
Stop look and Listen

*Misty watches Jason as he enters the room like a cat ready to pounch at the slightst movie of hast or act to cause harm. As Misty listens to Jason talk to Carson she dosent move her positions from his bed. Only hours before Misty had seen Jason and Nate with the flames of anger in there, now replaces with simpathy Misty dident know if it was a ploy to get close to Carson or not. Misty wasent going to let her guard down.

Misty raises and eyebrow as Jason asks to talk to her alone. Glancing at Carson as she steps twords the door she lets him know she will be back. What did Jason want with her. As Misty listens to everything Jason has to say she takes it in slowly. As she heres that Reese is allowing her to be around Carson her eyes dance. She was happy for at least that. Misty contiunes to listen to Jason as he talks. What he was asking Misty to do was to grain Carson friendship for one reson and that one reson only.*

"Well Jason, first off I'd like to say, I think by Carson not going to the Agency when he had the chanse proves in itself that maybe he is on our side. Yes thats right he dident go to the Agency when he has ample opertunity. He turned around and came back, hency why we found him in that bar. And for the fact that he isent a danger to us we keep him out of the cell. I would like to keep him out as long as possable. It wont help his Psyce if we keep him caged like an animel. We should at least give him that much as to not put him in there again. I'll even take full responsibility for him."

*Misty thinks about her words ever so carfely. Making sure to get her point across in a nice way, but she couldent help the sassy tone. Her fire was ignighted again and couldent be helped burning bright as Carson stuck in her mind.*

"Next, Jason...Do you relize what your asking me to do? Your asking my to befriend Carson, get him to talk than drop him like a fly. Sorry but thats not how I roll. I care for Carson and I wont hurt him like that. I WONT force him to talk to me. When he is ready and comfortable he'll talk. He's got alot of pain and misunderstanding running around inside of him like any of us. You guys just simply arnt understanding that or bothering to look. Your charging in head first not even bothering to consider his feelings, and how manybe talking about this stuff really hurts him."

*Misty lets out a long sigh and shakes her head*

"Maybe you guys should stop, look and listen. Why cant you people see the Carson I see. You want to know why cuz I bet I know. You can see the Carson I see cuz you own motives are like a vail infront of your eyes. You dont care who you hurt to get what you want. Why are there people like Carson in this world? Cuz there are not enough people who love unconditionaly, and open there hearts to those who need it the most and find the good in them."

*As Laura grabs Nate's arm and helps him to the chair he cant help but feel silly and laughs.*

"You know I am the one who is ment to be helping you not the other way around."

*Nate places one of his hands over his eyes as he lifts his head to the sky trying to get the spinning to stop.*

"I'm not feeling all that grand. But I cant go home I need to be here for this whole Carson thing. I'll be ok. The dizzyness will pass and I'll be back to normal in no time."

*Nate does his best to smile up at Laura. She dident need to worry about him on top of everything alse she was worrying about.*

*Katie cant help but smile and Laugh at the guys leading them into the kitchen and grabing some plates. As Kyle draws attacken to Henry the cat runs 3 circles around him than dashes off into the other room. Katie rawrs with laughter.*

"He likes you Kyle. And he is a nut like you too."

*Katie gives Kyle a light elbow and than ruffles his hair playfuly. Katie sets out plates foreveryone and glass filling them with Milk. Siting down she says a small prayer*

"Dear Heavnly father, thank you for this meal and bless it to our bodys. Dear Lord right now Jen isent not feeling to well. Please help her feel better soon so she can make it to the fundraises and have a geart time this wensday. If anyone deserves to have a blast lord its her. She has smiled at every hand delt to her and never given up faith in you. Thank you Lord. Amen"

*Katie smiles around the table as she finishes praying. Keeping the chatting light as everyone eats.*

"Oh wow this chicken is amazing. Jen is gonna have to show me how to cook. How are you boys not fatter with he as a cook. So...you guys have your line up for the fundraiser? I'm still stuck with 4 differnt songs and trying to pick one 2 with one poem. I have no idea what ones to pick."


Carson waits for Misty's response, but breaks his gaze as they're interrupted.

Jason opens the door and steps inside, taking in the scene. He looks at Carson and Misty for just a moment, getting a funny feeling like he'd just missed something.

Carson stiffens a little and lets his arm fall back down as soon as Misty is finished. He looks over to Jason, his face hard and motionless. He hadn't seen Jason since that morning, and he'd been none too happy. What was he going to do now?

Jason eyes Carson skeptically, though feeling the same mercy he'd told Nate he felt. Carson may have been a bad dude, but he was still human, prone to feeling remorse eventually. "So, Carson. Glad to see you're awake."

Carson lifts one eyebrow. "Glad or disappointed?"

Jason approaches the bed and hooks his thumbs in his pockets. "Glad you're alive, disappointed in your attitude." He pauses, searching the other man's face. "There's stuff we need to know...and you're not helping things much, least of all yourself."

Carson ignores the prompt to talk about the Agency. "Look, I got a bag I stashed before going to that bar last night. I was on foot and didn't want to take it in with me. I don't think you want an innocent bystander getting a hold on it."


"There's a niche between two buildings on Fourth Street about a block from the bar. You might want to have someone pick it up."

Jason isn't sure if he's telling the truth, or if it's a trap. "I'll make a note of that." Looking at Carson, he sees that he isn't yet ready to talk. There was much he hadn't said...much he had withheld, despite what he'd shared two days prior. Had Carson not yet made a decision about which side he would be on? Was he afraid of Jason and Nate? Was he simply afraid of talking because of the Agency? He'd shared information already, but he'd been nervous while doing so.

Jason sighs a little, deciding not to push now. "Misty, can I have a word with you?" He gestures to the door. "Alone?"

Once Misty and Jason are outside the partially closed door, Carson spies the water fountain in the corner of the infirmary. His mouth felt like it was full of cotton, and he was bound and determined to do things himself and not be waited on. He pulls out his own IV and swings his legs over the bed, getting just a little light headed by the movement. Managing to stand, his knees are weak, but he makes his way to the water and the paper cups a bit unsteadily. He's in his bare feet, and his jeans and t-shirt are stained with blood...he wishes he had his bag with him here so he could change.
Now closer to the door, his ears tune in to Jason and Misty's conversation.

Jason sets his hands on his hips and looks down at Misty. "I just talked to Reese. You'll probably be happy to know that his order for you to stay away from Carson has been lifted." He searches Misty's eyes for any reaction, still wondering about the strange interaction between her and their prisoner. "At any rate, Nate and I apparently can't get through to Carson ourselves, but it looks like he doesn't have much of a problem talking to you. We're assuming he's just scared of the Agency, or scared of us still even though we've said we're not going to hurt him. Guess I can't blame him, but we've got to find out if he's told the Agency anything since his little outing. Then after that see what else he's got to say...some of what he said was news to us, but not all, and I know he's got a whole lot more he hasn't told us. So..." He pauses, taking a breath. "As soon as he's able, he'll be going back to his cell, but we're gonna clean it out first and make it safer in case he gets any more notions to kill himself. And I guess your internship has moved to another level. It's up to you to get him to loosen up and figure out just which side he's going to settle on. If you think he's on our side, then he'll need to be convinced to talk to Nate and me, or at the very least, figure out why he's not talking more."

Laura keeps her eyes on the files, knowing Nate's voice, and she laughs. "Yeah, can't seem to keep these things under control. They like to run away." She sees Nate bend over but start to sway, and quickly stands to grab his arm. "Whoa there...are you okay?" She looks at his paled face with concern. "Here, come sit down." She directs him to a chair. "What's wrong?"

The guys start to laugh as Katie slams the door in their faces then opens it up again. They return her hugs enthusiastically and welcome the chance to come inside. Kyle holds up the box of food. "That smell would be the enticing aroma of Jen's fried chicken! And..."

Mike fakes a drum roll on the back of a chair.

"....we're here to help you eat it," Kyle concludes, giving Katie a quirky grin. "If that's alright with melady. We figured since your roommate was gone and Jason has left you stranded that you deserved a congrats from getting out of that stuffy hospital room."

"Jen was going to come," Phil adds, "But..."

"...she wasn't feeling too well," Kyle cuts him off. A strange look passes through his eyes, but it's gone almost before it appeared. Spying Henry he points. "Hey! See?!" He slaps Phil's arm. "I was right!"

Phil rolls his eyes. "Well he's not outside."


*Misty turns her gaze from Carson wrists back to his eyes grinning. Misty cocks her head and is about to reply to Carson when a knock can be hurd at the door. Turning she looks at the door to see who it is and calls.*

"Its open."

*Exiting the bathroom Nate see Laura and all her files fall to the ground. Shaking his head and grinning he walks up to her.*

"I saw that, those files jumped right out of your hands."

*Nate bends down to help her pick them but gets slightly dizzy from bend to fast. Swaying alittle Nate trys to keep his balance.*

*Katie sits up from the coutch fast sending Henry flying in the other direction at the sound of voices and the doorbell going off. Standing from the coutch Katie slowly makes her way to the window and peeks out alittle a smile spreading across her face. Trying to keep a straght face Katie goes to the door and opens it slightly.*

"Whatever you selling I dont want it. Go away and leave me alone."

*Katie shuts the door leaving the boys standing on the other side. Not being able to help herself she throws the door open again and gives the guys a hug usheding them inside while she laughed.*

"Are you all a sit for sore eyes. How ya been and what is the amazing smell?"


Carson grimaces a little as Misty rebandages his wrists. He notes the look on her face and her hands as she works, a grin starting to upturn the corner of his mouth. “Quit shaking. You’ll make the bandage crooked.”

Jason looks at Nate with a little surprise. “Alright…” With Nate gone, he raps his knuckles on the door, deciding to wait for Misty’s response before entering.

Laura makes her way down the hall, her arm full of filing folders and papers. Swinging wide of a doorway, she moves a little too fast, and the pile slides from her grip. She lets out a little wail as everything comes crashing down into a mess on the floor. Groaning, she kneels down to start picking things up.

“No, no it was the next house!”

“Are you sure? I thought he said it was blue.”


“I thought he said green.”

“Well what number did you write?”

“I can’t read my writing.”

“Kyle!” Phil reaches behind him to the back seat and snatches the scribbled note from his brother’s hand. “Good land, I’m surprised you’re not a doctor.”

Mike snickers as he drives slowly down the street. “Will you two hurry up? We’ve been down this street twice already.”

“Look for a cat,” Kyle comments.

“A cat?”

“Yeah, I heard she had a cat…or something…”

“It was be inside, dodo brain,” Phil retorts. “Here…” he points to the note. “That’s gotta be a six.”

Mike shakes his head. “There are no sixes here.”

“Maybe we’re on the wrong street.”

“Well it’s Maple Street.”

Phil’s eyes widen. “He didn’t say Maple, he said Weaver.”

Mike slams on the breaks, his own eyes wide. “Where did I get Maple?”

“I don’t know, but you better turn around…again,” Kyle suggests, giving Mike’s arm a slap. “Way to go.”

“I’m not the one who wrote down directions he can’t even read!”

Ten minutes later, the pickup finally parks alongside the curb in front of Laura and Katie’s. “You sure this is it?” Phil questions.

“It has to be.” Mike swipes the note. “If that was a four and not a nine, then we got it.”

Kyle nods and shakes Phil’s seat. “Come on, I can’t get out ‘til you do, and I’m getting claustrophobic.”

Phil rolls his eyes and unbuckles his seatbelt. “Alright already.”

The three make their way up the short walk, Kyle carrying the box that smelled delicious. “Think she likes fried chicken?”

“Everybody likes Jen’s chicken.”

“This would be true.”

Mike reaches down to press the doorbell and they wait. “Hope she doesn’t mind the intrusion.”

“Jason said it was alright,” Kyle reminds. “Besides, she deserves a welcome home party. Jason said her roommate wasn’t even here right now.”

“Yeah, but it’s barely supper time. It’s early yet.”

“So? That just ensures she hasn’t eaten yet.”