

Scott grins and joins Katie on the ground, grabbing a sandwich for himself, but only after taking a long drink. He's quiet for a long while, just thinking...letting the nature surround them. "This is nice out here, Katie... Growing up in the city I never got out too much to enjoy the country, then when I had the chance, I usually had my nose stuck in a book instead."

He chews his food and looks around. "Ever think about moving back here?" He doesn't meet Katie's eyes, question lingering there, but his motives for asking went unrevealed.

Clint starts to lose his balance and fall, but he's jerked back forward as Wendy catches him and brings him closer. Catching himself with his hands on the lawn, he's brought down to her level as she presses her lips to his, hovering over her. Caught off guard, but being drawn away from what's going on around him, Clint returns the kiss, allowing it to continue despite the watching eyes.

"Aw man!" Roaslynn sits up and turns around. "Ty, cover your eyes. They're at it again!"

Instead of turning, Ty gets an amused grin on his face and crosses his arms, watching his brother instead, cocking his head. "I will say I have an uninhibited brother...that much is obvious."

Hearing Ty, Clint finally has to let a smile break, which forces the kiss to end. Looking down into Wendy's eyes, he plants another quick kiss on her forehead. "I suppose now would be a good time to get up off the ground."

"I should say so."

Clint's eyes widen and he turns his head to squint up into the son, catching sight of his father's profile. "Ooh, bother."

Jim's arms are crossed and he quirks an eyebrow at his son. "I can't tell who's bothering who, but it doesn't appear that either of you mind too much. However I do recommend getting out of the grass before the chiggers get you."

"I don't think they care." Rosalynn rolls her eyes.

Clint clears his throat and rocks back on his heels to stand, giving Wendy a hand up as well. "I, um...it..."

Jim shakes his head, a small grin toying with his mouth. "Quit trying to think up excuses. You think I've never been there?" Finally letting his grin show, he turns to leave the siblings and Wendy alone. "Your mother and I will be in the mess hall."

"You do know how to make a spectacle of yourself, don't you?" Ty asks.

Clint turns to throw him a smirk. "It's my expertise." He turns back to Wendy. "Though this girl sure doesn't help things any, you instigator, you."

"As if you minded," Rosalynn teases.

Jason watches the antics from a safe distance away, going unnoticed. He'd passed by other people on his walk around the property. Everyone seemed so happy, despite tomorrow's unknowns. Everybody had somebody they were enjoying their time with. Everyone had someone to put an arm around them. Everyone had someone to smile with. Everyone had a purpose...though some didn't live here, all had found their place on this day. ...Why couldn't he?

Con is startled for just a moment at BJ's comment, but he recovers quickly, giving him and Jamie a bear hug. "Mmm...and I love you both too. How about we try to rustle up some grub around here?"

Laura laughs as Nate joins them in the grass, and she takes a deep breath of the clean air, closing her eyes and listening to the rustling grass. Her hand slowly moves over towards Nate's her fingers gently running across his own for a moment before she finally slips her hand into his to hold it. She'd thought she could never have a more wonderful moment than she'd experienced before...but this....this was pure bliss.

Mick's eyes widen as Rosetta pushes him back against the wall, and he stares at her a moment before she leans in for the second kiss. He's hesitant at first, simply because of where they are, but after a moment of tasting the sweet moment, he gives in, not caring about anything else. Wrapping his arms around Rosetta, he draws her even closer, their motions sending his hat falling off his head unnoticed.

Wyatt grins and lies flat on his back, closing his eyes against the sun. Reaching up, he pulls Aerith down all the way, giving his outstretched arm as a pillow. "Shhh....do you hear that?" he whispers. The water in the river bubbled gently past. Birds sang up high in the trees. A frog chirped from somewhere nearby. A breeze rustled the grass around the shore.

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