
Stop look and Listen

*Misty watches Jason as he enters the room like a cat ready to pounch at the slightst movie of hast or act to cause harm. As Misty listens to Jason talk to Carson she dosent move her positions from his bed. Only hours before Misty had seen Jason and Nate with the flames of anger in there, now replaces with simpathy Misty dident know if it was a ploy to get close to Carson or not. Misty wasent going to let her guard down.

Misty raises and eyebrow as Jason asks to talk to her alone. Glancing at Carson as she steps twords the door she lets him know she will be back. What did Jason want with her. As Misty listens to everything Jason has to say she takes it in slowly. As she heres that Reese is allowing her to be around Carson her eyes dance. She was happy for at least that. Misty contiunes to listen to Jason as he talks. What he was asking Misty to do was to grain Carson friendship for one reson and that one reson only.*

"Well Jason, first off I'd like to say, I think by Carson not going to the Agency when he had the chanse proves in itself that maybe he is on our side. Yes thats right he dident go to the Agency when he has ample opertunity. He turned around and came back, hency why we found him in that bar. And for the fact that he isent a danger to us we keep him out of the cell. I would like to keep him out as long as possable. It wont help his Psyce if we keep him caged like an animel. We should at least give him that much as to not put him in there again. I'll even take full responsibility for him."

*Misty thinks about her words ever so carfely. Making sure to get her point across in a nice way, but she couldent help the sassy tone. Her fire was ignighted again and couldent be helped burning bright as Carson stuck in her mind.*

"Next, Jason...Do you relize what your asking me to do? Your asking my to befriend Carson, get him to talk than drop him like a fly. Sorry but thats not how I roll. I care for Carson and I wont hurt him like that. I WONT force him to talk to me. When he is ready and comfortable he'll talk. He's got alot of pain and misunderstanding running around inside of him like any of us. You guys just simply arnt understanding that or bothering to look. Your charging in head first not even bothering to consider his feelings, and how manybe talking about this stuff really hurts him."

*Misty lets out a long sigh and shakes her head*

"Maybe you guys should stop, look and listen. Why cant you people see the Carson I see. You want to know why cuz I bet I know. You can see the Carson I see cuz you own motives are like a vail infront of your eyes. You dont care who you hurt to get what you want. Why are there people like Carson in this world? Cuz there are not enough people who love unconditionaly, and open there hearts to those who need it the most and find the good in them."

*As Laura grabs Nate's arm and helps him to the chair he cant help but feel silly and laughs.*

"You know I am the one who is ment to be helping you not the other way around."

*Nate places one of his hands over his eyes as he lifts his head to the sky trying to get the spinning to stop.*

"I'm not feeling all that grand. But I cant go home I need to be here for this whole Carson thing. I'll be ok. The dizzyness will pass and I'll be back to normal in no time."

*Nate does his best to smile up at Laura. She dident need to worry about him on top of everything alse she was worrying about.*

*Katie cant help but smile and Laugh at the guys leading them into the kitchen and grabing some plates. As Kyle draws attacken to Henry the cat runs 3 circles around him than dashes off into the other room. Katie rawrs with laughter.*

"He likes you Kyle. And he is a nut like you too."

*Katie gives Kyle a light elbow and than ruffles his hair playfuly. Katie sets out plates foreveryone and glass filling them with Milk. Siting down she says a small prayer*

"Dear Heavnly father, thank you for this meal and bless it to our bodys. Dear Lord right now Jen isent not feeling to well. Please help her feel better soon so she can make it to the fundraises and have a geart time this wensday. If anyone deserves to have a blast lord its her. She has smiled at every hand delt to her and never given up faith in you. Thank you Lord. Amen"

*Katie smiles around the table as she finishes praying. Keeping the chatting light as everyone eats.*

"Oh wow this chicken is amazing. Jen is gonna have to show me how to cook. How are you boys not fatter with he as a cook. So...you guys have your line up for the fundraiser? I'm still stuck with 4 differnt songs and trying to pick one 2 with one poem. I have no idea what ones to pick."

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