
New Friends

*Once Katie is finished with her work she leaves work and heads to the store picking up a few things. Also stoping at the movie store and grabing a few movies for something to do along with a deck of cards. Making her way back to TJY she enters the break room and starts to repair dinner.*

*Geting out Jamie brings her free arm around Con and walks with him. Making small talk about work, and life in general. Making it to the window Jamie studys the menu for a long moment.*

"I think today I would like to try a medium creamcicle swirl in a cone."

*Jamie smiles up at Con. Even though he was late today she still loved him and felt so safe with his arms wrapped around her. How could one be mad at someone who made her feel like this. Being late or missing a date was so minor campared to other stuff that could be going on. Jamie couldent be mad at Con.

Geting her ice cream Jamie stays close Con trying to eat it fast before it melts all over. Giving a laugh she brings a hand to her temple.*

"Brain freeze."

*Finally geting to the ice cream shop Nate parks the car and gets out going over to Laura's side and opening the door holding out a hand and bowing alittle to help her out. Keeping hold of Laura hand Nate walks with her inside to go inside. Looking to the right Nate notices Jamie and Con. Feeling a bit of nerves Nate musters up a smile and waves to them. Once inside Nate leans down alittle.*

"You can have anything you want Laura my treat."

*Aerith smiles as she walks with Wyatt stoping when he does. A nervouse feeling forms in the tummy at the thougt of meeting even more people. But she new if they were friends of Wyatt's everything would be ok. Leaning alittle closer to him she smiles.*

"Wow...he really is a tank, and she looks so small next to him. And I would love to meet them. The more people I have to hang out with here the more I can stay out of trouble.*

*Aerith giggles*

"Oh ya and if they make them I already know what I would like. A Rootbeer float."

*Rosetta smiles at Trent. A look of sensarity on her face.*

"Everyone deserves a second chanse and God sent you back to us for a reason. I just pray you really have changed and can live in peace again. My ranch is and has always been open to you as long as your on the rigth side."

*Rosetta turns her gaze to BJ who is playing out in the yard with one of the other kids who hadent turned in for the night a smile formed on her face. They dident know who's side Trent was really on yet Rosetta new and hoped it was there. Not to mention if the Agency captured Trent they could get the knowlage from him. Thinging it best Rosetta only tells Trent part of the short.*

"He's not mine by blood, but as soon as Mick and I get married he will be ours we are adopting him. He showed up on the doorstep one night with a note that said that they new he would be safe here. We ended up finding his father and talked to him about everything. He ended up decieding that He wasent stable enough for BJ and he would rather see him in a good home with good parents. We all had goten so attached to BJ we dident want to let him go. Mick and I talks about it and thats what we dicieded."

*Rosetta cant help but smile and be proud of BJ. She felt her heart leep at the thought of being a mother to him. Now if only they could find Mick and bring him back again.*

"He's a good kid, with a big heart. He's going to go far in life I know it. He's a smart kid. I love the little guy like my own."

*Pushing the door open with her foot Katie arrived into the room with Scott and Domino with a tray piled high. Seting it on the counter she exits the room again and returns in a few moments with more stuff and her backpack only to put it down and leave again. This time returning with a dog bowl, and pushing the TV cart with the VCR shuting the door again behind her. Katie throws a grin at Scott. Puting the dog bowl on the ground filled with Food she lets Domino know its for her. Than going to the counter grabs a plate and hands it to Scott.*

"We have chicken hand stuffed with cheese, spinage, and spices. Roasted potatos on the side and grills summer vegtables."

*Seting her plate next to Scott she goes back to the counter and grabs the glasses.*

"And for our drink we have raspberry ice tea. I also made us dessert but thats in the fridge still."

*Seting the glass down for Scott and than her own down she hopes up on the end of the bed. Turning and smiling at Scott.*

"And also, I have cards I braught and some movies so we have plenty of stuff to keep us busy tonight. If you dont fall asleep on me again."

*Katie giggles before digging into her food. Katie had to addmit to herself she went all out on the meal and dessert tonight but Katie dident mind she wanted to make something special for Scott, and she did love to cook.*

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