
Drive Back

*So many thoughts and feelings run through Jamie's mind. Con had been her friend for ages and she had feelings for him for years. But was always scaired to show them. Now she layed her heart and feelings out on the table for Con. He need the deeper side of her. Would he push her away, pretend it dident happen, or would think bring them closer. Jamie cant help but hope. She couldent think of anyone she would rather be with than Con. As Jamie hears the bell she opens her eyes and stop leaning on the wall.*

"Ok..I can drive ya back if you want. I dont mind one bit."

*Jamie can feel Con's feeling of being a fool and only smiles. As she makes her way to her car she places her hand on Con shoulder not saying anything than removes it as she makes her way to her car to make there way back to Con's car.*

*Kaite leans back and thinks.* "Well...I know the band arnt bad people. I can just tell they are clean and good. As for Reese maybe he would feel safe about you being in the band if I was on the Security roster. I probley would be at the concerts anyways. And for puting them in danger, you should stop making people desitions for them..."

*Katie gives a wery grin hoping Jason wont take offence.*

"...and let them make the desition for themself. Kyle already thinks you part of the F.B.I.! Sooner or later I need to tell them about myself seeing as I am puting them in danger just as much as you are. If you want we can tell them together."


Con is taken completely off guard as Jamie spins him back around, and his eyes widen as she draws him close. Forced to lean down as she puts her lips to his again, his hand automatically goes to the side of her face, unable to help but kiss her back, his eyes closing for just a moment.

As Jamie lets him go, all he can do is stare at her, utterly speechless. Watching her leave, he blinks, his world feeling as though it's totally flipped on its axis. Hardly able to think straight, he turns around to dumbly head to the phone, though it takes him several moments just to get enough sense back to look up the number he needs and dial.

Finishing up, he aims for the door, but finds himself taking his time. He can see through the window that Jamie is waiting for him, and he has no idea what he could even possibly say to her. He can feel Mable's eyes on him as he leaves, but for once, he can't turn around and smile, knowing the redness in his face remains.

The bell on the door rings as he opens it, and his stomach gives a little unfamiliar lurch, the palms of his hands going sweaty. He can't get his mind to stop replaying the feeling of Jamie in his arms...the warmth...the unexpected adrenaline rush...

He takes a deep breath to sidestep these strange emotions. Ever since Jamie had come to TJY, he'd just been friends with her. He knew she'd had a rough past, and he'd always just seen her as a little sister, out to protect her and be a buddy. ...And not ten minutes ago, he'd still felt that way. But now... the feeling that had entered his veins in a single instant was rapidly spreading, and he had no idea what to do with it.

Finally mustering up enough courage, he steps out into the evening air, and glances down to the side to see Jamie. He swallows hard, barely able to crack a smile as the shock lingers. "Um...the tow truck is gonna meet me at my car, so, um, I can either walk, or....I guess if...if you don't mind, you could, um, swing me back out there and...and drop me off."

Feeling like a total idiot who can't talk, he turns his back to Jamie, setting a hand on his hip, and taking the other to rub his forehead, wincing at his own retarded actions.

Jason sets the picture down, smiling. “I figured it was Kyle ‘cause he was the one working on the band’s promo stuff, and he’s got an eye for art.”

He lets a pause into the conversation before straightening to flop back down on the bed, his feet still on the floor as he stares up at the ceiling. “I don’t know what to do, Katie…I want to join that band so bad… But I don’t know how it’s even possible. First thing Reese is gonna ask is if the guys can be trusted because I can’t play with them without explaining about where I work.” Jason shakes his head. “Though I got that one taken care of - Susann's run a background check on them, and I know it's clean. But then Reese is not going to want me to take much time off for the band... and on top of that, he’s still leery about me being out in public, even though it looks like whoever tried to kill me has backed off. And then, even if he says yes, which I doubt, I have to tell the band about all of this. Not only will they have to decide if it’s worth it if sometimes I have to bail on them for a case, but they’ll have to decide if it’s worth putting themselves at risk, because if anyone is after me, the whole band could be in danger.”

He groans and sits up again, looking at Katie. “When I played with them at that park, I had more fun than I had in years…and people actually liked me. But how…? How can I do this? How can I knowingly put these guys in danger? I feel like I'm chasing a foolish dream.”

The Kiss

*Jamie is shocked for a moment but than melts in Con's arm. She wasent exspecting the kiss but loved every moment of it. As Con walks away Jamie decieds she had let him slip from her fingers to much in the past and now was the time to let Con know. Grabing his arm she spins him back around and smiles her eyes twinkling drawing him close and kissing him again lingering for a moment than leting go, her own face red but a smile held non the less*

"Now you can make your call. I'll be outside."

*Slowly Jamie turns and feels as thoug she is floting, everything spinning as a smile is pasted on her face and butterflys in her tummy.*

*Mable gasps from the Kitchen and shreeks.*


*Herb smiles from the kitchen seeing what happend and knowing it was the first kiss they shaired.*

"I saw Mable it was perfect. Now leave them be for once."

*Once outside Jamie leans aganst the building folding her leg up. Closing her eyes she waits for Con replaying the kiss over and over in her mind. Her heart racing and her tummy doing flipflops.*

*Kaite smile at Jasons thankful for the subject change and nods leting him know later they will talk more about it. For now all was said that needed to be.*

"Ya he was how did you know?"

*Katie beams as Jason like it.*


Con gives Jamie a teasing glance as they hear her parents talking in the kitchen. "I wish more people were like them - your mom couldn't care less what other people think of her opinion." He grins. "I like that."

The meal is finished in peace, Con finally able to unwind after the day, relaxing in this atmosphere. Polishing off the last slice of pizza, Con licks his fingers and prepares to pay, then make a phone call. He stands up and a sidelong glance proves that Mable is keeping a close eye on him and Jamie. Feeling ornery, he look down at Jamie. "You know, I really hate to continue disappointing your mom like this." A sly grin forms, and before anyone can react, he takes Jamie's hand to pull her up out of her chair, swinging her into a low dip. Not even thinking, Con presses his lips to hers, holding the kiss several moments for effect. Drawing away though, it suddenly hits him what he'd just done, and he stares Jamie in the eye as he holds her. Before he can stop it, his face turns several shades of red. He quickly rights Jamie, letting her go as a wave of embarrassment hits him like never before. He'd meant to tease, but the strange feeling in his gut that made his pulse race was not something he'd counted on.

He clears his throat and looks away from Jamie toward the back of the restaurant. "I gotta go make that call." Turning around, he goes quickly for the phone, his face still red.

Jason sees the flicker of disappointment in Katie's eyes, and for a moment, he's afraid he made a wrong move. But her words make him feel a little better...she was still willing to be his friend...and that's what he wanted. He could do this...Austin and Clint had been right...

He starts to say more, but as Katie changes the subject, he lets her, deciding that everything needed to be said had been stated.

He looks at the picture and smiles. "Wow. This is really good. Let me guess - it was Kyle who wanted you to do this?"

Its ok

*Mable smiles and disapears into the back. Leting Herb know. With in minutes whispers can be heard.*

Mable: "Herb...look out there...are they gonna kiss again? Herb look."

Herb: "Mable would you stop and leave them be."

Mable: "Herb they kissed the other day I saw them and I want to know if they will again So look. I like seeing Jamie happy."

*Jamie smiles and shakes her head as she hears her parents talk."

"Those two I tell ya."

*After about 15 minutes Mable comes back out with a pizza.*

"Here ya guys go. Enjoy."

*Mable gets a silly grin on her face before turning to leave.*

*For a moment what Jason said hit Katie hard. Somewhere deep in her heart she wish for more with Jason. Her heart wants to close down again and put up the walls. Something wants to block out the pain by not feeling. No...Katie couldent let that happen. It was ok to feel that pain it ment she caired. and she new she would be ok. Jason was still her friend and that would have to be enough. Katie looks down at her hands trying to figure out her own words.*

"Well...I dont know how to say this myself, but I cant say I am a bit disapointed. I always liked you Jason you know that. I dont think I need to tell you again. But I understand your desition and respect it. If being just close friends is what you want, than I am ok with that and Just friends is what we shall be. Your very important to me Jason and I dont want to lose you all together. I'd like to still spend time with you, and have you here to watch movies as friends. I'd..like that very much. Also I dont think you have anything to say sorry for about the past. You dident act wrong at all."

*Katie thinks for a moment as she holds her small tear back and smiles.*

"Thank you Jason for coming to me and talking about it. It made it easyer hearing it from you than over hearing it, and I am ok with it. Friends we will stay J."

*Katie lets out a laugh.*

" I'm a poet and dident even know it.*

*Katie takes her pic out she had finishes drawing and giving color to it useing the logo Kyle had given her.*

"The band asked me to draw another on with color. You think it looks ok?"


Con grins at Mable, his mood starting to lighten, just being here. He aims for a table and sits down wearily. "How about a good shot of whiskey?" He throws her a wink and laughs. "Now that I'm here I might as well get supper, then I need to make a call. How about whipping up another one of them pizzas? That settled with me right well the other day."

Jason can't help but roll his eyes in amusement. "Strike two. That's the second time I should have realized what you were going to do." He shakes his head and moves to the other bed just a couple feet away to sit, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees so he's still near to her. He gives a short laugh. "Hmm...how am I supposed to say this?"

He thinks for a moment, deciding to get the most awkward part over with first. "I um...did a lot of thinking the last couple days, and...I guess I want to start off with an apology. I know that between us, nothing ever 'happened,' despite rumors and all that since we've spent so much time together, but at the same time...I'm sorry if anything I did crossed a line, or if I acted inappropriately."

The color in his cheeks proves that it's hard for him to admit he may have, and is slightly embarrassed as he thinks of the times he and Katie were alone. "I guess...I don't know how you view our friendship because we've never talked about it. We've just...gone with the flow I guess. Maybe I'm to blame for not making things clear enough. But I guess...well, Katie, you're the best friend I've ever had, and I realized, especially this weekend, how much you mean to me. I don't ever want to put our friendship on the line because of the stupid things I do, and goodness knows I never want to hurt you."

He pauses, his eyes dropping for just a moment before looking back up at her. "I want our friendship to last...I like what we have, and..." He tries to think of the right words... 'just friends' just sounded so harsh. "And I guess one thing I've realized about myself is that I'm happy with what we have, and if you are too, then I want to keep being close friends. I want to spend time with you, I want to stay here with you if you still want me to, I want to watch movies and have fun, and still work with you at TJY....whether you're with Wyatt or not, or with someone else, I hope that we can stay friends."

He searches her eyes for what she's feeling. "And if I ever do anything that crosses that line, or if I get in between you and someone else, I need you to tell me because I don't want to ruin anything."

Mom and Pop's

*Jamie smiles and nods*

"Its not a problem Con."

*After a shor drive Con and Jamie finally arrive at the dinner. Apon entering Mable wobbles out from the back room.*

"Hey Herb, look who the Katie draged in. They seems to be spending alot of time together to not be love birds. I think your wrong Herb."

*Jamie shoots her mom a look.*

Herb: "Mable...they just got here would you leave them alone."

*Mable turns and looks at Herb.*

"Now you listen here Herbert Sherbert I can talk to my own daughter."

*Herb rolls his eyes.*

"Sometimes I wonder if you ever grew out of your highschool stage."

*Mable smiles and goes over to Con and Jamie.*

"What can I get you guys?"

*For a moment Katie can sence Jason seroceness and she wonders whats gonna happen now.*

"Its ok J. You might as well tell me now while I am in a good mood. Anyways, I dont think anything you tell me can make me sad. Just haveing you back has brightend my day. So have at it"

*Katie holds her smiles and show the confadence on her face reasuring Jason its ok. She is ok.*


Con grimaces and rubs his hands over his tired face. "Eh, just take me to the restaurant with you. I'll call someone from there to tow my car." He sighs wearily. "Thanks, Jamie. Appreciate the ride."

Jason listens to Katie, his mind glued to what she's saying, yet so far away at the same time. He gives her a crooked grin as she jumps through several different subjects, and he tries to stay on track. Chuckling, he counts them off on his fingers. "Glad you liked the rose...glad you liked the band - yes, they're awesome... and everything at the ranch is fine."

He pauses, growing just a little more serious. "Listen...I got some things I need to talk over with you about what's happening now...the band...us.... but I don't want to bombard you now."

Dont worry

*Jamie smiles at Con and pulls away.*

"Well I was heading over to the restront but if you need to go to a shop about geting a toe for you car we can. Where ever ya need to go let me know and I would be more than happy to take ya."

*Katie smiles at Jason. How good it was to see him again. Huging him back Katie sighs. He looked good. He alwasy looked good but now Katie looked at things in a new light. Her eyes and heart open. Jason's gaze caught in hers made her heart race.*

"Oh Jason....I forgave you the moment you left. I understand now why you did. Dont be sorry about what happend with Wyatt. What happend happend and I cant change that, there is no point worrying over it. We are still friends and thats what is important."

*Katie smiles stays on her face and her eyes search Jason.*

"Thank you for the Rose. They have always ment so much to me. My other one was starting to die so it was nice to get a new one. Oh and I see why you got along so well with the band J. They are great people and I had a really fun time. There so silly. I got to meet Kyle's sister Jen. She is great. Really nice. How is everyone at the ranch doing?"


Con spins around as he hears a car slow and sees Jamie. His drops his shoulders a little, unafraid to show he's not too happy. But he doesn't exactly want to walk all the way back to his apartment. "Hey, Jamie." He slides into the passenger seat and shuts the door. "Sure, I'll take a lift. How about a new car too?" He rolls his eyes as he buckles his seat belt. "It's about time I got rid of that old bucket of bolts. Which direction you headed?"

A chuckle escapes as Jason's lips form a smile and he sits up. "I should have known better than to think I could get away with being in here without you knowing it. He gets up and closes the distance to Katie's bed. He sits down and reaches out to pull her into a big hug, just holding her tight for several moments before drawing away to look in her eyes. "You don't make it easy on a guy's conscience, you know that?" He grins, though his eyes show the seriousness of the thoughts running through his mind. "I didn't mean to leave you like I did...I guess I let my better judgment slip, and I'm sorry. Your friendship means the world to me, and I don't ever want to jeopardize it again." He lifts his arm to run the back of his hand down Katie's face. As he allows his eyes to assume their piercing gaze into hers, he suddenly realizes that his ultimate decision was already being tested. Looking at Katie now...her eyes were shining...she had a gentle peace about her...the setting sun cast its rays into the room to glint off her hair.

Jason's jaw tightens and he closes his eyes just a moment, forcing himself to withdraw his hand and refocus his train of thought. It's harder than he thought it would be. It was one thing to have made a decision on his own - it was another to be sitting here with Katie and to stick to that decision of friendship only.

"I, um...got your email. I was sorry to hear about you and Wyatt...glad you met the band though. I bet you all had fun."

A lift

*Wes smiles down at Cindy placing his hand on her face.*

"Soon my love I wont have to let go. I had a wonderful time too. Sleep well."

*Wes turns and heads to the barn before heading to bed himself.*

*As Katie sleeps her mind dances with Images of the days past. Everything had been so exciting. And Jason was coming home today. Jason.....as Katie sleep she can feel something in her room change. Oping her eyes slowly Katie see Jason she shoots up from bed her heart racing not being able to help her excitment.*


*Katie cant help but smile bigger than ever. He was back and came to see her first.*

*As Jamies heads out she takes the back roads for once just wanting to enjoy the freshair with her convertable top down. She hadent talk to Con tomuch today he seems in a bad mood. Driving ferther down the road she can make out someone walks. Drawing closer she can tell its Con. Pulling up along side him she shouts.*

"Want a lift there stranger?"

*Jamie grins.*


Cindy laughs. “Mm….can I just stay here in your arms all night?” She sighs deeply. “I suppose you can drop me off at my bunk.” Once there, she slides off the horse and looks up at Wes. “Thanks, Wes…I had a wonderful time…good night.”

Night hangs on as long as it possibly can, but daylight must have its way. The sun breaks into the morning with a million bright colors, shimmering across the sky. The sleepy ranch slowly comes alive again as the new day begins. But already, they are one less. A note in the mess hall thanks everyone, and informs them that Jason has already left.

“He’s not going to call.”

“Yes he is!”

“It’s already seven o’clock!” Kyle slouches at the keyboard in Mike’s basement. “He baled.”

“Oh, stop,” Phil chides from his seat on the stool. He reaches up to tune his bass. “You know you don’t believe that. He’s been in Texas, for goodness sake. Maybe he couldn’t get to a phone on his way back. Or maybe he wanted to wait until he actually got back.”


Phil and Kyle both look to Mike at his drumset, who is holding up his cell phone. “What?”

Mike looks at them sheepishly. “I have a message. I didn’t hear it earlier.”

“And??” Kyle asks hopefully.

Mike holds the phone up to his ear and listens before flipping it shut again. “It was Jason all right. But he said he needed to talk with us…said he couldn’t say yes or no until we’d heard the whole story.”

Kyle’s eyes widen. “The FBI.”

Phil rolls his eyes. “Oh, Kyle, knock it off with the FBI.”

“Just a thought.”

Mike shrugs and sets his phone aside. “Well, if he doesn’t join us, then we’ll have to make do. But he sure have a good excuse.”

Jason parks in the hospital parking lot, shutting off the engine. He waits a moment, taking a deep breath. He’d only been gone a couple days, but it felt like a lifetime. Exhaustion from driving since the wee hours of the morning didn’t help any. But his mind was plenty alert…it had to be.

It doesn’t take him long to make his way into the hospital, his backpack slung over his shoulder and his leather jacket on his arm. He runs a hand through his unruly hair as he heads down the familiar hall.

Arriving at Katie’s door, he stops, unsure of how to enter. There are so many things running through his mind…so many things he needs to say to her. Taking a deep breath, he cautiously cracks the door. “Katie?” Looking into the room, he sees her lying on her bed, her eyes closed. He quietly enters, closing the door behind himself. He makes his way silently across the room to set his backpack and jacket down. He looks down at Katie, just studying her for several moments. She was sleeping so peacefully…he was glad of that. It told him she was okay. He’d missed her so much…there was so much he wanted to tell her…

Sighing, he eases down on the extra bed, stretching out on his side, with his head on the pillow where he could still see Katie. He wouldn’t wake her now…he would let her sleep. Talking could wait.

“Aw for crying out loud!” Con straightens, just to hit his head on the open hood of his car. Grumbling, he slams it shut again. He’d just been headed down a back road in town from TJY and his car had just suddenly died. He’d made it onto the side of the road, but it would go no further. Not only that, but his cell phone battery was dead. This whole day had been like that. One thing after another at work. He’d hardly spoken to anyone, and everything he’d touched had gone wrong. And now this.
Grumbling, he grabs his keys from the ignition to stuff in his pocket, locks the doors and starts down the road on foot.