
Goodbye can be Hello

Giving a nod to Mackenzie as she gathers her things up she gives a smile to the child. So young, so brave, her heart was so big for her father she hardly new. It only proved that to childrin family was really what mattered.

"I will let him know for you."

Standing Angelica shuts her brefcase and looks down at the girl one last time.

"Thank you for your help Mackenzie. I am sure the information will prove helpful. Hope to see you again soon and try to stay out of to much trouble."

Tuning Angelica makes her way out of the room passing Heather on her way and giving a nod. No information was offered to her because to Angelica it was not nessasy or her business to know what they talked about. She would see her again soon in court and there everything would unwind with what happend.

Getting out to the parking lot Angelica looks down at her phone seeing she had missed a call. Checking her voice mail she listens closely as she stands by her car. This was a very intresting devlopment indeed. Hangin up again she just stands there for a moment playing a few things though her mind.

Hearing his name Dalton looks up from his work and lets out a long sigh from being intropted. Seeing Dani standing in the doorway his aggravatuon quickly melts away. He remembered who she was from the last time he had seen her. Could could forget her pearcing blue eyes, and long blonde hair.

Standing quickly Dalton takes a few steps twords Dani and exstends his hand to her.

"Miss Banks its so good to see you again. Can i help u with something?'

Though Dalton's voice had a gruf edge to it there was a slight softness there only seen mostly when talking wtih any woman. He helt them with the ut most respect no matter who they were.

Looking back across the desk at Scott today meeting weagh heavy on the minds of both people. Each for there differnt reasons, but all having the same meaning.

Trying to continue to smile Hope holds up Scott's folder before placing it on the edgh of the table.

"Well Scott, I dont think there is anything else I can do for you. You have come such a long way, and have grown so much. I am so proud of you."

And though there was a sadness in her tone she was infact proud of Scott and what he had over come. From the first time he has walked in here till now it was amazing how much of a change there was.

"I kept everything I need for my records, and the rest of this stuff in the folder is for you to take back to Rick so he can have it on hand as well. I am so happy I got to be part of your changing life."

Letting out a sigh Hope new what was to come and it made her sad. Not only was Scott a pashent but along the way he had become a friend. Though knowing that was inapropreate for her line of work and Scott being a pashent Hope had never said anything about it.

"I guess as sad as it may sound its time to let you go, so you can spread your own wings. Though I dont looks at this as good bye, because so many times goodbyes can be hellos."

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