
Royal Flush

*Katie's face goes solom as she holds up her cards moving them around in her hand. Katie trys to keep ger poker face up looking over her cards everyone in a while at Scott. As Scott lays down his first hand Katie lays down hers with a sigh.*

"3 of a kind. Guess that means I kiss you first huh?"

*Katie's cheeks turn a slight shade of red as she leans over gives a kiss to Scott's cheek. As she draws away Katie gets a whip of Scott light cologne that is good and tingles her sences. As Katie sits back she stairs into Scott's eyes finally breaking the stair. Shuffling the cards again Katie deals. Playing about 3 or 4 more rounds they go back and forth one kissing the other cheek. Mosty of the time Scott wins and Katie ends up kissing him not that she minded.*

"Ok Scott one more hand and this is for the all time championchip of Kissing Poker. I hope your ready to lose."

*Leting Scott deal this time Katie once again holds up her cards studing every movie that is made. Finally this time is up Katie lays down her cards.*

"Full house."

*Scott lays his own hand down.*

"Royal flush."

*Leting out a heavy sigh Katie gets a smerk on her face.*

"I guess your the winner and get the last kiss huh."

*Katie unfolds her legs and leans in to kiss Scott on the cheek once again. As Kaite goes to kiss him on the cheek she stops lowering her head to his shoulder she takes a breath geting the smell of Scott cologne once again. As she draws away bringing her head back up her lips gently brush Scott neck taking her hand she turns his head twords her as her heart races, and all time stop. Pressing her lips to Scott she kiss him passently wraping her arms around him and drawing him closer. The kiss lingers for several moments till finally Katie pulls away feeling a bit of shock in herself that she just kissed Scott like that and dident know how he felt about it himself. Thinking maybe she steped over the line, In a horse breathless whisper Kaite speaks.*

"I'm sorry."

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