
Heat Wave

*Katie lifts her head to the soft breeze it felt good on her hot skin. Giving a laugh Katie relizes that her own stomach was begging for food as well. Breaking away from Scott Katie goes to her bag that was layng on the ground. Pulling out two water bottle that at one time had solid ice in them now melted to water with a bit of ice still in it to keep it cold. Tossing one to Scott Katie nods.*

"Its a great way to have really really cold ice water and it keeps the food cold too."

*Opening the bottle and taking a large gulp of the water Katie than returns the cap and goes back to the bag. Pulling out a few sandwitches, some watermellon and some chips Katie stands and walks over to a nice clean flat patch. Siting down Katie gentures for Scott to join her.*

"Better eat up before I do. I dident relize how hungry I was. This workout sure did work up an apatite. It was worth it though."

*Katie winks as she takes a bit of her sandwhich.*

*Wendy trys to run fast as the boys take chase to her. Laughter and screams ringing through out the yard. Wendy cant help but laugh as she is pinned to the ground.*

"I'm laughing still cuz I got the immage of you slipping on the ice last winter helping Wes with the tree in my head all over again. Why I dont know but I did."

*Squirming Wendy breaks from Clint and gives him alittle push backwards but before he can fall backwards Wendy turns and grabs him by the shirt pulling him close to her, and before thinking in the heat of the moment Wendy's lips meet Clints as they linger, shairing a passanit moment.*

*As Jamie and BJ are wraped in Con's arms Jamie looks up at Austin.*

"I think I got this tank figured about. Crazy or not, I think I know how to handle him."

*Jamie streches her neck up and gives Con a quick kiss on the lips as BJ watches intently. As soon as Jame has returned to leaning aganst Con, BJ straghtens up streaching his little neck as far as it will go. Giving Con a soft kiss on the cheek he smiles.*

"I wove you too Con!"

*Maggie flops back with Laura and looks up at the sky laughing. Enjoying her time looking at the clouds. Giggling and point to them along with Laura.

Nate smiles as he watches pushing off the tree he walks over to his sister and Laura. Looking down over them for a moment he smiles than flops down next to Laura and looks up at the sky.*

"Oh ya that one does look like me!"

*Rosetta eyes go big for a moment as she stairs at Mick.*

"Huh what?"

*Pushing by him Rosetta peeks around the stall and trys to muffle her giggles. Rosetta had never know let along Sparky to be all out kissing someone before. It kind of made Rosetta feel fuzzy on the inside to see him happy. Steping back again Rosetta shakes her head a bit of color on her own cheeks.

Turning her eye to Mick a grin plays on her lips as she steps closer to Mick*

"I'm feeling kind of left out now."

*Stepping even closer to Mick Rosetta pushes him up agasnt the beam pressing her lips to him. Softly at fist drawing away for a moment biting her lip searching Mick's eyes and than in again. Leting all her emotions and feeling show in the next kiss. Rosetta felt like a kid again right there and now. Kissing Mick like she wanted to so many time in the past as kids, and now she was.*

*Aerith laughs and pants for breath as the hot air hits her once again. walking over to where Wyatt was Aerith sits down leaning back on her arms. Siting next to Wyatt Aerith was satisfied and comfortable as the sun beat down on them proving to be a dryer for there clothing. Looking to Wyatt Aerith eyes twinkle as she kicks his foot playfuly. Than looking back out at the water.*

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