
This moment

*Laying down on Wyatt's arm for a pillow Aerith closes her own eyes. Many pictures fill her mind and flash before her eyes. Good memories, happy memories. Wyatt had given her more than just his devotion, but on this day Wyatt also help Aerith keep the memorie of her father alive and well.

Listing to Wyatt's words, and the noises around her Aerith keeps her eyes closed as she whispers.*

"Its God's song to us."

*Than grows silent again just listing, soaking in the sun, the sounds and Wyatt's presence. This was bliss and happyness. Something Aerith hadent felt in so long.*

*Bj stands with Jamie taking Con and her hands leaning them.*

"I want to hwelp too please."

*BJ smiles as they head into the kitchen opening the fridge he russles around for a minute before pulling out some balonie, mustard, and mayo. Struggling BJ trys to put the stuff on the counter but isent quiet tall enough to reach.

Seeing BJ struggle Jamie goes over to him and takes the stuff helping him push it on the counter and than grabs some bread.

BJ quickly waddles away from the counter and grabs a chair pushing it to the counter next to Jamie ready to help her.

Jamie smiles at BJ as she takes a dull knife from the draw. Opening the Mayo Jamie repositions herself so she is behind BJ. Gently taking his hand in her Jamie helps guild them as he takes out some bread. Showing him how to hold a knife Jamie opens the mayo before playing her hands back on BJ the knif in hand. Helping him dip it into the mayo and than spread it on the bread.

Smiling BJ turns to Con.*

"Tome on you need to hwelp too. You tan put the balloon...."

*BJ thinks for a moment knowing that, that dident sound right.*

"Bologa...bollne...dologna...ya dats it dologna. You tan put the dologna on the bed...bread."

*Jamie cant help but laugh at BJ and his words as he talks. Looking over at Con Jamie smiles. She loved kids. Knowing if things were to keep going fearther with Con they wouldent be able to have any dident bother Jamie much. She loved Con for all that he was. She dident want anything more. She would be happy and satisfied just having him. And God had a plane. They dident know what it was yet, but he had a reson and new the desigers of the heart. God new what he was going and it was in his hands.*

*Wendy's cheeks turn red as Jim makes his pressence known and Clint helps her stand up. Once Jim is gone Wendy throws a playful elbow at Clint.*

"I dident instigat anything. Did you guys see me do anything? I was just retaileating."

*Wendy cant help but laugh as she puts one of her free arm around Clint starting forward slowly.*

"Come on, lets get something to eat before you dad thinks we are kissing again"

*Wendy cant help but grin and try to stuff her laughter away as they continue forward.*

*Katie thinks for a moment before answering Scott. The question he asked had enterd her mind before and she neevr really gave herself an answer. Looking back at Scott Katie slowly speaks.*

"I have though about it. I miss it here and its home. My life before the ranch wasent the best and I blocked alot of it out. Most of the memories I have are of here at this ranch. And I have though of coming back. But I than also remember I have gained so much more, and so many more memories in Nevada. I've made a new life and alot of new friends. I like my job there at TJY too. So I dont think I am ready to leave that all behind yet. So maybe someday I will end up back here, but for now I think my place is alse where."

*Katie smiles at Scott satisfied with her answer. She did love it here, but for right now it wasent home.

Alittle more time pass. Once Katie and Scott are done eating Katie packs everything up making sure not to leave any garbage behind on the moutain. Standing and going over to the edge of the moutain again Katie looks over than ranch again taking the sight in. Locking it in her memorie. She dident know when she would be back again So she wanted to capture a good picture in her mind to come back and viset when she wanted.

Glanding up in the sky Katie takes note to where the sun is. Feeling the heat pounding down on her and Scott. Taking his hand Katie smiles.*

"We'd better get back. We dont want to stay to long out in the sun or we will get sun stroke and I dont think thats how we want to spend the rest of the day."

*Still holding Scott hand Katie walks with him back through the cave stoping at the water fall again for a bref moment. Then turns to Scott.*

"What about you? Did you ever with you were some place differnt from Nevava?"

*Katie's own eyes now hold question, wondering, a curosity to why Scott had asked her.*

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