
Time to go

*As Aerith looks out her bedroom window and see Wyatt siting outside. Cralwing down the steps Aerith gets to the front door and opens it. She was dressed in a white tea and hoody with blue jeans. As she is about to step out her grandmoter can be hurd.*

"Aerith...where are you doing at this time of night girl?"

"I'm going out with a friend grandmother."

"You found a friend? When did you have time you work to much and hardly have time to take care of me."

"Thats not true grandmother I only work till 5."

"And thats five hours that I dont have your help."

"You know my number when if you need me. I am leaving now."


*Aerith shuts the door behind her feeling bad for leaving her grandmother now but she had promised Wyatt and she needed her own time too. Opening the door on the she gets inside and smiles at Wyatt.*

"Hey there handsome. You made me."

*Aerith cant help but brawden her smile.*

*Katie quirks a smile as she cheeks get red. She could tell he remembered what was said and hadent forgoten. She wasnted sure if that was a good thing or bad.*

"Ok...let me go do some work and start dinner and I will be back maybe I can wheel a tv in here or something."

*Katie looks down at Domino and smiles.*

"Dont let him get to crazy now."

*Katie exits the room and makes her way to er cubicle to get atleast some work done.*

*Nate pulls up to the curb and honks the horn Opening his door.*

"I'm your prince in shinning armour and am gonna steal you away."

*Giving a heartly laugh Nate gets back in the car with Laura and makes his way to the ice cream shop.*

*Flinning the door open Jamie steps out in a hunter green shirt and her black pants throwing a glair at Con thoug a smile was on her lips leting him know she dident mind to much. Geting into the car she looks at him.*

"Conrad Gibbs what in blue blazes are you doing?"

*Another smile cross Jamie's lips as she leans into him planting a kiss on his lips than draws away.*

"I've missed you."

*Rosetta exits the mess hall after leting BJ run free out to play in the yard for alittle bit. Watching him she sits down next to Trent than turns her head to him. Studying him for a long moment.*

"I'm...I'm really glad your here Trent. I've missed you."

*Rosetta puts an arm around her brother knowing he probley felt out of place.*

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