

Roger West sighs, his shoulders dropping. He didn't know a whole lot more now, though someone had told him that Carson meant no harm. "Thank you... I just... thank you."

Sighing again, he turns around and heads for the building.

Dani can't help the disappointment that crosses her face. She really had wanted to talk to Alec. She didn't know him from anyone, and knew that he was a criminal, but still she had a longing inside of her, just to see him.

"Okay..." She gives Dalton a little nod. "I'd at least like to see him on the camera."

Following him just down the hall to the control room, Hal greets them and makes room for them to see the monitors. He points Dani in the right direction, and she approaches the monitor that shows the holding cell.

Alec is sitting in an almost-bare room. The only furniture is a chair, small table and a cot. The only comfort is a blanket and a pillow. Alec isn't sitting on the chair or cot though. Instead, he's sitting on the hard floor against the wall, his knees pulled up as rests for his arms. He still wasn't even allowed shoes. He was a picture of brokenness, but even on camera, his eyes showed a resentful fire that still burned.

A tear glistens in Dani's eye and she reaches out to touch the monitor. "He reminds me so much of Carson," she murmurs. A little laugh escapes. "I doubted it was true, but after seeing him... wow."

Turning back to Dalton, her eyes beg him. "Isn't there anyway I can talk to him? Just for a minute or two? Please?"

All Info

Turning to the man as she hears him talking Angelica trys her best to smile as she listens. She wasnt really part of this section of the court system but by the look in the mans eyes she could tell he did care and he just wanted to know what was going on.

"I can't tell you much not to mention I am not dealing with this part of the whole thing, but what I can tell you is that Mr. Banks wants nothing more than he daughter to be in a loving, and good environment. He knows that he can not provide for her as a single parent, and he wants what he best for Mackenzie. "

Angelica lets out a long as sigh. This thing had become a whole mess and turning out to be worse than it really had to be. Angelica couldnt help but feel sorry for everyone involved.

"As for the reason I am here, some wrong accusations have been made, and things have been pushed to far. Mackenzie loves her father, and her father loves her and for that reason he knows he cant keep her."

Drawing silent for a moment Angelica just thinks. Maybe deep down inside of Carson even though he didnt say it, that really was his reason because he did love her.

"I'm sorry Mr. West that this has been hard on you and your wife, but I cant tell you anymore. I do with you the best of luck."

Looking at Dani Dalton searches her eyes for a moment. He could see the emotion behind them and new how bad wanted to see one of the only other members of her family that was alive. He old wished her could.

"Well, I can let you take a peek here at the camra that is in his room. As for psycaly going down to see him I cant do that. Its to dangerous and just aganst regulations. I guess you could maybe talk with Reese and see what he says but another more than that my hands are tired. I'm sorry."

Watching Scott as he walks out the door a small tear rolled down Hope's face. Scott was differnt from most pashents she had. Maybe on the inside she had started to like him and look at him as more than just a pashent, whatever it was she felt it now as this very well could be the last time she saw him.

I was wrong

Out in the parking lot it is quiet, but someone spots Angelica standing by her car. They quickly shut their door and go towards her, just a little hesitantly.

"Excuse me..." An attractive, tall, slender man with dark hair and glasses approaches from a parked minivan. He looked to be in his late thirties. "You're that lawyer, aren't you?" He extends his hand in a friendly gesture. "My name is Roger West. I just came to speak with Heather Jones because she won't give me any answers over the phone about what's going on."

It's obvious that he is grasping at straws, taking a risk by approaching a total stranger like this, lest she not really be the lawyer he thought she was. But it also proves his desperation for answers. "My wife and I are trying to adopt Mackenzie Nelson, but Heather told us that her father has come back into the picture and may try to take her. Julie and I just want to know what's going on, but Heather won't say any more than that. Last we heard, Mackenzie had run away."

Roger pauses, his eyes searching Angelica's. "I know you probably can't say much but... well, we've fallen in love with that little girl and we just... we want to make sure everything is okay. We don't want to make trouble if Mackenzie's father is back, but..." He shrugs lamely. "We're in a difficult position and... we can't find answers."

Dani smiles, relieved Dalton had remembered her. Her hand is enveloped in his as she shakes it, and she looks up at him with question. "Um... I hope you can. See... I heard that you were holding an Alec Banks here and... I found out that apparently he's a half brother of mine. I... was hoping to get to see him... maybe talk to him? But I didn't know who to ask, or what protocol was."

Scott's eyes look at the folder on Hope's desk, and he is silent for several moments. Finally glancing back up, he offers Hope a small smile. "Thank you..."

It seemed there was more he wanted to say, but he doesn't. Slowly standing, he takes the folder and tucks it under his arm. Looking down he eyes his dog. "Say goodbye to Hope, Domino."

Domino wiggles her stump of a tail and gives a little bark.

"Alright. Come on." Scott doesn't know what really to say or how to say goodbye, so he opts to just leave things as they are. But getting to the door, he hesitates, then turns around one last time. "Hope..." He looks back to her, pausing a moment. "When I first started coming, I told you that you were a seventeen point one. But... I was wrong."

He gives a little sigh. "I added on the point one because you were alone... because I didn't see a wedding band. But... you're far from alone. As long as you keep helping people like me..." He shakes his head. "...you'll always be surrounded by people who care... people who are grateful for the work you do."

Giving a nod, he turns back around, letting the door fall shut behind him. His walk outside was a slow one.

Goodbye can be Hello

Giving a nod to Mackenzie as she gathers her things up she gives a smile to the child. So young, so brave, her heart was so big for her father she hardly new. It only proved that to childrin family was really what mattered.

"I will let him know for you."

Standing Angelica shuts her brefcase and looks down at the girl one last time.

"Thank you for your help Mackenzie. I am sure the information will prove helpful. Hope to see you again soon and try to stay out of to much trouble."

Tuning Angelica makes her way out of the room passing Heather on her way and giving a nod. No information was offered to her because to Angelica it was not nessasy or her business to know what they talked about. She would see her again soon in court and there everything would unwind with what happend.

Getting out to the parking lot Angelica looks down at her phone seeing she had missed a call. Checking her voice mail she listens closely as she stands by her car. This was a very intresting devlopment indeed. Hangin up again she just stands there for a moment playing a few things though her mind.

Hearing his name Dalton looks up from his work and lets out a long sigh from being intropted. Seeing Dani standing in the doorway his aggravatuon quickly melts away. He remembered who she was from the last time he had seen her. Could could forget her pearcing blue eyes, and long blonde hair.

Standing quickly Dalton takes a few steps twords Dani and exstends his hand to her.

"Miss Banks its so good to see you again. Can i help u with something?'

Though Dalton's voice had a gruf edge to it there was a slight softness there only seen mostly when talking wtih any woman. He helt them with the ut most respect no matter who they were.

Looking back across the desk at Scott today meeting weagh heavy on the minds of both people. Each for there differnt reasons, but all having the same meaning.

Trying to continue to smile Hope holds up Scott's folder before placing it on the edgh of the table.

"Well Scott, I dont think there is anything else I can do for you. You have come such a long way, and have grown so much. I am so proud of you."

And though there was a sadness in her tone she was infact proud of Scott and what he had over come. From the first time he has walked in here till now it was amazing how much of a change there was.

"I kept everything I need for my records, and the rest of this stuff in the folder is for you to take back to Rick so he can have it on hand as well. I am so happy I got to be part of your changing life."

Letting out a sigh Hope new what was to come and it made her sad. Not only was Scott a pashent but along the way he had become a friend. Though knowing that was inapropreate for her line of work and Scott being a pashent Hope had never said anything about it.

"I guess as sad as it may sound its time to let you go, so you can spread your own wings. Though I dont looks at this as good bye, because so many times goodbyes can be hellos."

Last visit?

Mackenzie gives a little sigh, but nods. She didn't believe Angelical a hundred percent that everything would be okay, but shed' said all she could.

Reaching out, she takes the phone, slipping it between her jeans and tucked-in shirt, her jacket hiding it. Angelica's card went into her pocket.

She looks at Angelica again, her eyes pleading. "Tell my dad hi for me?"

Outside in the hall, Heather continues to pace.

Tony pops his head around the corner. "You got a call from a client on line one."

"Take a message."


"Take a message!" Heather snaps. "I'm busy."

Tony slinks away.

Heather glares at the empty hall, returning to her angry pacing. She wasn't about to leave her post.

Clint beams, obviously glad that Wendy liked the spot. Settling his arms around her too, he cocks his head. "You know that's my job... to make you happy." A grin forms. "'Cause that makes me happy."

Leaning in, he gives her lips a tender kiss before returning again with a more passionate exchange. He might have been tired... he might have been worried about the future... but he was finding the happiness... he was keeping his love for Wendy alive.

Dani pulls her car into the TJY parking lot and turns off the engine. It felt a little strange being here... and a part of her felt guilty that she hadn't told Carson... but he hadn't seemed interested in this. But she was... she wanted some answers, and maybe just wanted some closure about a few things. She hadn't had to work much after noon today, so she'd taken advantage of the free afternoon.

Wandering inside, she isn't quite sure where to go. Everyone on the main floor looked so busy. She hated to interrupt. She tried to find a familiar face, but wasn't so sure about anyone she saw.

Making it to the hall, she has no idea where she's going, but turns, walking past a couple closed offices. Coming to an open one though, she looks in, again, not wanting to bother anybody. It looked like it was set up for two people, but only one was present. And she did recognize this agent. How could she have forgotten him?

She lifts her hand to knock on the door hesitantly, glancing at the nameplates to refresh her memory. "Hi... Dalton?" She was sure he probably wouldn't remember her at all, but at the moment, he seemed the only one she felt like asking for help.

Scott stands at the window, his hands tucked in his jeans pockets. Domino was at his heels. He'd brought her along today for no other reason than to keep him company as he'd walked here from Mom and Pop's, and so Hope could see her too.

But today was different. He didn't have much to talk about... he seemed to have covered all his feelings and more in the last session. Today felt... empty. He hadn't asked the inevitable, and Hope hadn't said anything yet, but he knew... he knew that he wouldn't have to come anymore after today.

Turning back around, he wanders closer to the desk again, easing down in the familiar chair. Domino hops up in his lap, and he automatically strokes her head.

He looks across the desk at Hope, his eye asking her what came next. He'd been there for fifteen minutes already, hardly having spoken at all.