
hug OR kiss

* Entering TJY Jess walks slowly across the floor that was filled with people working. Not looking up to meet anyones eyes Jess makes her way to the small room closing the door behind her. Sinking down on the bed Jess lets her head rest in the pillow and closes her eyes. This had been her quiet place, her safe heaven. But is was begining to make her more depressed, siting not doing anything, sleeping. Jess didnt really want to do much but she didn't want to sit and do nothing eather. Maybe she would go see Carson again later, or maybe find a new bar to go to. Something anything to keep her mind busy.*

*Misty can't help but laugh as she watches Kyle leave shaking her head and calling after him.*

"I'll try to be ready. I don't know though I didn't get a hug OR a kiss goodbye."

*Misty folds her arms across her chest as she stands inside waiting for Kyle to return.*

*Returning home Charlotte takes the note from the door as a smile spreads across her face. Yes after work she would go and see Bret. If he was wallowing that would mean he would probley need company again tonight and Charlotte new maybe the bar and some pool was in order.

Heading up the steps Carlotte gets ready for work and heads out taking the small bag with the gift for Bret with her. Tonight she would give it to him.*

~*~ Later in the day ~*~

*Katie looks at Scott from across the table and smiles at Scott before qurking a question eyebrow.*

"Hun, you have been here a million times and you still need to read the menu?"

*Katie can't help but giggle a little as she looks down at her menu and than back at Scott. She couldn't help the feeling of something being wrong but surly if there was Scott would of said something by now.*

"Mmmm....I think my desition is easy I want the chicken-al-king tonight."

*Katie reaches across the table and locks her fingers with Scott's the smile still on her face.*

"What are you in the mood for than go from there."

*Finally exiting her apartment Misty makes her way to Kyle's truck. Dressed nice in a black tank top and jeans Misty slips into the truck smileing.*

"Sorry I am running a bit late, was trying to get my hair just right."

*Misty's hair was done up on her head with a clip and ringlets hung down and around her face giving it shape.*

"So I was thinking maybe we could go to that little place down by the water front. Its not to cold out tonight and this might be one of the last times to go this season."

*Exiting TJY Jess makes her way once again back to Mom and Pop's but this time she takes a differnt rout. Staying in the shadows Jess just wanted differnt scenery, but in the end resalt she would be at Mom and Pop's to see Carson.*


Carson gives a nod to Jess and watches her until she's gone. Giving a little sigh, h tries to focus on work, quickly becoming busy with food orders.

It's not until later in the day when Carson has enough time for a break, slipping back to the room that he was still calling home. Sinking down on the small bed, he takes his ballcap off and leans back against the wall. His mind had been trying to wander all day and he hadn't let it. Now that he was alone, it refused his attempts, finally going where it willed, whether he liked it or not.

Australia... the Agency... Ashlyn... mistakes... murders... TJY... more mistakes... Misty... mistake after mistake after mistake... cases... Misty... Ashlyn... TJY... Dani... Misty... Misty... the Bullseye... Velvet... Vegas... Misty... mistakes...

Carson closes his eyes and sighs deeply. No matter where he was or what he did, he always managed to screw things up. Could be his own life, could be someone else's, but he'd find a way to ruin it somehow by his stupid actions. If only he had something to keep him out of trouble... He was doing well at the moment, with Herb over him. But what about when he could finally get his own place again? What about when he could finally afford another car? Carson feared himself. He knew without someone there, as soon as he had the opportunity, he'd be off on the wrong road again, making the same mistakes over and over and over again. He finally realized his own pattern, and by now, he loathed it.

He glances down, just wishing for once that he wasn't himself...he'd liked himself before, but that's what got him into trouble half the time was believing he was big stuff. And maybe he had been...but he'd used it when he shouldn't have. He wanted his own confidence back...he wanted his own self worth back...but for some reason, it continued to evade him.

Strumming his fingers on the bed, he looks down at his arm. Some things did last a lifetime... and he'd screwed up enough this time that a reminder to last him his life might not be a bad thing. It was almost a form of self-punishment because he knew that though it would become less, the pain would always be there. But if it was pain in the heart that kept his head on straight, then perhaps it was worth it. ...he knew a guy in town that owed him.

Kyle pulls Misty around in a dance maneuver, twirling her, then bringing her back into his arms. "Good." He plants a quick kiss on her forehead. "Then I'll swing by your place at seven o'clock. And be thinking because you get to pick where we go."

His cell phone goes off and he rolls his eyes. "That'll be Mike. We're supposed to get together with Cryptic. I'll see you later."

Letting Misty go, Kyle slides toward the door, bouncing off the doorframe into the hall where he disappears.

Taped to Charlotte's door at home is a handwritten note:

The future is all but chance waiting to happen. Sometimes you just can't say no to fate.

Sorry I missed your call. Sleeping off the aftereffects of a good wallow - wasn't as much fun drinking alone though. Miss you. Call me after work?


Like all days where anticipation of a fun evening is present, it goes slowly. The minutes turn into hours, slowly, slowly, the hands on the clock never speeding up. But finally, right on time, it's here - evening has come.

The bell at Mom and Pop's rings as Scott opens it, holding it for Katie. There are a few people already here tonight, but it's relatively quiet. Scott points to a booth back in the corner. "That looks like a good spot, he suggests."

Getting settled, he looks around, and spots Carson behind the counter. He gives a nod, acknowledging him at least.

Carson sees them and offers a little smile. Though seeing people from TJY brought on pangs within him that weren't comfortable, there was a part of him that was still glad to see them. He raises his hand for a short wave before turning back to his work.

Scott notices the bandage on Carson's forearm, but doesn't question it. Letting his eyes roam, he finds Aerith and waves at her. Picking up a menu, he scans the options. "Hmm...choices, choices." He glances over to Katie. "What are you going to have?"

Though cool on the top, under the surface, a strange tension was growing. He bounces his leg under the table, though doing his best not to let on that anything was wrong.

Kyle stops his pickup outside Misty's place and looks at his watch. He was early. Deciding to wait, he turns off the engine and settles back in his seat until it got to be closer to seven.