
Big heart

Con sucks on his own ice cream cone and laughs at Jamie. He reaches over to give her head a vigorous rub with his hand to create heat, messing up her hair in the process.

Wandering to find a seat somewhere, but in no hurry, Con notices his sister and Nate inside ordering. Noting the smile on Laura’s face, he returns the wave without hesitation.

Laura can’t help a little laugh. “I guess this is the spot to go, isn’t it?” she asks Nate. Pointing out the window, she sees past her brother. “There’s Wyatt too… ooh, and look, he’s got a girl with him. After we order we should go out and say hi to everybody."

Wyatt’s smile broadens. “They make great rootbeer floats here.” He cocks his head in thought. “Come to think of it, I haven’t had one of those in quiet a while. I think that sounds like a fine idea.”

Going ahead and ordering to receive their floats first, once they have them in hand, Wyatt leads the way over to where Con and Jamie are still standing.

“Hey, guys.”

Con doesn’t turn around right away, not having heard him. Feeling a hand to his arm though, he almost jumps and looks to down to the side. Seeing Wyatt, he smiles. “Well, Wyatt. Hi there.”

Wyatt grins. “Con, Jamie. Small world, eh?” He chuckles, then gestures to Aerith. “I’d like you both to meet Aerith. She’s new in town and…I guess I’m showing her the sights.”

Con glances to Aerith, still smiling, and offers a strong handshake. “Nice to meet you, Aerith. I hope Wyatt hasn’t told you too many stories about friends of his…” He leans down a little, lowering his voice. “If he says anything bad about me, don’t believe him.” Receiving a swat to the arm from Wyatt, he straightens with a laugh. “What was that for?”

“Being ornery,” Wyatt retorts good naturedly.

Scott’s eyes widen at the spread Katie brings in, and pulls himself further up in bed so he can be sitting up straight. “My word…you went all out, didn’t you?” A smile creeps across his face as he receives supper. “You’re not going to hear me complain though…not with food that smells as good as this!”

Taking a bite of the chicken, he nods. “Mmm…and it tastes good too. Just give me time to eat it, that hole in my mouth screams at me every time I try to chew.” He rolls his eyes. “I’m ignoring it though, so if you hear it, pay no heed.”

He nudges Katie with his foot that’s under the blanket. “I’ll stay awake as long as you keep me that way.” He grins, his tongue just a little looser than normal. “If I start to drift off, just slap me and you’ll have my full attention again.”

Trent lifts his eyebrows a little at the story of BJ. The little boy looked so much like Mick, Trent wouldn’t have been surprised had the story been different…yet he also know that his sister wasn’t yet married and had her own set of standards that would most likely have not led to that occurrence.

“You’ve got just a big a heart as you always did, Rosetta…” He gives a sorry laugh. “I was always jealous of that heart…so many times I tried to be like you…never could live up to it though.”

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