much. She loved Con for all that he was. She dident want anything more. She would be happy and satisfied just having him. And God had a plane. They dident know what it was yet, but he had a reson and new the desigers of the heart. God new what he was going and it was in his hands.*

*Wendy's cheeks turn red as Jim makes his pressence known and Clint helps her stand up. Once Jim is gone Wendy throws a playful elbow at Clint.*

"I dident instigat anything. Did you guys see me do anything? I was just retaileating."

*Wendy cant help but laugh as she puts one of her free arm around Clint starting forward slowly.*

"Come on, lets get something to eat before you dad thinks we are kissing again"

*Wendy cant help but grin and try to stuff her laughter away as they continue forward.*

*Katie thinks for a moment before answering Scott. The question he asked had enterd her mind before and she neevr really gave herself an answer. Looking back at Scott Katie slowly speaks.*

"I have though about it. I miss it here and its home. My life before the ranch wasent the best and I blocked alot of it out. Most of the memories I have are of here at this ranch. And I have though of coming back. But I than also remember I have gained so much more, and so many more memories in Nevada. I've made a new life and alot of new friends. I like my job there at TJY too. So I dont think I am ready to leave that all behind yet. So maybe someday I will end up back here, but for now I think my place is alse where."

*Katie smiles at Scott satisfied with her answer. She did love it here, but for right now it wasent home.

Alittle more time pass. Once Katie and Scott are done eating Katie packs everything up making sure not to leave any garbage behind on the moutain. Standing and going over to the edge of the moutain again Katie looks over than ranch again taking the sight in. Locking it in her memorie. She dident know when she would be back again So she wanted to capture a good picture in her mind to come back and viset when she wanted.

Glanding up in the sky Katie takes note to where the sun is. Feeling the heat pounding down on her and Scott. Taking his hand Katie smiles.*

"We'd better get back. We dont want to stay to long out in the sun or we will get sun stroke and I dont think thats how we want to spend the rest of the day."

*Still holding Scott hand Katie walks with him back through the cave stoping at the water fall again for a bref moment. Then turns to Scott.*

"What about you? Did you ever with you were some place differnt from Nevava?"

*Katie's own eyes now hold question, wondering, a curosity to why Scott had asked her.*


Scott grins and joins Katie on the ground, grabbing a sandwich for himself, but only after taking a long drink. He's quiet for a long while, just thinking...letting the nature surround them. "This is nice out here, Katie... Growing up in the city I never got out too much to enjoy the country, then when I had the chance, I usually had my nose stuck in a book instead."

He chews his food and looks around. "Ever think about moving back here?" He doesn't meet Katie's eyes, question lingering there, but his motives for asking went unrevealed.

Clint starts to lose his balance and fall, but he's jerked back forward as Wendy catches him and brings him closer. Catching himself with his hands on the lawn, he's brought down to her level as she presses her lips to his, hovering over her. Caught off guard, but being drawn away from what's going on around him, Clint returns the kiss, allowing it to continue despite the watching eyes.

"Aw man!" Roaslynn sits up and turns around. "Ty, cover your eyes. They're at it again!"

Instead of turning, Ty gets an amused grin on his face and crosses his arms, watching his brother instead, cocking his head. "I will say I have an uninhibited brother...that much is obvious."

Hearing Ty, Clint finally has to let a smile break, which forces the kiss to end. Looking down into Wendy's eyes, he plants another quick kiss on her forehead. "I suppose now would be a good time to get up off the ground."

"I should say so."

Clint's eyes widen and he turns his head to squint up into the son, catching sight of his father's profile. "Ooh, bother."

Jim's arms are crossed and he quirks an eyebrow at his son. "I can't tell who's bothering who, but it doesn't appear that either of you mind too much. However I do recommend getting out of the grass before the chiggers get you."

"I don't think they care." Rosalynn rolls her eyes.

Clint clears his throat and rocks back on his heels to stand, giving Wendy a hand up as well. "I, um...it..."

Jim shakes his head, a small grin toying with his mouth. "Quit trying to think up excuses. You think I've never been there?" Finally letting his grin show, he turns to leave the siblings and Wendy alone. "Your mother and I will be in the mess hall."

"You do know how to make a spectacle of yourself, don't you?" Ty asks.

Clint turns to throw him a smirk. "It's my expertise." He turns back to Wendy. "Though this girl sure doesn't help things any, you instigator, you."

"As if you minded," Rosalynn teases.

Jason watches the antics from a safe distance away, going unnoticed. He'd passed by other people on his walk around the property. Everyone seemed so happy, despite tomorrow's unknowns. Everybody had somebody they were enjoying their time with. Everyone had someone to put an arm around them. Everyone had someone to smile with. Everyone had a purpose...though some didn't live here, all had found their place on this day. ...Why couldn't he?

Con is startled for just a moment at BJ's comment, but he recovers quickly, giving him and Jamie a bear hug. "Mmm...and I love you both too. How about we try to rustle up some grub around here?"

Laura laughs as Nate joins them in the grass, and she takes a deep breath of the clean air, closing her eyes and listening to the rustling grass. Her hand slowly moves over towards Nate's her fingers gently running across his own for a moment before she finally slips her hand into his to hold it. She'd thought she could never have a more wonderful moment than she'd experienced before...but this....this was pure bliss.

Mick's eyes widen as Rosetta pushes him back against the wall, and he stares at her a moment before she leans in for the second kiss. He's hesitant at first, simply because of where they are, but after a moment of tasting the sweet moment, he gives in, not caring about anything else. Wrapping his arms around Rosetta, he draws her even closer, their motions sending his hat falling off his head unnoticed.

Wyatt grins and lies flat on his back, closing his eyes against the sun. Reaching up, he pulls Aerith down all the way, giving his outstretched arm as a pillow. "Shhh....do you hear that?" he whispers. The water in the river bubbled gently past. Birds sang up high in the trees. A frog chirped from somewhere nearby. A breeze rustled the grass around the shore.

Heat Wave

*Katie lifts her head to the soft breeze it felt good on her hot skin. Giving a laugh Katie relizes that her own stomach was begging for food as well. Breaking away from Scott Katie goes to her bag that was layng on the ground. Pulling out two water bottle that at one time had solid ice in them now melted to water with a bit of ice still in it to keep it cold. Tossing one to Scott Katie nods.*

"Its a great way to have really really cold ice water and it keeps the food cold too."

*Opening the bottle and taking a large gulp of the water Katie than returns the cap and goes back to the bag. Pulling out a few sandwitches, some watermellon and some chips Katie stands and walks over to a nice clean flat patch. Siting down Katie gentures for Scott to join her.*

"Better eat up before I do. I dident relize how hungry I was. This workout sure did work up an apatite. It was worth it though."

*Katie winks as she takes a bit of her sandwhich.*

*Wendy trys to run fast as the boys take chase to her. Laughter and screams ringing through out the yard. Wendy cant help but laugh as she is pinned to the ground.*

"I'm laughing still cuz I got the immage of you slipping on the ice last winter helping Wes with the tree in my head all over again. Why I dont know but I did."

*Squirming Wendy breaks from Clint and gives him alittle push backwards but before he can fall backwards Wendy turns and grabs him by the shirt pulling him close to her, and before thinking in the heat of the moment Wendy's lips meet Clints as they linger, shairing a passanit moment.*

*As Jamie and BJ are wraped in Con's arms Jamie looks up at Austin.*

"I think I got this tank figured about. Crazy or not, I think I know how to handle him."

*Jamie streches her neck up and gives Con a quick kiss on the lips as BJ watches intently. As soon as Jame has returned to leaning aganst Con, BJ straghtens up streaching his little neck as far as it will go. Giving Con a soft kiss on the cheek he smiles.*

"I wove you too Con!"

*Maggie flops back with Laura and looks up at the sky laughing. Enjoying her time looking at the clouds. Giggling and point to them along with Laura.

Nate smiles as he watches pushing off the tree he walks over to his sister and Laura. Looking down over them for a moment he smiles than flops down next to Laura and looks up at the sky.*

"Oh ya that one does look like me!"

*Rosetta eyes go big for a moment as she stairs at Mick.*

"Huh what?"

*Pushing by him Rosetta peeks around the stall and trys to muffle her giggles. Rosetta had never know let along Sparky to be all out kissing someone before. It kind of made Rosetta feel fuzzy on the inside to see him happy. Steping back again Rosetta shakes her head a bit of color on her own cheeks.

Turning her eye to Mick a grin plays on her lips as she steps closer to Mick*

"I'm feeling kind of left out now."

*Stepping even closer to Mick Rosetta pushes him up agasnt the beam pressing her lips to him. Softly at fist drawing away for a moment biting her lip searching Mick's eyes and than in again. Leting all her emotions and feeling show in the next kiss. Rosetta felt like a kid again right there and now. Kissing Mick like she wanted to so many time in the past as kids, and now she was.*

*Aerith laughs and pants for breath as the hot air hits her once again. walking over to where Wyatt was Aerith sits down leaning back on her arms. Siting next to Wyatt Aerith was satisfied and comfortable as the sun beat down on them proving to be a dryer for there clothing. Looking to Wyatt Aerith eyes twinkle as she kicks his foot playfuly. Than looking back out at the water.*

Crazy tank

Though not surprised by Katie’s affection, her showing it never goes unwanted. Scott returns Katie’s kiss with gentle passion, his arms slowly making their way around her to draw her closer to him. Though his eyes were closed, he could see everything.

A cool breeze suddenly disrupts the heated air, bringing relief to the hidden lookout. Scott finally withdraws from Katie, just to pull her into a tight hug before holding her out at arm’s length.

“As much as I’d love to stand here kissing you all day…” His eyes sparkle with mischief, though they also beg for something else. “If I don’t get something in my stomach, I’m going to waste away to nothing, and then you’ll have to explain to everyone what really happened up here.”

Clint gives a surprisingly high-pitched shriek as Wendy’s fingers touch his ribs. He squirms out of her reach, unable to handle the tickling.

Ty jumps at her movement as well, even more surprised than Clint, and bewildered for just a moment.

“You…you…” Clint fishes for something to call after Wendy. “You mean…person…” His eyes go wide as he realizes just how lame he sounds.

Ty quirks an eyebrow at him. “Dude, you gotta work on those comebacks.”

“Great. You teach me. In the meantime, don’t let her get away with this!” Clint breaks into a sprint, running after Wendy.

Without thinking, Ty goes after him. More wiry than Clint, he passes him by, gaining ground on Wendy. As they cross the yard, Ty takes a flying leap, landing on the ground just close enough behind her to grab her legs and bring her down too.

“Ha!” Clint is quick to catch up, helping Ty pin Wendy to the ground. “Now who’s laughing, hmm??”

“Not fair!” Rosalynn hadn’t been far behind, and now helps fight for her friend by dragging Ty off of her, holding his arms behind his back. Instincts are automatic and Ty takes half a step back, kneels, and rolls forward, sending Rosalynn over his shoulders to do a summersault and land right next to Wendy.

Clint still straddles Wendy’s back and looks up in surprise. “You’ve got to show me how to do that.”

“Oh, no, not tickling!” Con squirms under BJ’s fingers, even though he can’t hardly feel a thing. “I won’t give up! I won’t!” Sitting up sends BJ tumbling into his lap, and he yanks Jamie down too, winding up with both of them locked in his strong arms.”

“So is this what you’ve been doing since I’ve been gone?” Austin cocks his head as he looks at the three of them from the doorway.

Con looks up, not having quite heard everything Austin said. His face turns a slight shade of red, but he doesn’t let either of his captives go. “Well hi there, Austin.”

Austin shakes his head, grinning just a little. “Jamie, just a fair warning – a crazy man is bad enough. A crazy tank is even worse.”

A bit of color enters Laura’s cheeks at some of Maggie’s words. She wondered if on some level Nate loved her…she knew he liked her, but…

Grinning, she watches the butterflies for a few more minutes before suddenly flopping onto her back, completely enveloped by the tall grass. “Ooh, look at the clouds, Maggie!” She points heavenward. “I see a cow….ooh, and a teapot….oooh,” She giggles. “That one looks like your brother when he’s pouting.”

Mick rides slowly back to the barn, Rosetta on her horse beside him. Finally dismounting, he gives Rosetta’s cheek a stroke with the back of his hand. “Thank you,” he says softly. “For just being you.”

Turning, he heads inside with Rosetta behind him to unsaddle the horses.

Heading down the aisle, he turns a corner but stops abruptly, spinning back around and holding out his arm to stop Rosetta as well, guiding her back a ways.

A laugh sticks in his throat and chokes him as he coughs it out, his cheeks gaining some color in them. He leans up against the wall, his eyes wanting to go wide, but he squints them almost shut instead.

“Unless you want to see my brother making out with Mel, don’t turn that corner,” he whispers. Covering his eyes with his hand, his shoulders start to shake, proving the humor he finds in this. Oh how he’d love to barge in on them, but he would feel too awful.

Wyatt grins. He can’t remember the last time he’s had this kind of fun. Hefting Aerith up further on his back, he carefully splashes through the water, finally sloshing up onto the shore where he lets her down. Running a hand through his drenched hair, he lets out a sigh. ‘Well…I didn’t think I would have to bring spare clothes along today.” He chuckles. “At least the water feels good on a hot one like this afternoon.”

He cocks his head to a couple nice big, flat rocks closeby. “I don’t know about you, but after this adventure, I’m ready to take it easy for a while and wait for those terrified fish to come back.”

Making his way over to the rock, he sets himself down, stretching out on his back to let the sun dry him and his clothes. He gestures for Aerith to join him.

Reese watches from his seat by the basket of food, a smile quirking his lips. Memories ran through his mind of a time he’d been in his son’s position. Oh how sweet it had been. He closes his eyes for a moment, reminiscing. Those happy moments had been gone a long time, but he still held them in his heart.