

*Katie stirs in her sleep as dreams go in and out of her mind. Some of Jason and some of Scott, Con, and her Aunt were thrown in there somewhere too. Katie grip tightens around Scott once during the night as she keep sleeping peacefuly.*

*Nate watches as Laura walks to her door. Watching Nate makes sure she makes it in ok and pulls out of the driveway a smile on his face. Tonight had been perfect.*

*As Wyatt pulls up to the curb to her house Aerith lets out a sigh. Turning to Wyatt she smiles.*

"Thanks again Wyatt. I had alot of fun too."

*Geting out of the car Aerith makes her way to the door. Opening it Aerith turns and waves only to turn again at the sound of her grandmother yelling. Steping in Aerith shuts out the world behind her and the happness she felt was snuffed out for now till Wyatt and her would meet again.*

*Jamie smiles at Con giving him a hug and kiss goodnight.*

"Dinner at my parents place would be great Maybe. Thank you again Con. For just...being you."


*Katie's eyes fly open as Rick shakes her and hears his voice. Looking around the room for a moment Katie trys to get her bearings. Was she in the infermary. Looking at the sleeping form next to her Katie remembers what happend the night before. She had been so comfortable with Scott she fell asleep next to him all night. Turning her head to Rick her cheeks turn red. As she slids off the bed.*

"I...ummm...we...we just had dinner, and I guess...it...got kind of late....and....dont be upset with Scott it was my idea."

*Katie grabs her purse and bag heading out of the infermary totally embarssed Rick had seen them. Heading to the bathroom Kate takes a shower and gets ready for the day.*

*Wes sits up in bed with a start hearing Cindy throwing up in the bathroom. Throwing his blanket off oh him he moves swiftly to the bathroom puting a hand on Cindys back and rubbing is softly. Kneeling down next to her, and just rubs her back untill she stops throwing up for the moment.*

"I'll take you to see Angel when I got into work. If you will come that it. You have been sick for a while now. You might need some meds to take care of your cold or if its a flu."

*Wes stands helping Cindy up as well geting her ready for the day to go see Angel.*

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