

*As Katie types away at her computer she hears the soft clicking of claws on the tiles. As a small bark rings in Katie cubicle a grins makes its way to Katie's face as she looks down at Domino.*

"Between you and your master I am never going to get any work dont you know that?!"

*Bending down Katie takes the squeeky toy and stands.*

"Come on."

*Katie makes her way to the recroom Domino closely following behind her. Making sure no one is using the room Katie goes in a shuts the door. Taking the chew toy Katie throws it across the long room. Watching little Domino's leg try to find traction as she scurrys across the room. Running back to her only to have the toy be thrown again.*

*Mable smiles as Wyatt and waves and noding alittle turning her head to the back room.*

"Aerith I just sat someone in your sections."

*Aerith comes out from the back tieing her aprin and see Wyatt. Looking back at Mabel.

Mable gives a small smile and nods.*

"Take your break."

"But I just got back from break!"

"So take another one."

*Aerith cant help but grin at Mable as she walks over to Wyatt and nods to the booth.*

"Hey this seat taken?"

*Angel smiles at Luke and helps him up again. Slowly making there way to the barn.*

"So...what would you like to do? We can brush horses, rub down some sattles, watch me much out stalls. You name it and I will make it possable."

*Rosetta stands and disapears into the kitchen. A few minutes later she reapears with plates , sandwhitches and salad. Smiling at everyone she stays standing.*

"Dig in everyone. I am going to go grab Wendy and BJ. I'll be back."

*Rosetta disapears out of the messhall.*

*Wes makes his way through the house seeing the food still left on the table. Picking up the bowl he takes it into the kitchen and puts it on the counter. Grabing a glass and geting some water Wes makes his ways into the living room. Seeing Cindy curled up in the chair Wes is hit with a suddin wave of worry. Going over to her Wes squots down next to Cindy and feels her head. She was a bit warm. Standing again Wes scoops Cindy up in his arms and gently takes her to the bed room. With his free arm he pulls the blankets down and lays Cindy on the bed resting her head softly on the pillow.*

"Hun, do you want me to go get Angel? I'm alittle worryed about you."

*Nate sits back down and orders another coffee. Taking a sop Nate is silent for several minutes just refelcting on the past. Alot of stuff had happend befoe Nate came to TJY. But everything made him who he was today.*

"Along time ago I had what alot of my friends called a perfect family, and I would addmit my family was a good one. My mother was an actress and my father was her agent. We lifed pretty good than and traviled alittle. When Maggie was first came along everyhing was good. They found out she had downsyndrom and were upset about it but Mom sai she loved her anyways and dident want her in a special home."

*Nate takes another sip of his coffee. Replaying events in his mind were painful, but if it helped Jason feel like he wasent alone it was worth it.*

" So things were good, life was good. When I turned 25 I fell in love with a wonderful woman Her name was Lynn. She had hair of raven black and the biggest brown eyes I had even seen. She was an amazing woman. we dated for a year, and grew very serouse. We were almost insepratable. Than it all fell apart. My mom got a big movie gig and there was no room for kids. She really changed always promised she would come back to Maggie but months went by and she dident. I worked 3 jobs, spent time with my sister and Lynn. I was young, I was growing tired and finally my mental stability suffered from it. I ended up snaping and had to spend a year in a hospetal. I hated it and couldent wait to leave. While I was there Lynn watched out for Maggie. God truly blessed his with a kind and loving heart."

*Nate lets out a long sigh.*

"When I was in the hospetal I learned how to shut out my feelings, lock them up. It was the only way I could get out of the hospetal let them know I wasent unstable anymore was to hide it. finally I was let out. I went back home to Lynn and Maggie and I tryed to open up again. It worked alittle but I wasent the same anymore. I dident want to feel for I new if I did I would feel te hurt as well. Finally I pushed Lynn away. the love of my life I pushed out the door. For the longest time I tryed to blame Maggie. I sent her off to a group home I also abandend my sister. A few months passed Lynn started showing up again to see how I was doing but when she found out that Maggie wasent with me anymore that was the last straw and I havent seen her since. My wonderful Lynn was good. Several months later Maggie almost died. My own anger got in the way of my sister and I never checked out where I sent Maggie. Come to find out they had alot of cases niglect for there pasents. Someone wasent paying attachen to Maggie while she was trying to take a bath. She made the water to hott and burned herself that sent her into shock so she couldent get out of the tub, and almsot ended up drownding."

*Nate runs his finger along the lip of his coffee mud remembering the past and how he felt. It braught a tear to his eye.*

"When I found out I was devastated. Like a hammer to a glass window everything inside shattered my walls and I let it out again. From that point on I promised my emotions would never cause me to push anyone away again. Since that time Maggie has been with him and I love her so much. She is my sun now. I never found someone since Lynn I cared about untill recently."

*A smile makes its way to Nate's face at the thought of Laura.*

"So Jason, I have locked myself away, lost, had a broken hear, healed slowly and moved on. If two people are ment to be together they will find there way back to one another. Lynn and I never did. I'll always hold a peace of her in my heart to remember. She made such an impact I dont know how I could ever gorget. We just wernt ment to be. But my sister was ment to be with him, cuz she is still here. Every good relationship has to have its break ups so you can grow. I Know you feel lost and alone Jason but your not. Not at all. Dont let what happend in prison rule over you."

*Nate grows silent trying to keep his own tears away. It had been a long time since he looked at the past and it still hurt.*

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