
5 Fingers

Nate gives a shake of his head feeling sorry for Jay. He new a father would do anything for there child, he alone would do anything for Maggie, but he new that they couldnt.

"You know we can't hand you over Jay. We have to find another way...and we will. Its not time to give up."

Coming up to the group Phinox knows who Jay and Derek are already from files he had read with the Agency. Noding to them both he says a quick interduction before turning to Carson and Nate.

"I set up a time to meet with Rod. If I cant get in there I know I can get information out of him. Where Katie is, and the layout of the building."

Nate perks up just a little bit. This could be the chanse they needed.

"When? We need to set up a plan follow you."

Phinox holds his hands up for a second and shakes his head.

"Whoa, hold on. They are going to be watching me. I think it would be best if I went first came back with the information and than we can make a plan up."

As the conversation continues it is suddenly comes to a halt when the phone rings. Looking back at the tv screen Rod was seen again.

Nate can feel his heart tighten in his chest as it starts to pound again. It had been almost 6 hours since the last call. One could only hope no more horrers could happen but something told Nate that might not be so.

Picking up the phone Nate is silent for a second scaired to actully answer. Than pushing the speaking button Nate finally talks.


"I see you guys shipped in Jay and Derek. Does this mean your going to hand them over to us?"

Nate runs a hand through his hair as he looks in question to the two men, Phinox, and than Carson.

"No we are not. Who did you know they were here and what do you want with them?"

There was a short laugh on the other end of the phone.

"We have eyes and ears everywhere. As for why maybe you need to ask those who already know why. As for what we want, we are upping it. We now want 5 million dollars along with Derek and Jay."

Nate can feel his voice want to rise but he can only hope to bide time.

"Your not getting Derek and Jay, as for the money we might be able to get it for you. Maybe in a few days."

"Thats not good enough, we want it now."

"There is no way we could get it now for you."

"Than your little friend, Jay's daughter pays."

Before Nate can say anything more Rod puts the phone down and goes to the draw that held the acid once again but this time he pulled out a scaple.

Turning and going back to Katie Rod just stands there for a moment looking at her. Talking loud enough to her so the others could hear her.

"So pretty and going through so much pain, you know this could stop this. Its there fault your suffering and you continue to defend them."

Lifting her head slowly Katie looks up into Rod's wild eyes. Though much of her strangth was gone Katie's eyes held hope and a deeper strangth.

"I'd go though much more pain before I ever asked them to give in to you. Its not them who are the bad guys, its you."

Rod's eyes burn with a fire. Going around the back of Katie Rod unties on of her hands and pulls it in front of her.

"You might just live through that pain."

Taking her hand and holding it palm up Rod looks up at the camra for a moment giving an evil smile.

"5 million dollars 5 fingers, two refused people two fingers."

Bringing the scaple to Katie hand he places it on the muscle between the knuckle and the palm. In 5 swift movements Rod moves the scaple to cut through the muscles on each finger down to the bone.

Once again Katie's screams ring out over the phone bouncing off the walls in TJY making it sound even louder. The sound was so sickning to hear coming from someone like Katie.

Letting her hand go it falls to Katie side as she cant even move her fingers anymore the blood pouring from her hand. Rod moves once again to the phone and picks it up.

"Keep saying no, and soon there will be nothing left."

Nate's own anger flairs and his grows rumble in his through as his hands slam into the desk not caring about the pain that shot through his own hand. It was nothing compaired to the pain that seased his heart for his friend.

Shaking her head at Alec Misty cant help the small smile that forms on her face. Alec was Carson's brother alright that much was for certin.

"I said I would think about it."

Going over to her desk Misty sits down picking up the phone. She would call Dani and let her know. But as for coming to TJY right now she new it was not the best ideas and she would tell her that.

Stoping as she is about to leave Hope turns and looks at Scott again. Her own heart melted know Scott was in so much pain. A friend, he wanted a friend. Steping closer to him again Hope gives a small smile as she sits down next to him.

"Than a friend is what you have here."

Reaching out Hope lays her hand on Scott's arms again.

"Thats all I am right now, just a friend who is worryed about someone she cares for."

Alice is a bit saprised at the news of Kyle and the pills he was taking though though she did know how habbit forming things like that can be.

Leaning aganst the wall next to Kyle Alice takes in a deep breath.

"Oh Kyle, why didnt you tell someone sooner?"

That was a silly question Alice thought after she had alreayd said it.

"I want to help you Kyle. If you give me the pills we can get rid of them now and thats the first step. I'll be with you every step of the way ok?"

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