
New Friends

*Once Katie is finished with her work she leaves work and heads to the store picking up a few things. Also stoping at the movie store and grabing a few movies for something to do along with a deck of cards. Making her way back to TJY she enters the break room and starts to repair dinner.*

*Geting out Jamie brings her free arm around Con and walks with him. Making small talk about work, and life in general. Making it to the window Jamie studys the menu for a long moment.*

"I think today I would like to try a medium creamcicle swirl in a cone."

*Jamie smiles up at Con. Even though he was late today she still loved him and felt so safe with his arms wrapped around her. How could one be mad at someone who made her feel like this. Being late or missing a date was so minor campared to other stuff that could be going on. Jamie couldent be mad at Con.

Geting her ice cream Jamie stays close Con trying to eat it fast before it melts all over. Giving a laugh she brings a hand to her temple.*

"Brain freeze."

*Finally geting to the ice cream shop Nate parks the car and gets out going over to Laura's side and opening the door holding out a hand and bowing alittle to help her out. Keeping hold of Laura hand Nate walks with her inside to go inside. Looking to the right Nate notices Jamie and Con. Feeling a bit of nerves Nate musters up a smile and waves to them. Once inside Nate leans down alittle.*

"You can have anything you want Laura my treat."

*Aerith smiles as she walks with Wyatt stoping when he does. A nervouse feeling forms in the tummy at the thougt of meeting even more people. But she new if they were friends of Wyatt's everything would be ok. Leaning alittle closer to him she smiles.*

"Wow...he really is a tank, and she looks so small next to him. And I would love to meet them. The more people I have to hang out with here the more I can stay out of trouble.*

*Aerith giggles*

"Oh ya and if they make them I already know what I would like. A Rootbeer float."

*Rosetta smiles at Trent. A look of sensarity on her face.*

"Everyone deserves a second chanse and God sent you back to us for a reason. I just pray you really have changed and can live in peace again. My ranch is and has always been open to you as long as your on the rigth side."

*Rosetta turns her gaze to BJ who is playing out in the yard with one of the other kids who hadent turned in for the night a smile formed on her face. They dident know who's side Trent was really on yet Rosetta new and hoped it was there. Not to mention if the Agency captured Trent they could get the knowlage from him. Thinging it best Rosetta only tells Trent part of the short.*

"He's not mine by blood, but as soon as Mick and I get married he will be ours we are adopting him. He showed up on the doorstep one night with a note that said that they new he would be safe here. We ended up finding his father and talked to him about everything. He ended up decieding that He wasent stable enough for BJ and he would rather see him in a good home with good parents. We all had goten so attached to BJ we dident want to let him go. Mick and I talks about it and thats what we dicieded."

*Rosetta cant help but smile and be proud of BJ. She felt her heart leep at the thought of being a mother to him. Now if only they could find Mick and bring him back again.*

"He's a good kid, with a big heart. He's going to go far in life I know it. He's a smart kid. I love the little guy like my own."

*Pushing the door open with her foot Katie arrived into the room with Scott and Domino with a tray piled high. Seting it on the counter she exits the room again and returns in a few moments with more stuff and her backpack only to put it down and leave again. This time returning with a dog bowl, and pushing the TV cart with the VCR shuting the door again behind her. Katie throws a grin at Scott. Puting the dog bowl on the ground filled with Food she lets Domino know its for her. Than going to the counter grabs a plate and hands it to Scott.*

"We have chicken hand stuffed with cheese, spinage, and spices. Roasted potatos on the side and grills summer vegtables."

*Seting her plate next to Scott she goes back to the counter and grabs the glasses.*

"And for our drink we have raspberry ice tea. I also made us dessert but thats in the fridge still."

*Seting the glass down for Scott and than her own down she hopes up on the end of the bed. Turning and smiling at Scott.*

"And also, I have cards I braught and some movies so we have plenty of stuff to keep us busy tonight. If you dont fall asleep on me again."

*Katie giggles before digging into her food. Katie had to addmit to herself she went all out on the meal and dessert tonight but Katie dident mind she wanted to make something special for Scott, and she did love to cook.*


Scott rests back in his pillows as Katie leaves, a grin pasted on his face. He closes his eyes and drifts in and out of light sleep, though forces himself to stay fairly awake. He didn’t want to miss supper with Katie, not to mention he wanted to help be the distraction he knew she needed right now.

Domino paces the floor, wanders out into the hall, finds Kaite, sits a while, then wanders back to Scott, jumping up on the bed with him to curl up at his side.

Scott rolls his eyes and sets his hand on her. “You silly mutt. Just be glad Rick is gone so he can’t see you up here.”

Con gives Jamie a smirk. “I’m waiting for my girlfriend, what do you think I’m doing?” Receiving her kiss, he returns it, breaking it as he can’t help his smile. “If this is how I get repaid for missing a date, you better keep a close eye on me, or I’m liable to miss one on purpose.”

Backing out of the drive, he throws Jamie a teasing glance, and aims out of town, heading for the ice cream place by the lake.

Once there, he parks and waits for Jamie, slinging an arm over her shoulders and guiding her towards the window to order where they could get their ice cream before finding a spot outside to sit.

Laura giggles at Nate. “Knight in shining armor, huh? That makes me feel like a princess.” She grins as she gets into the car. It was good to get out. The stress had been getting to her at TJY with so many unknowns lately, and Nate’s spontaneous dates lately had been just what she’d needed… She was getting used to them too, and secretly looking forward to each one.

Wyatt puts his jeep in gear as soon as Aerith is inside. He grins a little at her calling him handsome, though doesn’t say what’s on his mind. “Alright, tonight it’s ice cream by the beach…. Not exactly an ocean, but the best thing we got around here.” He chuckles. “Not to mention the best ice cream. The drive is worth it.”

After a short while, he pulls into the parking lot. Joining Aerith outside, he takes the lead, but stops once. “Well, hey, looks like I can introduce you to some of my friends.” A smile spreads across his face. “See that tank of a man up at the window with that woman? That’s Con and Jamie. Come on, you should meet them.”

Wyatt gestures with his head, enthusiastic about getting Aerith to know more people.

Trent looks up, and is a bit grateful for Rosetta’s company. He hadnt’ wanted to end the night out with the lonely feeling in the pit of his stomach.

“Yeah…I’ve missed you too.”

Rosetta’s arm around his shoulders feels so warm, yet so strange. He only hoped he could be deserving of it. “Thanks for…well, for letting me stay I guess. I know I don’t deserve the second chance.”

Looking around, Trent’s eyes land on BJ. He’d seen the child all evening, and it was one of the many questions still unanswered. “Is BJ….I mean…does he belong to you?”

“So I was thinking we could do ‘Flying High’ and then Neutral Zone’ at the end, and…” Kyle looks up from the papers on his keyboard to see Jason sitting on the floor several feet away, absentmindedly plucking his guitar strings. “Are you listening to anything?”

“Hmm?” Jason’s mind had been everywhere but practice ever since he’d come to Mike’s tonight, Kyle had called him early and he’d agreed just to avoid questions, but now he wasn’t so sure it had been a good idea.”

Kyle rolls his eyes. He knows Jason hasn’t felt the greatest since getting back, but doesn’t want to treat him with kid gloves either. “Pretend you heard me. Now for the middle, I figured we could use just a bit of a lull, give people’s ears a break. How ‘bout you filling in with ‘Hey Little Boy’?”

Jason thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. “Nah, not this time.”

“Why not? Everybody loves it, and you’re the only one who can do a good job with it.”

Jason shakes his head again. “I’d rather not do that one.”

“Oh, come on. We’ve had people ask about it, but I never wanted to do it because I knew I couldn’t as well as you. It’ll be perfect.”

“Pick another song.”


“I don’t want to do that one, Kyle!” Jason doesn’t mean to raise his voice, but he was tired of getting picked on. ‘Little Boy’ hit too close to home right now. Sure, he’d written it, and he’d been alright singing it before, but now…he just didn’t want to do it.

Kyle’s eyes widen. Jason had never snapped at him before. Maybe he’d pushed, but he didn’t think he’d deserved that. “I…”

Phil’s hand on his shoulder cuts him off. His brother shakes his head, signaling Kyle to let it drop.

Kyle shrugs lamely. “Alright. Scratch that one then. Mike? You got anything you prefer?”

Practice proceeds on an even keel, though most of the banter and laughing filters between the two brothers and Mike as Jason sets himself apart, letting his mind wander to other places.

Time to go

*As Aerith looks out her bedroom window and see Wyatt siting outside. Cralwing down the steps Aerith gets to the front door and opens it. She was dressed in a white tea and hoody with blue jeans. As she is about to step out her grandmoter can be hurd.*

"Aerith...where are you doing at this time of night girl?"

"I'm going out with a friend grandmother."

"You found a friend? When did you have time you work to much and hardly have time to take care of me."

"Thats not true grandmother I only work till 5."

"And thats five hours that I dont have your help."

"You know my number when if you need me. I am leaving now."


*Aerith shuts the door behind her feeling bad for leaving her grandmother now but she had promised Wyatt and she needed her own time too. Opening the door on the she gets inside and smiles at Wyatt.*

"Hey there handsome. You made me."

*Aerith cant help but brawden her smile.*

*Katie quirks a smile as she cheeks get red. She could tell he remembered what was said and hadent forgoten. She wasnted sure if that was a good thing or bad.*

"Ok...let me go do some work and start dinner and I will be back maybe I can wheel a tv in here or something."

*Katie looks down at Domino and smiles.*

"Dont let him get to crazy now."

*Katie exits the room and makes her way to er cubicle to get atleast some work done.*

*Nate pulls up to the curb and honks the horn Opening his door.*

"I'm your prince in shinning armour and am gonna steal you away."

*Giving a heartly laugh Nate gets back in the car with Laura and makes his way to the ice cream shop.*

*Flinning the door open Jamie steps out in a hunter green shirt and her black pants throwing a glair at Con thoug a smile was on her lips leting him know she dident mind to much. Geting into the car she looks at him.*

"Conrad Gibbs what in blue blazes are you doing?"

*Another smile cross Jamie's lips as she leans into him planting a kiss on his lips than draws away.*

"I've missed you."

*Rosetta exits the mess hall after leting BJ run free out to play in the yard for alittle bit. Watching him she sits down next to Trent than turns her head to him. Studying him for a long moment.*

"I'm...I'm really glad your here Trent. I've missed you."

*Rosetta puts an arm around her brother knowing he probley felt out of place.*


Wyatt smiles as Aerith walks away, satisfied that this little event had been salvaged. He takes a few minutes to satisfy his appetite with the good food but finally decides he has to get back to work.

He stops by the counter first, throwing a grin to Herb and Mabel that shows humor mixed in with disapproval. “You two…just better be glad this turned out like it did. I wouldn’t recommend trying this with too many people.” He throws Mabel a wink. “But since it wasn’t a disaster…thank you.”

Leaving payment and a tip, he heads on out, giving Aerith a short wave on his way. Getting back to work, he pours over paperwork, emails and records, coming up as empty handed as ever, looking for leads on Mick.

Finally just before seven, he tells Reese he’s leaving. Not bothering to go home first, he heads straight for Aerith’s and parks by the curb to wait. He resists honking the horn…he’d figured out enough on his own to know that the less attention drawn to the fact that she was leaving with a man, the better. She didn’t speak a whole lot about her grandmother, but Wyatt had seen the look in her eye too many times not to know more than he’d been told.

So Wyatt just sits and waits, knowing Aerith will be out when she notices he’s there.

Scott looks up quickly as Katie’s voice trails off. He’s pretty sure he knows what she was going to say, or at least the context. He felt badly for her…there was a part of him that wanted to just outright ask if there was now any hope for anything between himself and her, but he knew good and well that it was totally out of line for him to even think about that right now. Katie was hurting…and all she needed was a friend and a friend only. Besides…he knew how to wait.

He gives Katie a grin as she mentions supper. “Oooh, gonna cook for the invalid, huh? I think I can handle that.” Scott squints a little as he begins to feel the effects of his recent shot. “Mm…you get to pick what it is…I don’t think I better do much thinking at all tonight, or I’m liable to embarrass myself….” He quirks an eyebrow at her, hinting that he hadn’t forgotten everything. “…more than I already did.”

Laura turns around in surprise at Nate, pleasure showing in her eyes. Calling after him, she teases. “What if I had other plans?” Laughing, she shakes her head. “Seven o’clock. Don’t keep me waiting.”

Arriving home, she showers and changes clothes, having just a little more trouble than she should, picking out what to wear. She settles for her lavender blouse and blue jeans, opting for nice casual.

Ready just a few minutes before seven, Laura exits the house and locks it behind her, knowing Katie wasn’t planning to come back, at least not for a while. Settling down on the porch swing, she waits for Nate.

Con hurries to get himself ready to go, vowing not to be late this time no matter what. He already felt like an idiot and didn’t want to twice in one day.

After showering and getting some clean clothes on, he’s even a little early, and sets out for Jamie’s. Arriving at her house, he honks the horn, knowing it’ll annoy her just a little that he was pushing her, even though he’d been the one who’d been so late before.

Trent sits down on the porch of the bunk house, watching the ranch get closed up for the night. It had been an awkward evening. Eating with everyone had been so much like old times, and so much not at the same time. He had seen Luke once across the room, but he was the only one Trent hadn't spoken to yet. Everyone else seemed to be okay with him being there, even though they were leery....and rightly so. It just felt odd...would it get better? Trent didn't know. But no matter what, for the first time in nineteen years he felt a small amount of peace.


*Aerith searchs Wyatt's eyes for the truth in what he said. She had been hurt so many times in the past yet something about Wyatt said there really was truth in his statment. Aerith hadent known Wyatt for very long but she felt she could trust him always. Aerith gives a nod.*

"Ok..I'll try to understand for now. I dont plain on going anywhere yet so you have time to convince me to stay."

*Aerith grins and takes another bit of her food. She felt relaxed now and at ease.*

"How about ice cream at 7? That will give me time to take care of my grandmother and hopfuly slip out. I love ice cream, its my weakness."

*Puting her napkin on the plate she stands.*

"Well I better finish up my shift so I can leave alittle bit earlyer today. Thank you Wyatt. You've helped me settle in here just seeing you alittle bit. Its nice to know you have someone who goes out of here way to see you."

*Aerith throws Wyatt a silly smile and turns walking to the backroom.*

*Katie smiles at Scott as he plays and talks to Domino. It was funny watching the. Like a child with there father. It was cute how they interacted. How Domino seemed to understand Scott. Taking her attachen away from the small dog and back to Scott.*

" I'll probley hang around tonight. Keep an eye on ya and try to get alittle work done. I think I'd like the company anyways. Being along just makes me....."

*Katies words trail off as she relizes what she was going to say. Reverting her words once again. To many ears were listing now and Katie dident want her, Jason, and Scott all over the place. Katie lets out a long drawn breath.*

"So...what should I make for dinner tonight to us?"

*Nate breaks away from Jason as he see Laura get up to leave. Chasing her down to the door.*

"Laura...Laura wait."

*Nate jogs up next to her catching his breath.*

"Hey....you...walk to...fast."

*Nate continues to paint for air finally catching his breath.*

"You...Me...ice cream...7 o'clock I'll pick you up be ready."

*Nate gives Laura a tight hug and than turns around heading back to his desk not leting Laura say no.*

*Jamie giggles.*

"Yes please a show would be nice. That will give me a chanse to show and change myself. I'll be waiting. DONT be late Con."

*Jamie giggles again with a playful tone in her voice leting Con know she was joking. Hanging up Jamie heads to take a shower and get dressed again than wait for Con.*

Ice Cream

Wyatt can't help it that Aerith's comment about the flowers makes him feel good. He starts to relax a little more, taking a few more bites of food.

"Mmm, ice cream and a movie, huh?" He gives her a slight grin. "Can't commit to a movie, but I can do ice cream and I promise not to run away... unless work calls." His eyes twinkle with mischief, signaling that he's teasing.

"Look, Aerith, I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm afraid if I don't, you're going to disown me before I have a chance to make it up to you." He sighs, thinking how to word it. "Current protocol doesn't allow me to say a word a the moment because of a pretty sticky situation, but...I don't want you to think I'm in an illegal racket or gang or something, especially after I wandered in here the other day with a bullet in my shoulder."

He pauses, wanting to give her enough, but not too much that she'd get into trouble if things at TJY went sour. "All I can say is that I'm in a form of law enforcement. Here in just a couple weeks, I'll either be free to tell you all about it, or... well, let's just not go to the latter option. But that's why when my phone rings I run. Sometimes it's life or death."

Wyatt searches Aerith's face, hoping she understood. "But ice cream I can definitely do, and I'll even pick you up if you give me a time."

Scott wants to talk to Katie more about what had happened, but sees that she'd rather not talk about it right now, so he moves on to the discussion of Domino. He gives a short laugh. "Sorry...she's a smart one, but can be kind of a pain." He glances down to his dog. "Can't you?"

Domino wiggles all over and puts her front paws on the bed, licking Scott's hand as he gives her attention.

"Yeah, you're a spoiled pooch, aren't you? Well don't worry, we'll go home soon... as soon as I can get out of this place without Rick or Misty killing me." He leans a little closer to his dog. "'Course once I leave here, I leave all the great pampering behind too."

Scott glances back up to Katie. "You...sticking around this evening, or getting your hind end on home to your own bed where it belongs instead of worrying about somebody like me?"

Laura looks up from her desk, seeing someone entering the main floor. She notices it's Nate and Jason, realizing they'd been gone for quite a while. Squinting, she sees Jason's face from a distance, and can't help but wonder if something was wrong...he hadn't been acting himself anyway, but tonight he seemed...far away.

Shrugging it off, Laura goes back to preparing to leave for the evening. Turning off her computer and grabbing her purse, she heads for the exit.

Con jumps on the chance to do something with Jamie in an attempt to make up for at least a little bit of his failings. "Give me half an hour instead, and I'll be there." He grimaces. "I don't think you want to do anything with me until I've had a chance to shower."


*Aerith smiles at Wyatt and feeling a bit of sarrow that he felt bad.*

"I love the flowers Wyatt this just dosent seem as impotant since it wasent from you. The flower are what I care about cuz they were."

*Aerith picks up the flowers again and smells them.*

" I...I never got flowers from a guy before. Sometimes its the small things that matter."

*Aerith puts the flowers down and takes a few bits of her food thinking about Wyatt had said for a moment.*

"Well....how about we get some ice cream tonight after work and than see a movie. Cept this time you dont run away from me? That should make up for it"

*Aerith smiles.*

When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar.

*Katie draws closer and musters up the best smile she can.*

"Oh, I'm doing ok. Alittle down and out but in no time I'll bounce back I am sure. Just have to keep my head held high and keep moving right."

*Katie trys to turn the conversation from herself as she looks down at Domino with a smile.*

"She was keeping me from my work all afternoon. Had me playing chase and than tag. She's a good pooch. I think she really miss you though."

*Pausing her movie as the phone rings Jamie looks at her phone seeing it was Con. Decieding if she should answer it or not she finally does. She had been disapointed and felt stupid siting there alone for almost an hour and a half. As soon as she hears Con's voice her disapointment vanishes. She understood Con dident mean to forget about her, and he just dident hear the alarm.*

"Hey Hun, ya let me get dressed in my Pjs at the moment. Swing by my house in 15 minutes ok and maybe we can go get some ice cream.*


Wyatt withdraws a little bit, now completely unsure how to proceed. He didn't want Aerith to be disappointed that this whole thing hadn't been his doing, but he hadn't wanted her to think it was, if she'd felt uncomfortable with it either. "Um, work is going...okay I guess."

He picks at several bites as his food before letting out a long sigh and looking back up at Aerith. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "Herb and Mabel have good intentions...maybe they had a better idea than I did." He glances to the flowers that seem awfully small now, compared to all this.

He gives a slight chuckle, his face still warm. "And now...I have absolutely no idea how to save this evening without you hating me, and me walking away to look for a ladder to get myself out of this ridiculous hole I just dug."

A smile spreads across Scott's face. Color is returning to his cheeks, and the bruises are starting to fade. "Hey, Katie." He gives her a silly look. "Better watch it, Misty just gave me another shot. I'm liable to fall off the sanity wagon at any given moment. ...Otherwise though...I'm feeling better than I was, I think. Sore, but what else is new."

He cocks his head, studying Katie's face for a moment. Yes..he remembered as much as he needed to about earlier that day. He could see it in her eyes now that he had recalled bits and pieces correctly. "What about you? How are you doing?"

Con opens one of his eyes drowsily and shifts his weight, rolling over onto his back. Rubbing his hands over his face, he wonders what time it was...he felt like he'd been sleeping for more than an hour. Maybe... his eyes drift to the clock. Oh, no.

Sitting up straight, he grabs his phone, seeing there's a message. "Aw, shoot," he mutters. What had he done...again.

Dialing Jamie quickly, he waits for an answer. She had to have been waiting for him for over an hour by now...most likely she'd give up on him. He doesn't even bother with a greeting as he hears her voice. "Jamie, I am so sorry..." He could kick himself for messing up yet another date, and didn't even know how to apologize enough. "I feel like a jerk. I fell asleep when I got home and..." He heaves a weary sigh. "Name the place and I'm there."



*Aerith looks to the side for a moment as her face drops a bit, but her smile remains.*

"I dont want you to feel uncomfortable to anything thats not really my idea for a first date."

*Aerith lets out alittle laugh taking some of the food and puting it on her plate keeping her eyes down for fear of looking at Wyatt and cracking. Her own face red.*

"I guess we can at least enjoy the food right. So how was your day at work going?"

*Mable peeks her head out of the kitchen as Herb stands behind her.*

Herb: "Hows it going out there?"

Mable: "Not so good."

Herb: "Think we over did it?"

Mable: "No way."

*After Scott is finished Misty takes his tray off food. Puting it down on the counter Misty takes the saringe and gives Scott another shot. Grabing the plates again Misty exits the room right as Domino comes bounding in Katie not to far behind. Smiling at seeing Scott Katie looks out of breath herself from playing with Domino. Giving a wave.*

"Hey you. How ya feeling?"

*As Con's voice mail picks up Jamie leaves a message.*

"Hey Con, its Jamie. I'm just waiting at the steakhouse for you. I dont know if I got the time wrong or not but I've been waiting for about a half hour now so I am guess I did. But I'll keep waiting for you. Give me a call when you get this message. Love ya"

No answer

Wyatt's eyes widen and he blinks at Mabel as she brings the candles. Her comment about not letting life slip by causes his mouth to open, but his mind is a total blank.

As the actions continue with both Herb and Mabel, Wyatt's almost afraid to look at Aerith, his face turning two shades of red. "I...um...." Relieved that she doesn't appear to be upset, but now having no idea how to proceed, he just sits staring at her for a moment, his eyes still wide. "I...had nothing to do with this..." He stops, realizing that he doesn't want to seem like he dislikes it...of course he likes it to a certain degree. "I mean...it wasn't my idea or intention. It was..." He glances towards the kitchen. "I guess...um...some people know how to apologize better than I do apparently."

Turning back to Aerith, he gives her a look that displays his embarrassment, though slight humor mixed with a bit of pleasure. "This...isn't usually my style for a first date, just so you know...but I'm game to enjoy it if you are."

"Mm." Scott pulls himself up so he's sitting as Misty brings him something to eat. "I'm glad you didn't let me starve. I'd never forgive you."

Taking as spoonful of soup, he handles it carefully in his mouth, avoiding where his tooth had been as much as he could. He grins a little. "Aww, I was enjoying not having a clue what was going on around here." Pausing, he thinks for a moment...he didn't remember a whole lot...but he sensed he'd talked an awful lot...to...was it Katie? The memory of earlier that day was pretty foggy, but the longer he thought, the clearer some instances became.

Thinking better of saying too much more about it, he finishes eating in silence.

Jason raises an eyebrow at Nate's ending statement. Talk to Katie? Right. Like that was going to happen. She was upset, he was upset...it was going to be awkward enough working around each other every day without having to talk to each other, let alone sitting down and having an actual conversation again.

Sighing, and deciding not to reply, Jason stands up to follow Nate. "I'm right behind you."

A buzzing noise comes from the living room coffee table. Con's phone vibrates on the top of unopened mail. Con's head remains buried in his pillow, dead to the world.

An unexspected date

*Aerith smiles as she takes the flowers. Pressing her noes into one and smells it. Slowly Aerith lifts her eyes to Wyatt the flowers still covering her face just a bit her smile in place.*

"Thank you Wyatt. They are very pertty."

*Mable makes her way over to Wyatt and Aerith's table. One would think she was bring the food but insted Mable takes out 2 candle stix as Herb makes his way to the restront door and flips the sign around than goes back to the back room. Mable lights the candles and smile.*

"Work can wait for alittle bit. Now you both are having a date. Life is to short to let it slip by Wyatt remember that."

*Mable heads back into the back and after drawing the shades and diming the lights puting on some soft music.

Aerith's face turns bright red the the intentions of a romanic date. She had been angry with him but it all seemed to disapear now.*

"Ok I liked he flowers and than this, was this was a good idea of an apolige Wyatt."

* Aittle times pass and Mable brings out the drinks. Then within moments she brings out a mixture of differnt things for the meal.*

"I know this isent to fancy but we did our best with what we have. So for your eating pleasure we have, steak pinwheels. They have cheese, and spinage in them. We have the triditonal Pizza slices you like Wyatt. There are some chicken fingers, stuffed chicken, Patoto skins, and grean beans. Enjoy."

*Once again Mable walks away from the table and disapreas into the back room.

Aerith smile is still on her face. How for the short time she had been here already she had grow to love Herb and Mable. They were so nice and kind to people it was wonderful to see.*

*Katie sits down on the floor and cross her legs her back to the door. Pulling Domino into her lap she gently runs her hand down the small dogs hear and back.*

"Dont worry Scott will be better soon and than he can spend more time with you. Bet you miss him dont you. I guess we get use to have someone around all the time that when they cant be its hard and we feel lost huh."

*Katie keeps peting Domino gently and scritching her ears.*

"Its hard when you really cant talk to anyone about it eather. Its gonna be ok Domino. We all survive someone how right?"

*A small tear trickles down Katie face as she leans her head down to bury it in the small dogs fur wanting to just hide from the world.*

*Misty turns around from preping another needle and sets it down on the counter for now. Going over to Scott she shakes her head grining*

"I think I liked you better when you were doped up Mr. Smarty pants. As for the food, I think I'll let you starve."

*Misty exits the room with a smile on her face only to reapear moments later with some soup and crackers. With a glass of ginger ale.*

"Here ya go. I figured I wouldent starve you. Rick, and Reese let Carson and I get away with alot. But I dont think he would let me get away with that one."

*Misty hands the tray to Scott and than walks back to the counter.*

"Go on and eat that up before I give you some more painkillers. From here on out you will be loopy but not as bad."

*Nate lets out a sigh and stands paying the bills.*

"Maybe this is just a sugestion when your ready you should sit down with Katie and talk. I think it would help but thats what I think. Alright lets blow this popicle stand."

*Nate gets up and makes his way to the door.*

*Angel smiles at Luke as she heads to the tack room helping him. Once siting down each with there own sattles Angel giggles.*

"You'd find another way to survive, but I think two is better than one and I like spending my time with you no matter what we are doing."

*Angel gets a soft brush and starts to rub some oil on one of the saddles.*

*Wes smiles down in Cindy giving her a kiss in the cheek.*

"Ok, I'll stay with you."

*Wes walks about the other side of the bed and kicks off his shoes. Climbing into the bed Wes snuggles up next to Cindy wraping his arm around her and drawing her close to him as he lays on his back. Resting his head on her gently running his hand through her hair.*

*As a half hour pass Jamie sits at the table still waiting for Con. She was dressed today in a baby blue tanktop with a shear white button up top over top of it only the bottom few buttons done up. and a pare of Black dress pants. A waiter comes up to her table.*

"Are you ready to order ma'am?"

"Oh no thank you. I'm waiting for someone. Could I get some water please though?"


*The waiting leaves and Jamie lets out alittle sigh. She felt kind of silly waiting alone in the booth. Con usaly ran late but this is the latest he ever was. Pulling out her phone she dials Con's number and waits.*


Wyatt looks up at Aerith and grins at her question. "It is now." He gestures for her to sit down, then presents her with the small bouquet of flowers. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything - I know we just met - but I couldn't figure out any other way to tell you I was sorry for ditching you the other night."

Domino scurries back and forth, running to her heart's content, finally able to release her pent-up energy with Katie. Eventually, she does slow down though, panting from the exercise. Dropping her toy back at Katie's feet, she sits down and glances around the room as if still waiting for someone else to show up. But he never did. Heaving a sigh she looks up at Katie, seeming to ask when things were going to go back to normal.

Scott blinks in the light, coming out of a deep sleep. A dull pain signals that much of the drugs have worn off throughout the day, and for the moment, his mind is clear. Turning his head, he spies Misty. "So are patients starved to save on the cost of food?" he teases. "Or can a guy get at least a bite of supper around here?"

Jason listens quietly to Nate, every once in a while looking in his eye to see the unmistakable pain from the past. He'd moved on, but it was evident that there was still hurt there...Jason could relate.

His eyes drift to the table as he receives the end of Nate's story. His own hurt and anger provided a resistance against comparing himself to Nate...he was living off the pain right now and he wasn't ready yet to let go. But questions seeped through the cracks. Would he and Katie ever be friends again? Could he ever move on like Nate had? If he didn't stop bottling up his emotions, would he ruin even more chances in life? Was what he'd done with Katie the starting of a pattern he would repeat if something didn't change?

Nate's warning to not allow his experience in prison to rule over him resounds in Jason's mind. But how could he not? He didn't know how to get past it. It was as if someone had erased bits and pieces of his mind to leave him ill-prepared for life, and without remembering how to live without this burden...how to live without the pain...how to live at all.

Like a light being switched off, Jason resumes his attention elsewhere, glancing at his watch. "Guess we should get back before Reese thinks we disappeared too."

Luke gives a little laugh at Angel. "Well I'm not going to sit back and watch you do all the work, so cleaning stalls is out of the question. However, Mick was complaining last week about some of the saddles needing to be oiled and I can do that while sitting down, so I think the tack room is the best option." He gives her shoulders a squeeze. "What would I do without you, hmm?"

Though drowsy, Cindy puts her arms around Wes' neck as he lifts her up, feeling so protected. Once lying in bed, she shakes her head. "I'll be alright...I just got tired is all...but if you want to stay with me for a while I wouldn't complain."

Con's watch beeps from the end table, signaling he had less than an hour to rise, get cleaned up and head out. But his sleeping form on the couch doesn't move. Nothing is heard but the sound of his dreams.


*As Katie types away at her computer she hears the soft clicking of claws on the tiles. As a small bark rings in Katie cubicle a grins makes its way to Katie's face as she looks down at Domino.*

"Between you and your master I am never going to get any work dont you know that?!"

*Bending down Katie takes the squeeky toy and stands.*

"Come on."

*Katie makes her way to the recroom Domino closely following behind her. Making sure no one is using the room Katie goes in a shuts the door. Taking the chew toy Katie throws it across the long room. Watching little Domino's leg try to find traction as she scurrys across the room. Running back to her only to have the toy be thrown again.*

*Mable smiles as Wyatt and waves and noding alittle turning her head to the back room.*

"Aerith I just sat someone in your sections."

*Aerith comes out from the back tieing her aprin and see Wyatt. Looking back at Mabel.

Mable gives a small smile and nods.*

"Take your break."

"But I just got back from break!"

"So take another one."

*Aerith cant help but grin at Mable as she walks over to Wyatt and nods to the booth.*

"Hey this seat taken?"

*Angel smiles at Luke and helps him up again. Slowly making there way to the barn.*

"So...what would you like to do? We can brush horses, rub down some sattles, watch me much out stalls. You name it and I will make it possable."

*Rosetta stands and disapears into the kitchen. A few minutes later she reapears with plates , sandwhitches and salad. Smiling at everyone she stays standing.*

"Dig in everyone. I am going to go grab Wendy and BJ. I'll be back."

*Rosetta disapears out of the messhall.*

*Wes makes his way through the house seeing the food still left on the table. Picking up the bowl he takes it into the kitchen and puts it on the counter. Grabing a glass and geting some water Wes makes his ways into the living room. Seeing Cindy curled up in the chair Wes is hit with a suddin wave of worry. Going over to her Wes squots down next to Cindy and feels her head. She was a bit warm. Standing again Wes scoops Cindy up in his arms and gently takes her to the bed room. With his free arm he pulls the blankets down and lays Cindy on the bed resting her head softly on the pillow.*

"Hun, do you want me to go get Angel? I'm alittle worryed about you."

*Nate sits back down and orders another coffee. Taking a sop Nate is silent for several minutes just refelcting on the past. Alot of stuff had happend befoe Nate came to TJY. But everything made him who he was today.*

"Along time ago I had what alot of my friends called a perfect family, and I would addmit my family was a good one. My mother was an actress and my father was her agent. We lifed pretty good than and traviled alittle. When Maggie was first came along everyhing was good. They found out she had downsyndrom and were upset about it but Mom sai she loved her anyways and dident want her in a special home."

*Nate takes another sip of his coffee. Replaying events in his mind were painful, but if it helped Jason feel like he wasent alone it was worth it.*

" So things were good, life was good. When I turned 25 I fell in love with a wonderful woman Her name was Lynn. She had hair of raven black and the biggest brown eyes I had even seen. She was an amazing woman. we dated for a year, and grew very serouse. We were almost insepratable. Than it all fell apart. My mom got a big movie gig and there was no room for kids. She really changed always promised she would come back to Maggie but months went by and she dident. I worked 3 jobs, spent time with my sister and Lynn. I was young, I was growing tired and finally my mental stability suffered from it. I ended up snaping and had to spend a year in a hospetal. I hated it and couldent wait to leave. While I was there Lynn watched out for Maggie. God truly blessed his with a kind and loving heart."

*Nate lets out a long sigh.*

"When I was in the hospetal I learned how to shut out my feelings, lock them up. It was the only way I could get out of the hospetal let them know I wasent unstable anymore was to hide it. finally I was let out. I went back home to Lynn and Maggie and I tryed to open up again. It worked alittle but I wasent the same anymore. I dident want to feel for I new if I did I would feel te hurt as well. Finally I pushed Lynn away. the love of my life I pushed out the door. For the longest time I tryed to blame Maggie. I sent her off to a group home I also abandend my sister. A few months passed Lynn started showing up again to see how I was doing but when she found out that Maggie wasent with me anymore that was the last straw and I havent seen her since. My wonderful Lynn was good. Several months later Maggie almost died. My own anger got in the way of my sister and I never checked out where I sent Maggie. Come to find out they had alot of cases niglect for there pasents. Someone wasent paying attachen to Maggie while she was trying to take a bath. She made the water to hott and burned herself that sent her into shock so she couldent get out of the tub, and almsot ended up drownding."

*Nate runs his finger along the lip of his coffee mud remembering the past and how he felt. It braught a tear to his eye.*

"When I found out I was devastated. Like a hammer to a glass window everything inside shattered my walls and I let it out again. From that point on I promised my emotions would never cause me to push anyone away again. Since that time Maggie has been with him and I love her so much. She is my sun now. I never found someone since Lynn I cared about untill recently."

*A smile makes its way to Nate's face at the thought of Laura.*

"So Jason, I have locked myself away, lost, had a broken hear, healed slowly and moved on. If two people are ment to be together they will find there way back to one another. Lynn and I never did. I'll always hold a peace of her in my heart to remember. She made such an impact I dont know how I could ever gorget. We just wernt ment to be. But my sister was ment to be with him, cuz she is still here. Every good relationship has to have its break ups so you can grow. I Know you feel lost and alone Jason but your not. Not at all. Dont let what happend in prison rule over you."

*Nate grows silent trying to keep his own tears away. It had been a long time since he looked at the past and it still hurt.*