

*Aerith searchs Wyatt's eyes for the truth in what he said. She had been hurt so many times in the past yet something about Wyatt said there really was truth in his statment. Aerith hadent known Wyatt for very long but she felt she could trust him always. Aerith gives a nod.*

"Ok..I'll try to understand for now. I dont plain on going anywhere yet so you have time to convince me to stay."

*Aerith grins and takes another bit of her food. She felt relaxed now and at ease.*

"How about ice cream at 7? That will give me time to take care of my grandmother and hopfuly slip out. I love ice cream, its my weakness."

*Puting her napkin on the plate she stands.*

"Well I better finish up my shift so I can leave alittle bit earlyer today. Thank you Wyatt. You've helped me settle in here just seeing you alittle bit. Its nice to know you have someone who goes out of here way to see you."

*Aerith throws Wyatt a silly smile and turns walking to the backroom.*

*Katie smiles at Scott as he plays and talks to Domino. It was funny watching the. Like a child with there father. It was cute how they interacted. How Domino seemed to understand Scott. Taking her attachen away from the small dog and back to Scott.*

" I'll probley hang around tonight. Keep an eye on ya and try to get alittle work done. I think I'd like the company anyways. Being along just makes me....."

*Katies words trail off as she relizes what she was going to say. Reverting her words once again. To many ears were listing now and Katie dident want her, Jason, and Scott all over the place. Katie lets out a long drawn breath.*

"So...what should I make for dinner tonight to us?"

*Nate breaks away from Jason as he see Laura get up to leave. Chasing her down to the door.*

"Laura...Laura wait."

*Nate jogs up next to her catching his breath.*

"Hey....you...walk to...fast."

*Nate continues to paint for air finally catching his breath.*

"You...Me...ice cream...7 o'clock I'll pick you up be ready."

*Nate gives Laura a tight hug and than turns around heading back to his desk not leting Laura say no.*

*Jamie giggles.*

"Yes please a show would be nice. That will give me a chanse to show and change myself. I'll be waiting. DONT be late Con."

*Jamie giggles again with a playful tone in her voice leting Con know she was joking. Hanging up Jamie heads to take a shower and get dressed again than wait for Con.*

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