

Scott is surprised by Katie's sudden impulsiveness, but allows it freely. Whether it was the actual pain killers he was on or just Katie's presence that gave him this feeling he'd never had before, he didn't know...but at this moment in time, he didn't care.

Her remark of not depriving him brings a grin to his face. He accepts her back again, melting at her touch, at the sweet taste of her kiss. His fingers run gently through her hair as the exchange is prolonged, neither in a hurry to let it end.

Scott takes a breath and shifts his weight to wrap his arm around Katie tighter. But it was the wrong move. Feeling as though someone just stabbed him with a knife in the ribs, he cringes, quickly pulling away from Katie, keeping his hands on her shoulders. His face reddening a little, he can't help a short laugh. "I guess I can't handle this quiet yet," he admits ruefully.

Raising his hand to run a finger down the side of Katie's face, his eyes prove his actions are his own and not those of the drugs. His voice is quiet. "Pretty frustrating, if you ask me."

Laura enjoys her walk with Nate, letting the wind comb her hair, not caring about what time it is. As Nate stops and faces her, she can feel her own cheeks grow warm. She recognized that look in his eye...she knew his intentions.

Her mind suddenly reeled, telling her to back away, but she resists.

As Nate draws closer, she's pulled to him and feels his lips against hers. Her pulse races at his gentle passion, her eyes closing.

Logic grips her tightly, threatening to pull her away from this moment. But she hangs on. She wants this.

The soft kiss ends and Laura looks up into Nate's eyes. She felt safe. She did not fear him. She was done running.

Seeing his stare, she knows his questions...his longings. Ever so slowly, she reaches up to put her arms around his neck, her hands trembling just a little. Pulling herself closer, she stands on her tip toes. "Nate Driers," she whispers. "You just don't give up, do you?" Her eyes signal it's okay...the tell him that she wouldn't run away if he continued.

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