
Silent walk

*Finally having Scott arive Katie eyes show they are weary but happy to see Scott.*

"And where were you?"

*Katie cant help but laugh and continue normal conversation with Scott. Seeing Jason make his way over her face lits up. Finally he was going to say hi. Katie quickly looks between the two boys. A strange feeling coming over her. Seeing Scott's fear and seeing Jason's hesatence proves to be to much on Katie's own emotions. It was becoming the end of the day and though her afternoon with Scott was good, time was coming to a close and tomarrow was heavy on her mind as a sick feeling was in her stomach. Katie eyes meet Jason's for a moment so much emotion wanted to pour out. Tears threaten to release from Katie's eyes. Standing Kaite pushes back her chair.*

"Excuse me for a moment, I'm sorry."

*Quickly Katie makes her way around the table and heads out of the mess hall ignorning the stairing eyes. Her head hurt and felt like it was going to explode. Crossing the yard Katie just keeps walking leting the cool breeze his her face. Finally geting to the far pasture Katie stop at one of the posts leaning her arms on it and burring her face in them. Leting her tears finally flow free. Katie wasent sure what emotion she was feeling right now they all seemed so messed up. Katie just wished everything could be normal again.*

*BJ looks up at Mick and smiles a toothy grin.*

"Yes, we pwayed dames, and I tickles Con. Than we made baloony samiches. and..."

*Bj continues to babble to Mick about his day and what went on. Rosetta watches the two as they talk her smile growing bigger. Finally leaning over to Greg who wasent to far away Rosetta smiles.*

"Sorry I dident get a chanse to talk before. How are you? Its really good seeing you again."

*Rosetta's attachen is take away from Greg for a moment as Katie leaves. Leting out a sigh Rosetta figures its nothing and goes back to talking.

Jamie watches as Katie leaves and than look at Con a question in her eyes about her friend disapearing.*

*Aerith rides home in silence leting the breeze send her hair flying. The coolness felt good on her hot sun burnt skin.

Arriving back at Wyatt's Aerith helps him put the items away. Than receveing his offer to put the ointment on she smiles and accepts. strattling one of the chairs so Wyatt can reach her back easy Aerith puts her hair up into a short tight pony tail.*

"Gentle now my shoulders are really sore."

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