

Taking the bottle from Kyle Alice looks at it for a moment before going to the garbage can and dumping the container into it and than tossing the bottle in there as well.

"That was your only bottle right?"

Waiting for Kyle's reply Alice than walking back over to Kyle. Holding out her hand to help him off the wall. She wanted to be there for her friend and help him when he needed it.

"I wont tell anyone you have my word. If you need anything, at all or feel any need for them I'll be there for you ok. No matter the time, no matter if I am sleeping or not."

Offering Kyle a smile Alice swings her arm around his shoulder again. She was happy to have Kyle as a friend, and though sometimes driving on the road was hard she was happy she had come along. This was another adventure she could add to her list.

Continuing to just sit with Scott Hope draws her hand away quick and pulls her hair back in a pony tail making herself a little more comfortable.

"Awww Scott, your not a traitor. Your just confused thats all."

Leaning on the bed a little Hope dosnt even think about it and rubs Scott's good arm trying to sooth him.

"I havnt know you for long, but I can tell your a good man, and you would never do anything like that. I know it seems like you did right now, but I dont believe it."

Letting out a small sigh Hope ment what she said. Scott had become her friend, she spent time with him and went out to coffee with him.

"And whoever did this to you was in the wrong. They had no right, no matter what end of story and they should be confronted for what they did so they cant do it to anyone else. Can you remember who did this to you in the intarigation room?"

Turning to Reese Nate gives a nod and than looks at the others before making his way out and rounding everyone else up into the meeting room.

Nate's mind worked trying to run differnt things through it. They needed to find Katie and they needed to find her soon.

Standing in the back of the room Phinox leans aganst the wall. There was songthing wrong about this whole thing and what Rod was doing. They had wanted to scair everyone, and cause pain in the worst way but Rod was being careless, and was taking to many chanses that Katie might be able to make it through.

Pushing aganst the wall when there is a lul in the talking Phinox speaks himself.

"I have a meeting with Rod set up for 10 tonight. When I go, I know I can convince him to take me to see Katie. I can figure out where this building in and if I am lucky maybe I can get Gage while I am there. But that would mean you would all have to trust me."

Nate things for a moment and gives his head a little shake.

"And what about after we get Gage? Than what? Does Katie really have this kind of time?"

Thinking for a moment a slight idea comes to Nate. It might work, it might not.

"What if after Phinox found out the location of Katie we agreed to give them Derek and Jay. We have Phinox bring them, and than more of us could be following. Once Jay and Derek are inside so will Phinox and he will be able to set them free. Than they are in and can try to get Katie out giving us a siginal."


Jay wanted to argue with Nate about letting him go, but he knew that it was no use. Everything in his being cried out to want to help, but he was stuck... along with everyone else.

Both Derek and Jay stand by helplessly as they listen to Nate and Phinox. Was there really a chance they could get a lead and find Katie without having to give in to any demands?

Too quickly, they're interrupted by the phone call. Listening and watching, no one can react... they can only watch in horror.

Derek shrinks back a little. Carson stares coldly at the screen, unmoving, his face like stone. Jay's eyes fill with fresh tears as he forces himself to watch and he chokes on a sob, trying not to make himself the center of any attention. He puts a hand to his mouth and just watches, his heart feeling as though it's being ripped from his chest. That was his girl... his baby girl. If he'd been a better father, she wouldn't have lived at the ranch, she wouldn't have come to work at TJY, and she wouldn't have been kidnapped for it.

As the call comes to an end, they're cut off once more and see the shot of Rod leaving the room. It was quiet again. Katie was tied up again, but anyone could see the blood dripping.

"We have to find her," Jay whispers. He doesn't bother wiping his eyes as he turns to Phinox. "Please..." Never had he begged like this. "Please find her."

Carson keeps his eyes on the screen, his jaw so tight that it hurt.

Suddenly Gage appears again.

Gage lets himself into the room, once he knew Rod was gone. Approaching Katie slowly, he sees the blood flowing from the deep wounds in her hand. His facial expression shows nothing, but he goes to the side, picking up a few clean rags. He then goes back to Katie, kneeling down next to her to untie her wounded hand. He says no words, but pours water over the gashes before wrapping them in the narrow rags.

"You're no good to us dead," he mutters under his breath. "Rod should know better."

He wraps her hand tightly, crisscrossing it in an expert fashion, proving he'd done this before.

Derek watches over Carson's shoulder. "Who's that?"

"Gage. Fellow scum." Carson shakes his head, then turns to look at Phinox and Nate. "Whenever we get a chance, if we want answers, Gage is the right guy to choose. He's on drugs, so he's our best bet - he'll be easy to break."

Reese is behind the small group, and folds his arms across his chest. "We need to have a meeting. All of us. Now. But not here. Nate, can we head to the meeting room? We need to figure out what Rod meant by people already knowing something, and it's time we formulated some sort of plan."

Scott keeps his eyes closed and is simply quiet for several moments. With Misty quiet and Rick and Alec gone, the silence is nice in the infirmary. Scott's breathing gradually slows, his body just starting to relax a little.

Finally he opens one eye to look at a blurry picture of Hope. "I... I can't remember." His voice is quiet and filled with despair. "I betrayed TJY... they'll send me to prison for that... And... and I don't know why or...or how or anything..."

He shivers and pulls himself even tighter together. "...I really can't remember... I don't want to... I don't know why I have answers."

Kyle's head hangs. He feels stupid. But not because of anything Alice said. On the contrary, she made him feel like he had a chance with this thing.

His hand slowly reaches into his pocket. He fingers the pill bottle. Could he really do this? What if he stopped taking the pills and he felt depressed again? What if this was harder than he thought?

Kyle bites his lip as he slowly withdraws the bottle. He clenches it tightly in his fist. Ever so slowly, he reaches it out to the side, offering it to Alice. "Take it. Just... don't tell anybody?" If Jordan knew he was addicted to the meds, he could be kicked off the team.

5 Fingers

Nate gives a shake of his head feeling sorry for Jay. He new a father would do anything for there child, he alone would do anything for Maggie, but he new that they couldnt.

"You know we can't hand you over Jay. We have to find another way...and we will. Its not time to give up."

Coming up to the group Phinox knows who Jay and Derek are already from files he had read with the Agency. Noding to them both he says a quick interduction before turning to Carson and Nate.

"I set up a time to meet with Rod. If I cant get in there I know I can get information out of him. Where Katie is, and the layout of the building."

Nate perks up just a little bit. This could be the chanse they needed.

"When? We need to set up a plan follow you."

Phinox holds his hands up for a second and shakes his head.

"Whoa, hold on. They are going to be watching me. I think it would be best if I went first came back with the information and than we can make a plan up."

As the conversation continues it is suddenly comes to a halt when the phone rings. Looking back at the tv screen Rod was seen again.

Nate can feel his heart tighten in his chest as it starts to pound again. It had been almost 6 hours since the last call. One could only hope no more horrers could happen but something told Nate that might not be so.

Picking up the phone Nate is silent for a second scaired to actully answer. Than pushing the speaking button Nate finally talks.


"I see you guys shipped in Jay and Derek. Does this mean your going to hand them over to us?"

Nate runs a hand through his hair as he looks in question to the two men, Phinox, and than Carson.

"No we are not. Who did you know they were here and what do you want with them?"

There was a short laugh on the other end of the phone.

"We have eyes and ears everywhere. As for why maybe you need to ask those who already know why. As for what we want, we are upping it. We now want 5 million dollars along with Derek and Jay."

Nate can feel his voice want to rise but he can only hope to bide time.

"Your not getting Derek and Jay, as for the money we might be able to get it for you. Maybe in a few days."

"Thats not good enough, we want it now."

"There is no way we could get it now for you."

"Than your little friend, Jay's daughter pays."

Before Nate can say anything more Rod puts the phone down and goes to the draw that held the acid once again but this time he pulled out a scaple.

Turning and going back to Katie Rod just stands there for a moment looking at her. Talking loud enough to her so the others could hear her.

"So pretty and going through so much pain, you know this could stop this. Its there fault your suffering and you continue to defend them."

Lifting her head slowly Katie looks up into Rod's wild eyes. Though much of her strangth was gone Katie's eyes held hope and a deeper strangth.

"I'd go though much more pain before I ever asked them to give in to you. Its not them who are the bad guys, its you."

Rod's eyes burn with a fire. Going around the back of Katie Rod unties on of her hands and pulls it in front of her.

"You might just live through that pain."

Taking her hand and holding it palm up Rod looks up at the camra for a moment giving an evil smile.

"5 million dollars 5 fingers, two refused people two fingers."

Bringing the scaple to Katie hand he places it on the muscle between the knuckle and the palm. In 5 swift movements Rod moves the scaple to cut through the muscles on each finger down to the bone.

Once again Katie's screams ring out over the phone bouncing off the walls in TJY making it sound even louder. The sound was so sickning to hear coming from someone like Katie.

Letting her hand go it falls to Katie side as she cant even move her fingers anymore the blood pouring from her hand. Rod moves once again to the phone and picks it up.

"Keep saying no, and soon there will be nothing left."

Nate's own anger flairs and his grows rumble in his through as his hands slam into the desk not caring about the pain that shot through his own hand. It was nothing compaired to the pain that seased his heart for his friend.

Shaking her head at Alec Misty cant help the small smile that forms on her face. Alec was Carson's brother alright that much was for certin.

"I said I would think about it."

Going over to her desk Misty sits down picking up the phone. She would call Dani and let her know. But as for coming to TJY right now she new it was not the best ideas and she would tell her that.

Stoping as she is about to leave Hope turns and looks at Scott again. Her own heart melted know Scott was in so much pain. A friend, he wanted a friend. Steping closer to him again Hope gives a small smile as she sits down next to him.

"Than a friend is what you have here."

Reaching out Hope lays her hand on Scott's arms again.

"Thats all I am right now, just a friend who is worryed about someone she cares for."

Alice is a bit saprised at the news of Kyle and the pills he was taking though though she did know how habbit forming things like that can be.

Leaning aganst the wall next to Kyle Alice takes in a deep breath.

"Oh Kyle, why didnt you tell someone sooner?"

That was a silly question Alice thought after she had alreayd said it.

"I want to help you Kyle. If you give me the pills we can get rid of them now and thats the first step. I'll be with you every step of the way ok?"

No However

Though Scott still refuses to look at Hope, he feels horrible. Her tone was just as kind as always, even though he'd just told Rick to get her out of the infirmary.

Hearing her start to leave, his pulse quickens. Another tear escapes. He was so confused.

Rick heaves a heavy sigh as Hope begins to leave. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I thought he would talk. I'm sorry I wasted your time." He gestures to the door, letting her go.

"I need a friend."

The whimper was almost too quiet to hear, but Rick whirls around to Scott. His young friend still had his back turned. Rick looks to Hope, then back again. "What?"

Scott curls up in a tighter ball. He didn't like it here with everybody around. He didn't like any of this. His body hurt all over and his heart hurt too. But Hope had been the only one that could rescue him before. "Don't go," he asks quietly. His eyes were still shut tight, and he swallows hard, wincing as his lip starts to bleed again. "I need a friend."

Alec has been watching from the bed in the corner and he rolls his eyes. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he stands up, heading for the door.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Rick stops him, standing in his way. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Out of here," Alec answers casually as if he didn't really care. "I don't want to have to listen to a blubbering traitor. Besides, the shrink would probably want privacy anyway."

Rick glares at him. "I don't care what you want or don't want, but for that, you're heading back to the holding cell." He grabs Alec's arm and starts to push him into the hall. "Move!"

Alec laughs and calls over his shoulder to Misty. "Hey, sweetheart, don't forget to call my sister for me!"

Though hearing everything from Nate, Jay and Derek are still confused. Everything was thrown at them so fast... neither knew what to think.

Then hearing of Katie's torture, Derek shrinks back a little, but it's Jay's face that pales. He was scared to find out the truth. Bravely though, both men follow Nate several feet further.

Carson turns slightly, hearing Nate's request. He hesitates. But at least both Rod and Gage weren't in the room at the moment, and Katie seemed fairly calm. Carson eyes Derek and Jay. Derek was easy to pick out - Jason and Austin looked so much like him. And Jay... Carson knew him from the Agency files. He moves his chair back out of the way, so they can see.

"Oh, Katie." Tears fill Jay's eyes and he takes a step closer. Images of his daughter as a little girl flash in his mind. He reaches his hand out towards the computer as if hoping he could touch her.

Derek lays a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get her out."

"I'll do anything," Jay states flatly. He turns back to Nate. "If they want me, I'll go."

Kyle jumps as Alice comes up so quickly next to him, but he doesn't resist her arm around her shoulder. Instead, he leans back into her, giving a short laugh. "You have a point." He turns his head to look her in the eye, slinging his arm around her too.

Leaning down slightly, he rests his forehead against hers. "However..."

His words trail off. All of a sudden, he realizes that he didn't have a real "however." Why was he relying on these pills?

He swallows hard and lets Alice go, leaning back against the bricks again. "I... I can't." A tinge of frustration appears in his voice this time. "I just..."

The battle is obvious in Kyle's eyes. He'd never faced something like this before. He'd never gotten down like he had... After the band trouble, and Misty, and not feeling needed... and now...

He bites his lip and hooks his thumbs in his jeans pockets. "No... there is no 'however' is there?" He scoffs at himself and looks down at the ground. "I got on the boat and now I can't seem to get off again." It was as close as he wanted to come to admitting that the pills he'd been taking had been habit forming.

A taxi pulls up to the auto garage and the young woman steps out, taking her backpack with her and paying the driver. As the car drives away, she turns and just stares at the shop for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she finally starts forward.

Getting into the office, she looks around, but sees no one. There were no customers waiting today and the room was quiet. She looks out through the glass door into the garage and sees several mechanics working on vehicles. One was talking, another laughing and one was… exactly who she was looking for.

Bypassing any rules about customers in the shop, she pushes the door open and enters the garage. The smell of oil hits her nose and the loud sounds almost make her jump.

One of the men was on his back underneath a car and he cranes his neck around to look up and back. “Hey guys, we got a beauty in here!”

Her face turns a shade of red, but she grins. “You better watch the car you’re working on instead of me, or you’re never going to fix that leak.”

“Leak?” Leo looks back under the car to see oil running out of the hose he’d been working with. “Awww man!”

Axel glances up from the engine he was leaning into, trying to see what was going on at the other end of the shop as a couple of the guys snickered at Leo. Catching sight of the visitor, his eyes widen. “What on earth?”

She finally sees him and her grin widens into a genuine smile. “Axel!” Dropping her backpack, she skirts around the other guys to run up to Axel and throw her arms around his neck.

“Whoa there, kiddo!” Axel laughs and returns her hug. “What on earth are you doing here? You’re gonna get covered in grease.”

Liz pulls away and giggles. “Sorry. I was just so glad I came to the right place. I was afraid I’d get here and be so lost.”

“Yo, Axel, who is this pretty little thing?” By now, Leo is out from under the car, wiping his hands on a rag.

Axel quirks an eyebrow at him. “Down, boy.”

Liz can’t help her sheepish grin as she throws Leo a wink. “He likes to protect me.”

“I see that. Last I saw though, he already had a girlfriend.”

Axel slings a protective arm around Liz’s shoulders. “I do already have a girlfriend, Liz is like a sister, and she’s just a kid so lay off.”

Liz elbows Axel, but is enjoying every minute of it. “I’m seventeen and I came all this way by myself – one of these days you’ll see I’m not a kid.”

“Never.” Axel laughs, giving her a kiss on the forehead. But then he stops. “Wait… by yourself? What are you doing here?”

Leo sees that there is going to be a bit of a tense conversation, so he backs off, though his eyes stay on Liz until he bumps into Jed, who turns him around and gives him a shove back to the car.

Liz bites her lip and looks up at Axel hesitantly. “I, um… followed Dad here.”

“Your dad? Why? Is he in town?”

“Yes. He got a call from the Elite but they wouldn’t tell him why. He just had to leave in a hurry early this morning.”

“Wow.” Axel tries to process the information. “And you?”

“Um… I… I was worried about him. And… I knew you were here…”

“Liz…” Axel looks at her sternly. “Do you parents know you’re here?”

“Um… no?”


“Well I knew they wouldn’t approve! Mom wouldn’t want me to come by myself and Dad wouldn’t want me worrying about him.”

“And that’s a good reason for you not to have come!”

“I…” Liz swallows hard, her face growing red with her embarrassment. “I know… it was stupid of me wasn’t it?”

“Yes.” Axel shakes his head. “You’re going in the office right now and calling your mom. Then you’re getting on the next plane home.”

“But…” Liz pleads with him. “Since I’m here… I thought I’d wait to make sure Dad was okay and… and sightsee?”

Axel’s eyes narrow. There was something more. “Sightsee?”


“What is there to see? Or who?”

Liz looks down. “I thought since… since I was here… maybe I might get to see…”

Axel reaches out and tilts her chin up. He sighs deeply. “Jason?”


Axel sets his hands on his hips and thinks for several moments. “Call your mom first… if she wants you to go home, you go home. If she says you can wait for your dad then… you can come to my place.”

Liz squeals and throws her arms around him again. “Thank you, Ax.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Get in the office and call your mom right now. Jess is gonna be here any minute and I want this settled before she is.”


Sapphire nods again. She had started the scans already and just waiting for the resalts.

"Ok, I'm on it. As soon as I get any results I will bring them to you."

Turning Sapphire turns and heads back to her cubicle sitting down at the computer. Typing continues as she lifts her glass to the top of her head and continues her work.

Listing and looking at Scott Hope cant help but feel her chest tighten as Scott yells for her to get out. Though her heart hurt at Scott's words Hope was determaned to not let it show.

Looking to Rick Hope gives him a small nod before walking over to Scott. Laying her hand on his arm gently for a moment Hope gives a small smile.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing Scott. I was worryed about my friend."

Giving a small sigh Hope backs up a little bit.

"I know you dont want me to be here, and thats ok. You know I am only a phone call away Scott so when you feel like you need a friend I will come ok?"

Turning around Hope walks back over to Rick giving a nod.

"I cant be here if he dosnt want me to be. Keep me up to date on how he is doing ok? When he needs me I'll be close by."

Taking Derek hand in his own and than Jay's he gives a half smile. It was an honnor to meet them both Nate only wished it was under differnt reasons. Katie ment so much to them all once Jay found out everything he could only imagen what it would feel like to him.

"Well as you both know Katie had been taken and we dont have any real leads yet on where to go. We have people working twords it and trying there best but..."

Continuing Nate goes into detail about what was going on and how the Agency asked for them. He let them know about Phinox, and the fake lead they had.

Trying to keep is stop the speach seems to take a longer rout leaving out they had footage of Katie.

Nate wanted to soften the blow though he new no matter what it wouldnt matter. It would come fast, it would come hard and nothing could stop it.

"..there is something else too. The agency has wanted us to see Katie and what they are doing to her. We have seen the torcher and its not a pretty sight."

Nate steps aside knowing Carson was probley making sure no one would see the tv untill he could explain.

"Carson, let them see."

Turning and heading over Nate stands knowing this will be a shock for Jay and feeling sorry all at the same time.

"We are doing all we can, we will find her."

As Clint starts to laugh out of controll Wendy looks to him and than her mom for a moment. For a seconded she almost though he has lost his mind untill she felt a small laugh of her own form in her throat. They couldnt cry, or curse what had happened. It was there mistake and they were willing to now take the responcibility for there actions. There family was starting out young, and maybe the wrong way, but it had happend. Something good would come from the bad, two somethings good.

"I love you too."

Slipping out of the room Alice heads in the way she saw Kyle go. Turning the courner and seeing him by the drinking fountain Alice just watches him for a moment. Giving a shake of her head as she see him pop the pills. If only Kyle would rely on himself more and stoped taking those things.

Continuing again she keeps a bounce in her step as she comes up behind him and throws an arm over his shoulder. Leaning close to him for a moment keeping her voice light hearted.

"You know, God can be a great upper too and he dosent make you constapated, and you dont have to wast money on refills."

Alice cant help the laugh that followed. She wanted to get Kyle to stop taking those pills but she new it had to be done in a delicit mannor. For the last time she had tryed she now new that.