

Scott plays along with Katie, staying awake and being pretty lucid for the most part, though every once in a while coming up with a comment that was off the wall or downright silly.

As the last hand is shown and Katie has to relent to one more kiss, Scott is not expecting anything different than the peck on the cheek as he’s been receiving.

Katie’s paused motion catches him off guard, and he immediately senses something different. As her lips brush up against his skin, his pulse quickens, but he doesn’t resist. Her hand to his face sends warmth throughout, and he can feel her moving closer, knowing good and well what her aim is.

As she slides closer and into his lap, drawing him closer, he stares into her eyes for the brief moment before her lips come to his. It’s an instant of sweet passion and he’s drawn into it, his breath taken away. Everything else seems to fade away, and he finds himself returning the kiss with equal emotion, his hands finding their way to Katie’s back.

Her withdrawing leaves him for but a moment wanting more, and he searches her eyes, taken aback by her sudden move, and questioning if it were real or simply a byproduct of the heat of the moment. He finds sincerity.

Loosening her hold on her, though allowing her to remain on his lap, he regains his breath, absorbing the feeling she’d left him with. Her apology goes ignored. He didn’t need her to tell him she was sorry. He certainly wasn’t.

He corner of his mouth upturns in genuine, though slightly doped-up grin. “And I thought them drugs made me feel good.”

Con shoot Jamie a withering look at her comment of little kids. “I heard that.”

As Nate and Laura approach, Con and Laura lock eyes for just a moment, Laura giving him a brief nod. Con offers her a small smile, seeing that she is okay tonight.

Wyatt continues with the introductions. “Hey guys. I was just introducing my friend Aerith here. She’s fairly new in town – forgot to mention she’s working at Mom and Pop’s now though, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of her.” For Aerith’s sake, he gestures to the newcomers. “This is Nate, and Laura – she’s Con’s sister. Oh, and I forgot, Jamie is Herb and Mabel’s daughter.”

He gives Jamie a sidelong glance. “Speaking of which, your parents were quite the, um…hosts today. You’ll have to ask them about it.” He throws a wink in Aerith’s direction.

As the chit chat continues, the small group wanders a bit, eating their ice cream. Laura finishes hers up, and links her arm through Nate’s. “Hey…I know it’s dark, but can we take a walk down on the beach?”

Trent takes in Rosetta’s words thoughtfully, letting them sink in slowly. It had been so long since he’d tried to figure out just who he was…ten years behind bars had taught him he was nobody worth anything. Years with the Agency taught him he was worthless. Being on the run he hadn’t had time to think twice about it. But now…there was change in the wind…he could feel it. Who was he anymore? Did he really have anything to offer?

As BJ comes running up, Trent gives a little smile. The child was cute and obviously adored Rosetta. He looks up at her as she leaves and gives a little nod. “Thanks…for everything.”

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