

*nods* "I'd like to meet him too. Also since you said he was a good friend he might want to meet your future wife." *Angel smile widens.* " I rather like the sound of that. If I can help in any way let me know."

*Wendy looks at Cint with worry.* "How come so little? Is everything ok?" * The consern shows in her eyes.*

*Katie smiles at Jason and nods. Heading to the kitchen she turns and see Jade with Jason. Katie lets out a long sigh telling herself not to be jealouse. Katie glances at Con than looks away. Grabing a cup of OJ for Jason she grabs some pain killers too. She also grabs some coffee for herself. Going back to the table with Jason she gives him the OJ and pills.* "I thought you could use these for your knee." *Katie smiles and sits down.* "Those cookies sure do look good."

~*~Somewhere Alse.~*~

*BJ sits quitly and eats his oatmeal. Talking with his mout full he askes.* "Sham....can..I gosh outshide today?"

*Sam turns from the sink and smiles.* "If you stop talking with your mouth full I will think about it."

*BJ puts his hand over his mouth and chews.* " I forgot do wash a train does....CHEW CHEW CHEW." *BJ makes his hands flot through the air like a train.*

Thank you

Luke chuckles and gives Angel’s cheek a playful tweak. “If I didn’t get into any trouble, it wouldn’t be any fun because you wouldn’t be around to get me out of it.” He sighs deeply and lets Angel straighten back up again. “Seriously, I’m gonna call back home and see if Kyle can bring my car down here soon – start getting a few things settled with that.”

Clint swallows a mouthful of coffee. “Mm-hmm,” he mumbles. “I think I got about two hours worth of sleep.” He rubs his eyes wearily and yawns.

Jason smiles as Katie greets him at the door. “Thanks, Katie…” He nods towards his bunk. “For the surprise too. You know how to make a person feel good.” His eyes linger on hers for several moments as he searches for the source of her care. It’s something he just can’t understand.
He accepts her help to the closest table, and eases himself down in a chair, biting his tongue as pain shoots through his leg. He takes another chair to prop his leg up, and once halfway settled, he nods to Katie. “Actually yeah, if you don’t mind, I could use some orange juice. Thanks.” He takes off his hat and sighs deeply, receiving several ‘hellos’ and ‘welcome backs’ from those around him.

Jade smiles big and comes to sit down across from Jason. “Hey, stranger.”

Jason grins. “Hey there.”

“You had everyone pretty scared there for a while.”

“So I heard.”

“How ya feeling?”

Jason shrugs. “As well as can be expected I guess.”

Jade chuckles. “That good, huh? Well this afternoon when you get a sweet tooth, there’s some cookies for you in the kitchen.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”

“Yep. A little bird told me what your favorite kind was.”

Jason laughs. “Well thanks.” He waits for Katie to return, glancing around to catch Con’s eye, who looks away. There that was again… what was Con hiding?


*Angel puts her arms around Luke neck.* "I'm not sure. I was thinking of a packed lunch and going to the pond. I got some wedding books I'd like to look through as well. I think I am gonna take it easy today. I am to old for all this excitment." *Angel grins.* "What are you going to be doing? Geting into trouble..like always" *Angel sticks out her toung.*

*Wendy looks over at Clint.* "Hey you. Did ya have a rough night? You look half asleep still."

*Hearing the knock on the door and know its Jason Katie jumps up from her chair knocking it over. Yelling she say.* "I GOT IT." *Katie runs to the door and smiles when she see Jason.* "Good Morning and Welcome home." *Katie takes Jason's arm and helps him inside.* " Want anything to drink or eat?"

Home again

Luke grins and pulls Angel down in the chair next to him, giving her a kiss. “Yep, I did sleep well, thanks.” He locks his arms around her waist. “So….what are you plans for today?”

Clint ambles into the mess hall, his hair still wet from a shower, but he looks none-too awake. He groggily scans the room and finds Wendy, plopping down into a chair next to her. “Mornin’.”

Austin’s truck slowly pulls into the drive with its three passengers. A light rain falls, putting a damper on the weather, but not spirits. Parking near Jason’s bunk, they get out, Austin and Con each taking a side, and helping Jason up the porch steps. Requested to leave him alone, Austin and Con leave, parking in a better place, and heading into the mess hall.

They wave their greetings, and head for the coffee. “Jason’s in his bunk,” Austin announces to anyone who cares. “He’ll be up in a few minutes.”

Con rolls his eyes. “Stubborn brute didn’t want any more help from us than a point in the right direction.”

Jason slowly enters his bunk, barely able to bend his injured knee, and leaning on the wall and table for support. His eyes widen as he sees the welcome sign and the other things on the table. Grinning, he picks up the card, realizing everything is from Katie. He shakes his head and enjoys the scene for several moments before turning back around. Throwing on his denim jacket and a baseball cap, Jason grabs his crutches and heads back outside.
He makes his way slowly across the driveway, gritting his teeth against the pain that the movement creates.
Finally making it to the mess hall, he hobbles up the steps and knocks on the door, deciding it might be best to have some help with the door rather than make a fool of himself.


*As morning breaks Katie sits up and let out a big yawn. Staying up half the night making stuff tells its own story in her eyes. Carring an arm full of stuff Katie makes her way to Jason's Bunk. Katie hurrys to put up a welcome home sign, and some flower on his table along with a card. Than she heads to the mess hall to wait.*

*Angel eners the mess hall and see Luke.* "Hey Sweety. Did you sleep good last night? I slept like a rock."

*Wendy enters to find CLint is not there yet. make a place at the table she waits for him.*

*Wes makes his way to the mess hall. Apon entering he lets out a big bear yarn and throws his arms in the air.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*As morning breaks the small child opens his eyes. Hoping out of bed he walks over to the window and looks out. The sun was shining today was a new day. The little boy walks over to his toys and pulls out some trucks. The knob on the door rattles and opens. A tall woman steps into the room. The little boy turns and looks up.* “Sam…Stan yelled at me and locked me in my room again last night.”
*Sam looks at the boy and smiles bending down eye level with the boy.* “Were you being a good boy while I was gone for him BJ?”
*BJ shakes his heads and runs his trucks across the ground.* “No. I only asked him why he called me Jason and you called me BJ though. He would not anwer me so I got mad and threw my ball at him.”
*Sam sits down on the ground with BJ and starts to play with his other truck with him.* “Well.. your name really is Jason. But I know another boy named Jason. So I call you BJ so people know I am talking about you and not the other boy.”
*BJ smashes his truck into Sam’s.* “Oh ok. Can I have some breakfast now?” *Sam smiles and stands. Holding out her hand she takes BJ’s.* “Sure you can.”

Morning comes

Jason watches Katie leave, and Con leaves as well. For the first time since he’s been awake, Jason is suddenly alone. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to comprehend all that’s just happened. It all seems so fast to him, but to the others, it must have felt like forever.
After a light supper, Jason finds himself finally drifting to sleep, not waking again until the next morning.

“Hey, good morning.” JT sits down next to Jason’s bed and begins to check his vitals. “How are you feeling?”

Jason yawns. “Alright I guess. Not much different.”

JT nods. “Nothing wrong with that.” Finishing up, he writes a few things down on Jason’s chart. “In a few hours, you’ll be on your way home.”

“Sounds good to me.”

JT chuckles. “Now…before you leave though, I’m gonna have a nurse in here, and she’s going to show you some exercises you need to start right away with your knee. I want you doing them every day, and once a week, you’re going to need therapy. I can transfer your information to a closer hospital if you want, otherwise it’s a long drive back here.”

“Alright. I’ll talk to Austin about what he thinks is best with that. Not sure we want to get too spread out with this.”

JT nods knowingly. “I haven’t asked any questions, and I don’t want to know.”

“You act as though you know what we’re about.”

“It’s been a long time…” JT sighs. “Yes…it’s been a long time.” He rises, changing the subject. “Okay young man. If I don’t see you again, it’s been a pleasure. I dare say I’m not going to forget this event.”

Morning is sleepy at the ranch, but spirits are high. After everyone arrived the night before, it was settling to know that Jason would be coming home. Maybe things would turn at least to partial normality now. The gang begins to filter into the mess hall as routine, trying to make plans for the day…


*Katie nods to Con. Giving Jason's hand a squeeze she smiles.* "Make sure you check out your bunk it the morning there is a saprise for you. If you need anything J, call. Sleep well...and see you soon." *Katie turns and leaves looking back and smiling again at Jason taking it in that he is still alive.*

*Damien nods to Mick and Rosetta.* "Sure thing. When we get back to your place do you think I can use the phone to let Adam know i dident fall off the face of the earth?"

*Rosetta gives a warm smile.* "Ya no problem." *Seeing Katie exit Jasons room she smiles. It was good to see her happy again. Katie was the kind of person when she was happy she should shine brighter than anything.* "Hey, you gonna come home with us too Hun?"

*Katie nods.* "Ya...I just need to stop at the store before we leave town if thats ok."

*Rosetta nods and looks at Mick.* "Lets hit the road."

*As the gang leaves the hospetal all is well. Katie looks one last time at Jason's window to his room befor the pull out of the parking lot.* "Good Night my friend. Sleep well."

~*~Somewhere alse~*~

*As the little figure tossed and turned more. Nightmares filling his mind. Finally he wakes with a start shooting out of bed. Relizing it was a dream his breathing become more normal. Kicking the blankets off his little body he hops out of bed and to the bathroom. Pulling his stool up to the sink he grabs his cup and fills it with water. After taking a sip he lowers the cup and looks in the mirror. His red hair was starting to get to long and hung in front of his sea green eyes. Much confustion could be seen in them. This little 5 year old mind worked much to hard and new far to much for someone his age. Slowly climbin off his stool he turns off the light and heads back to bed. Hoping for now the dreams will leave him alone.*

Going home

Con chuckles puts a hand in the air as a promise. “He’ll be safe - you have nothing to worry about there.”

A very brief flicker of disappointment passes through Jason’s eyes, but he’s quick to remove it. “I’ll be fine,” he grins. “Get going and get some good sleep. I have a feeling if I knew how much y’all have been awake the last few weeks worrying about me, I’d feel pretty guilty.” He settles back in his pillow. “Safe drive…see you soon.”

Con nods to Katie and thumbs down the hall. “Take your pick who you want to ride with. Two vehicles are leaving.”

Mick slowly walks down the hall, talking as he goes. “Yeah…I think we can trust Damien… I think he’s proved he’s on our side anyway, after he helped with Wendy that one time, then he saved her life, and he helped us with Jason… I would hope that we could tell if he was lying or not by now. The past warns me not to trust him, but my gut says he’s alright.” He shrugs as they come back to the lobby and find Damien, and he brings the conversation to an end. “Hey, Damien. Coming along?”


*Katie smiles.* "Well since we know Jason is going to be ok now, and if you two promice to keep an eye on him, I guess I can go home and get some sleep. Unless you want me to stay J? Make sure if anymore bad guys come to call on Jason you let them know I'll find them and kick there butts. Wait...no just tell them its in there best intrest not to." *Katie cant help but laugh.*

*Rosetta nods to Mick.* "I would guess so. He came with us so he has no other way to get home. Do you think we can trust him Mick? I would like to know your imput on this."

*Wendy yawns and rubs her eyes.* "I'll try to stay up alittle later, but no promises on how long I will last. Its been a rough couple of nights."

*Angel has already headed to her room for the night. She just cant stay up as last as she use to. Before laying down Angel says a small thank you to God for leting Jason be ok. Turning off the light Angel stairs into the darkness. Clearing her mind thoughts of her wedding preparations fill her mind. Smileing she lays down and pulls the blankets to her chin. Drifting off to sleep.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*The small figure toss and turns in bed as dreams fill his little head. Faces of people he feels he knows but cant remember. Who were these people.*


Mick turns to Rosetta, slightly startled. “Oh, yeah…I’m about ready for my own bed after sacking out on this couch for the last couple weeks. Why don’t we go ahead and go back to the ranch tonight…Jason should be ready to come home tomorrow, and if Con and Austin stick around, he should have all the help he needs. Is Damien coming along with us?”

Jason thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. He’s not even sure he’s sorted through it all yet…how could he express it? He needed more time to think it through. “It’s nothing, never mind.”

A few minutes later, Con pokes his head into the room. “Hey, you two…Doc said you’d be able to leave tomorrow, Jase.”

Jason grins. “That’s a relief. I don’t think I could stand it here much longer than that.”

“Well you do have pretty good company,” Con teases, throwing a wink in Katie’s direction. “Listen, your mom and Wes are going to be heading back to the ranch, and so are Rosetta and Mick…I’m assuming Damien as well.”

“Okay.” Jason quirks an eyebrow. “What about you and Austin?”

“We’re going to stick around…no point in driving back then coming back here again tomorrow.” Con pauses, suddenly growing serious. “Hey, Jase, there’s something…” He bites his tongue and finally shrugs it off. “Forget it, I’ll tell you later. Katie, you going to go back to the ranch, or you wanna stay here?”

Jason frowns at Con’s tone, a bit concerned with whatever went unspoken. He tries to forget it, but it sticks with him. For some reason, his gut tells him it has something to do with TJY…Con rarely used that serious of tone with him if it didn’t have to do with the corporation. What was he not telling Jason?

Becky goes into the kitchen, putting several mugs into the sink after others had finished a round of hot chocolate. She grins at Jade who is by the oven. “Hey, hon, what are you up to this late in the evening?”

Jade grins and wipes her hands on an apron. “I’m making some chocolate chip, peanut butter cookies… I was told they were Jason’s favorite, so I thought maybe it would be a nice welcome-home treat.”

“What a good idea.” Becky smiles. “You better make a big batch, otherwise you might have a mob on your hands.”

Jade giggles. “I know. I doubled up the recipe.”

Clint yawns and stretches on the sofa as the movie in the living room adjoining the mess hall comes to an end. Sparky rubs his eyes wearily and stands, going to the window. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m going to stay up a while…Mick said they’d becoming back tonight, and I want to find out what’s going on.”

Clint nods and glances over to Wendy. “Ready for a late night, or are you hitting the hay?”

Luke is stretched out on the floor in front of the tv, groggy, but takes a deep breath and widens his eyes in an attempt to wake up. “I’m gonna stay up a while.”

*Kaite smiles as she looks out the window.* "This is the first time I even saw one. Its amazing." *Katie walks back over to Jason's bed side a bit confused by his words.* "You did what?"

*Wes nods and watchs Cindy walks away. He smiles to himself. His heart really was healing, and he really did want to get to know Cindy better.*

*Rosetta ends up finding Mick down the hall a ways. Walking up to him she places a hand in his arm.* "Hey...are you ready to go home soon? Its geting pritty dark out, and now that Jason is going to be ok we might all sleep alittle better."

~*~Somewhere alse~*~

*A small figure zooms his trucks across the shag carpit. A female voice calls from the other room.* "Time for bed." *The small figure stands up and heads for the stairs. His dungan was calling.* "I'm toming......." *Forgeting his truck he runs back to get it than heads up the stairs.*