

*Katie smiles.* "Well since we know Jason is going to be ok now, and if you two promice to keep an eye on him, I guess I can go home and get some sleep. Unless you want me to stay J? Make sure if anymore bad guys come to call on Jason you let them know I'll find them and kick there butts. Wait...no just tell them its in there best intrest not to." *Katie cant help but laugh.*

*Rosetta nods to Mick.* "I would guess so. He came with us so he has no other way to get home. Do you think we can trust him Mick? I would like to know your imput on this."

*Wendy yawns and rubs her eyes.* "I'll try to stay up alittle later, but no promises on how long I will last. Its been a rough couple of nights."

*Angel has already headed to her room for the night. She just cant stay up as last as she use to. Before laying down Angel says a small thank you to God for leting Jason be ok. Turning off the light Angel stairs into the darkness. Clearing her mind thoughts of her wedding preparations fill her mind. Smileing she lays down and pulls the blankets to her chin. Drifting off to sleep.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*The small figure toss and turns in bed as dreams fill his little head. Faces of people he feels he knows but cant remember. Who were these people.*

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