
Mom and Pop's

*Jamie smiles and nods*

"Its not a problem Con."

*After a shor drive Con and Jamie finally arrive at the dinner. Apon entering Mable wobbles out from the back room.*

"Hey Herb, look who the Katie draged in. They seems to be spending alot of time together to not be love birds. I think your wrong Herb."

*Jamie shoots her mom a look.*

Herb: "Mable...they just got here would you leave them alone."

*Mable turns and looks at Herb.*

"Now you listen here Herbert Sherbert I can talk to my own daughter."

*Herb rolls his eyes.*

"Sometimes I wonder if you ever grew out of your highschool stage."

*Mable smiles and goes over to Con and Jamie.*

"What can I get you guys?"

*For a moment Katie can sence Jason seroceness and she wonders whats gonna happen now.*

"Its ok J. You might as well tell me now while I am in a good mood. Anyways, I dont think anything you tell me can make me sad. Just haveing you back has brightend my day. So have at it"

*Katie holds her smiles and show the confadence on her face reasuring Jason its ok. She is ok.*

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