

*Katie nods to Con. Giving Jason's hand a squeeze she smiles.* "Make sure you check out your bunk it the morning there is a saprise for you. If you need anything J, call. Sleep well...and see you soon." *Katie turns and leaves looking back and smiling again at Jason taking it in that he is still alive.*

*Damien nods to Mick and Rosetta.* "Sure thing. When we get back to your place do you think I can use the phone to let Adam know i dident fall off the face of the earth?"

*Rosetta gives a warm smile.* "Ya no problem." *Seeing Katie exit Jasons room she smiles. It was good to see her happy again. Katie was the kind of person when she was happy she should shine brighter than anything.* "Hey, you gonna come home with us too Hun?"

*Katie nods.* "Ya...I just need to stop at the store before we leave town if thats ok."

*Rosetta nods and looks at Mick.* "Lets hit the road."

*As the gang leaves the hospetal all is well. Katie looks one last time at Jason's window to his room befor the pull out of the parking lot.* "Good Night my friend. Sleep well."

~*~Somewhere alse~*~

*As the little figure tossed and turned more. Nightmares filling his mind. Finally he wakes with a start shooting out of bed. Relizing it was a dream his breathing become more normal. Kicking the blankets off his little body he hops out of bed and to the bathroom. Pulling his stool up to the sink he grabs his cup and fills it with water. After taking a sip he lowers the cup and looks in the mirror. His red hair was starting to get to long and hung in front of his sea green eyes. Much confustion could be seen in them. This little 5 year old mind worked much to hard and new far to much for someone his age. Slowly climbin off his stool he turns off the light and heads back to bed. Hoping for now the dreams will leave him alone.*

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