

Hearing Sparky's words is a bit of a surprise to Rosetta. She never even relized he had felt this way before. Maybe it was because he never wanted to step in the way of Wes, and Mick, for that is was honorable But if only she had known.

"Don't be sorry. We are adults and we are talking, its nothing to be shamed about. Your a great guy Sparky and who knows we might of worked out. But I guess God had other plans, even if we look back now and wonder how happy we could of been."

Looking down for a moment and than back up to the small picture of the family that was on the fireplace harth gives a little shake of her head. Changing the subject Rosetta could tell Sparky was uncomfortable with this one.

"I know you have been talking about leaveing. I'd really miss you if you did. But you deserve to be happy. Your to great of a guy not to be and if that happiness is somewhere else out there, I'll stand behind you. Just dont be a stranger around here. This will always be your home, and I still care a great dail for you. When something happens I know I can always call on you Sparky."

Setting her coffee cup down for a moment Rosetta runs a hand through her hair. The tears she had been holding at bay all night seemed not to spring into her eyes as a few rolls down her cheek. Sparky had liked her to and she never new, her husband was so far away and she couldn't even talk to him. One of her best friends might be leaving the ranch it was just everything piling up again.

Taking a swip at her eyes Rosetta sits up straight and looks at Sparky giving a smile. Doing her best to stop her tears again.

"Sorry, just got kind of down there for a moment on ya."

Shouldn't be

Sparky's eyes shoot up to meet Rosetta's, focusing on her comment. He could feel a bit of heat creeping up the back of his neck and wondered if it was the room temperature that had risen, or if it was just him.

Swallowing another mouthful of coffee, he lets drinking be the filler for a moment of quiet until words form again. "Yeah... yeah, I know. I've had my own share of ideas for what my future was supposed to look like." He shrugs. "But... seems my plans usually get twisted around one way or the other."

Staring into his mug, he tries to figure out if it was half empty or half full. "Sometimes... I wish I'da had the guts to ask you to dinner too."

Even though his face was warm, he finally looks back up to Rosetta. "Maybe I let one too many chances slip through my fingers. Or maybe it was God 'cause he knew what was better. But..."

He stops, having vowed never to voice these feelings. But here he was, spilling it all out. "...sometimes I... wish I woulda found out if He would have minded so much had I not been so passive with two of my brothers."

Once the words are out of his mouth, he regrets them and his eyes move elsewhere as a rueful chuckle surface. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be saying these things."


Turning and giving a smile to Gage Sapphire gives a slight nod. Blue happend to be her fav color too.

"Ohhh...blue ones are nice. Would you want the tree white or Green? I think we could work with both."

Just letting the coversation lay for the moment Sapphire new that this wouldnt be the last on it. She was having fun just thinking about what kind of tree to get Gage and excited he said he would come alone as well.

"I think your going to have fun putting the tree up."

Taking a sip of her own Coffee a bit of color comes to Rosetta's face. Was Sparky saying if Mick wasnt coming back he'd try to peruse her? Surly she must be mistaken on that one...right?

"Its good some where in my heart I...know he is coming back too. Right now its just really hard you know? There are some good people here to help me out, one of them being you. You have always helped me Sparky. Sometimes I wish I had, had the guts to ask you to dinner before I was married. Not saying I regret being married to Mick because I dont...just sometimes I wonder what things would of been like."

Drawing quiet for a moment Rosetta just looks down into her mug watching the hot liquid for a long moment. Finally looking up into Sparky's eyes searching them before she spoke again.

"Its strange to grow up thinking things will be one way, and than they turn out differently."

Rosetta lets out a long sigh taking another sip of her coffee. More stuff entered her mind just adding to what was already there.


Gage continues just to sit, even when Sapphire rises to clean things up. His brow is furrowed as he tries to understand what she's saying. The whole story felt so unreal, yet real at the same time. Someone loved him? God? Love... really? It was as if he knew it was the truth, but it was just too good to be true at the same time. He'd never thought about what would happen after he died... now all of a sudden it seemed like a pretty important thing to ponder. But there was so much he didn't understand.

"Oh." Bringing his legs up on his chair to sit Indian style, he picks at a thread in in his jeans around a hole that had appeared in the knee.

Quiet for several minutes, he finally looks up at Sapphire again. "I like blue." Pausing, he then realizes that he'd jumped topics. "Um, lights, I mean. You know, the trees with all-blue lights. Those are my favorites."

"Oh, yeah, sure." Clint's voice is muffled against the floor. "Never better."

Becky looks over and down to her son, trying not to laugh as well. "You sure you're alright? Do you need help?"

"Nope." Getting to his hands and knees, Clint shakes off the shock of landing on the floor, then finally stands, wobbling just a little. His face was red as he turns back to the little group at his table. "If you'll excuse me... I have to go dry myself off... and round me up a new chair - one that doesn't buck so high."

As he walks away, Jade flops her head down on the table, still trying to stop laughing. "It was all my fault," she manages. "I didn't mean to knock over his water - honest!"

"Uh, yeah." Sparky nods as he takes a bite of meat. "Day wasn't bad. Got a lot done. Remington threw a fit being left in his stall today so I let him out for a while and gave him a workout. Otherwise, things were quiet."

Pausing, he closes his eyes, savoring the taste of the food. "Mmm... this tastes even better than it smelled. I don't know what you do, but you do it right."

Just enjoying the meal, talk is kept light - the weather, horses, BJ, who was at church on Sunday, and the fences that needed to be fixed. Before Sparky knew it, he'd had two helpings of dinner and the dishes were cleared away.

Now sipping a hot cup of coffee, the atmosphere was warm and relaxed. Leaning back in his chair, he gets a softer look in his eye. "Ya know... I always though Mick was a lucky guy... now I know he is." A wry grin curves his lips and he gives a quiet laugh. "It's a good thing I know he's coming back."


Placing all the food on the table Rosetta gives a smile heading back to the kitchen one last time to get the drinks putting one at each place before sitting.

"I don't cook nearly as much as I use too. More often than not we would eat at the dinning hall, sometimes its just easier. But your right I am surprised he is not fatter."

Rosetta did miss cooking like she used to, but it seemed like there was not enough hours in a day between the business, and taking care of BJ.

Thinking about Mick for just that moment let a sad look pass in her eyes. But looking up again and giving a smile to Sparky Rosetta was determined not to get down tonight. Not when she had great company over. A little color comes to her face at Sparky's comment.

"Thank you! I figured it would be nice to dress up a little. Your very welcome by the way."

A prayer was said for the food, and than it was dished out. Rosetta making sure to give Sparky some hearty helpings. Sitting down again and placing her napkin in her lap.

"You look good tonight as well. Did you have a good day?"

Wendy's eyes go wide as Clint goes head over heals not one time but two. Not being able to help the laugh that escapes her lips. She was worryed about her husband but it was so funny at the same time.

Looking at Chase Wendy speaks loud enough Clint could hear her but soft still.

"Let this be a lesson little Chase. Never mess with chairs. Once your Dad have to save me with a fork aganst one."

Pushing the chair back and standing leaning on the table a little to be able to see Clint better Wendy shakes her head her eyes sparkling.

"Clint, darling are you ok?"

Thinking for another moment Sapphire sits back in the chair and puts her hands in her lap for a moment. Choosing her words wisly here would be important. She didn't want to confuse Gage even more, or even scare him away. Not when they had come so far.

"Well Gage, thats the nice think about Jesus. He loves us no matter who we are. "

Sapphire gives a smile standing and starting to clear the table while she talks.

"As long as we believe in him, and ask him to come into out lifes, he can wash out sins away. No matter what you have done in the past in God's eyes it will be gone. Because Gage, he does love you."

People like me

Seeing Rosetta as she answers the door, Sparky unintentionally does a double-take before he can get himself to reply. "Oh well, you know me... Mr. perfect timing." He rolls his eyes and grins, following her to the kitchen. "Boy, something sure smells good."

Standing with his hands in his pockets a moment, he finally sits down, watching Rosetta finish up dinner. "Um... water's fine, thanks."

He picks up a fork, fiddling with the tines, seeming a little more on edge than normal. As the table is set, he chuckles. "It's a good thing Mick's got plenty to keep him active... with you cooking a spread like this, he's got to work hard just so he doesn't gain fifty pounds." His wink in Rosetta's direction, proves the tease is really a compliment.

Once both are seated, he looks across the table at her, cocking his head. "You look nice tonight, Rosetta... thank you for having me over."

Cindy laughs as she is guided from the front door through the house. She steps carefully without being able to see a thing, having no idea what her husband was doing.

When she's finally allowed to see, she puts a hand to her mouth, her eyes starting to fill. Turning to look up at Wes, a smile spreads on her face, her gaze full of love. "Oh, Wes..." Wrapping her arms around him, she kisses his lips then just hugs him, nestling her face into his arms. "You make me feel so special." And he did... he made her feel just as special today as he had while they had dated. She knew she was a blessed woman to have a man like that. She would miss him so much when he had to leave to go overseas.

But trying not to dwell on that unhappy thought, she pulls away, leaning down to smother Kaylee in kisses. Kaylee squeals with delight and bangs her spoon on the high chair, very ready to eat.

Cindy laughs and takes her seat across from Wes, her smile making her glow. "Thank you... this is the best 'thank you' I could ever receive."

"Ah!" Clint squirms at the elbow to his ribs, which tickled more than it hurt. Seeing Chase gurgling in amusement, he smirks. "Yeah, side with your mother, will you? That's not fair"

Jade giggles at her cousin from across the table. "He's already showing smarts, Clint."

"Heeeey." Clint warns her teasingly. "Watch it." His foot kicks her shin under the table.

"Ow!" Jade jumps and goes to slap Clint's hand, but as she reaches across, her arm hits his glass of water. The drink goes flying, spilling all over the table... all in Clint's direction.

Clint is on his feet in an instant, but it was too late - the water had gotten him down the front of his shirt and onto his jeans... in the worst place possible. If that wasn't bad enough, in too much of a hurry to stand, his foot catches the leg of his chair. Overcompensating so he doesn't fall into Wendy and Chase, he goes the opposite direction... all the way to the floor.

Jade stands quickly, her eyes wide. "Oh, Clint!"

The crash of him and his chair is loud enough that most heads in the room turn to see what in the world is going on. Jim and Becky are just at the next table over, and Jim looks down at his son in surprise. "What on earth are you doing?"

Clint blinks, a little dazed from hitting his head on the hard floor. Before he can answer, laughter hits his ears.

Jade tries... she really does, but it's no use. Even though a hand is over her mouth, the laughter just won't be held back. "Are... are you okay?"

Clint's eyes narrow and he sits up, throwing his arms in the air. "I'm fine," he states loudly. "Everything is under control. You may all go back to eating now. There's nothing more to see here!"

Jade sinks down in her chair, her laughing making her sides hurt as she shakes. Leaning into Dan, she turns to hide her face against him, feeling terrible that Clint fell, but it had been way too funny not to laugh... especially when he stands up, revealing what the water had done.

Clint's eyes start to water from his own laughter that he was not allowing to come out. Eying Wendy, then Jade and Dan, he lifts his chin in defiance and picks up his chair. "If you all will excuse me for a moment." Lifting the chair above his head, he starts to take it away, but alas... water on the floor had created a slick spot he hadn't seen. Down he goes all over again, but this time the chair is flung as he falls, shooting in between the other tables all the way to the wall where it lands with a resounding bang.

Before Clint lets his head drop, he can only mutter one thing. "Chairs. I hate chairs."

Gage listens quietly as Sapphire explains the meaning of the holiday, finishing his breakfast, then just sitting, intent on understanding what she was saying.

When Sapphire is finished, his hands are in his lap, his shoulders down and his eyes holding the most thoughtful look. For a long time, he just tries to process. Once could almost see the wheels turning in his mind as he tries to put all the pieces together and understand.

"So that story... about God... and Jesus..." He cocks his head. "I mean... the one about Santa Claus... people have just made up a lot of stuff like based on legend. But... the one about God... you're saying that one is true?" Confusion clouds his mind and frustrates him a little because he wasn't sure how to ask what he wanted to know. "I mean... you said Jesus came to save people... like, so they could go to Heaven? But you mean the good people... right?" He didn't have to say what the rest of the question was behind his eyes... his body language said enough... had it been words, the rest of the statement would have been, "not people like me."

Just in time!

Giving a smile and a nod rubbing her head into Wyatt hand Aerith gives a tiny chuckle.

"I'll make sure to tell Carson I cant. Your orders."

Stealing another quick kiss Aerith watchs Wyatt leave before turning to head back to her own work, and help Thirteen out with a tray she was struggling with.

Another soft smile comes to Sapphire's face at Gage's innocent question. She could see how he would get confused. It wasnt something easy to understand with out getting the meaning behind it.

"Well, you see...the trees and gifts, lights and Santa Claus, really have nothing to do with that barn or as we like to call it manger scene."

Sapphire is quiet for a moment as she sips some OJ through her straw forming her words together in her head.

"You see, a long time ago in a little town there was a woman and her name was Mary...."

For the next half hour Sapphire sate talking with Gage about Mary, and Baby Jesus, the Angels, Shepard, and the reason God had sent his son. Doing her best to offer information in a way that wouldnt offent Gage, or make him feel dumb.

"...So the lights, the trees, and the gifts really have nothing to do with the real reason we have Christmas. Its only a tradition someone thought up a long time ago that is fun. As for the mangers you see, they remind us what the real reason for Christmas is so we dont get wrapped up in the little things and remember the day God came to save us."

Sapphire cocks her head as she finishes off her food giving a soft smile to Gage. She wasnt sure if he would understand or not? Be if he didnt she hoped he would ask some question.

Without any warning the day slowly turns to night as the darkness sets in earlyer now that is was close to winter time. Time seemed to slip away when we least exspect it leaving us to wonder what we did with out day.

Laughter and great smells filled the dinning hall tonight as everyone gathered around to talk, fellowship, and just have a great time.

A playful jab to Clint's side by Wendy as she trys to feel the baby sends him into a fit of laughter as he shook his little fists in the air thinking everyone was there because of him.

Dan sat next to Jade not being able to help but pick on her and make her blush at the same time. Only to end it with slipping his hand under the table and taking Jade's giving it a gentile squeeze. His smile reassuring he was only joking.

Than down just a ways in the little house across from the dinning hall Rosetta moved around her kitchen making the last preparations for dinner. Roast and potatoes, along with Carrots and some Italian bread was on the menu tonight.

Hearing the knock on the door Rosetta goes to answer it. Dressed in one of her nicer black shirts with the scoop neck, a nice pare of blue jeans and her black boots. Giving a small smile as she answered it.

"You have good timing, I was just about to pull the roast out and cut it."

Stepping aside so Sparky would come in Rosetta closed the door behind him and walked back into the kitchen knowing he would follow, or make himself at him. She would have put him to work but really there wasnt much left to do. The table was already set and dinner was almost done.

"What would you like to drink Sparky? We have water, juice, milk...pretty much anything."

Though it seemed like Rosetta was in a good mood and felt herself on the inside her heart was still hurting. It was nice making up such a grand meal tonight giving her something to do to take her mind off a lot of things.

Farther down and into the woods just a little ways another house was lit up, a suprise waiting for a special person. The table was set, and two candles were placed with care. Steak, peas, mashed potatoes, and a chocolate cake was for desert.

A little child sits in her high chair girggling, dressed in a little red dress, and her hair up in two little pig tails. Kaylee had spend the day with Daddy, while mom went out and ran around doing a few things. This had been planned but father and Daughter tonight.

With his hands over Cindy's eyes Wes leads her into the room, looking at his daughter and giving a small nod he removed his hands.

"Kaylee and I just wanted to say thank you for being the best mom and wife in the world."

Supper time

Wyatt musters up a small smile and returns Aerith's kiss. Giving a slight nod, he slides out of the booth and stands. "Okay... thanks."

Cradling her face a moment with his palm, he gives her cheek a rub with his thumb. "I'll call you later about supper. Don't work too hard."

Sparky almost seems to hesitate, then nods at Rosetta's answer. "Okay. I'm gonna take one of the guys with me to run some errands in town later, but I'll be back in the afternoon. If I don't see you before supper, I'll wander in when my stomach starts to growl."

Offering the best smile he can, Sparky tries to relay that things would be okay. Another nod, and he was out the door, heading to the barn.

"Oh." Gage seems to try and figure out why he'd want a tree, but he could see it was something Sapphire enjoyed, so maybe he would too. "Okay. I guess we could do that then. But you will have to show me how to decorate it."

Chewing his food thoughtfully, he furrows his brow, deep in thought like he was much of the time. He often took a long time to shape his words before he spoke, trying to put the pieces together before asking questions or giving answers. "I don't see how everything is connected..." He continues to ponder. "I see like, lights and trees and all that stuff... and then there's santa claus or whatnot that kinda seems silly... then I see these little scenes... like.... a barn or something. I've seen a lot of them when Officer Drake has driven me through town. It's got like, these people and a baby and usually a star or something on top. It looks religious 'cause sometimes they have these angels around it too. I haven't figured out yet what that has to do with santa claus and Christmas trees though..."

He glances to Sapphire with innocent ignorance. "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

Gunner sits at his desk, fooling with some paperwork until he stops, staring off into space. He'd been there two hours now, and hearing about Jason and Katie, a new burden was in the air. He wished he would have been able to go... then maybe it wouldn't have happened.

"Gunner?" Susanne comes around the corner of his cubicle. She smirks at him a little. "You gonna do any work today or just stay in your own little world?"

"Oh." He reaches for several stacks of papers. "This is for you - those printouts you wanted. And I also filled out those three reports and got that profile paperwork done. Umm..." He flips some pages with his thumb. "These are for Reese. I compiled those figures he wanted. If you could pass those along, that would be great. I've also almost completed that list of queries so as soon as that's done, I'll get that to him."

Susanne's eyes widen as she takes the stack of papers. "I guess I was wrong. Who put a bee under your butt this morning?"

Gunner gives her a grin. "Guess I finally had a good night's sleep."

"Well good. I hope you have another one. At this rate, you're gonna have a week's worth of work done in one morning!"

As she walks away, Gunner's eyes follow her, a smile still on his face. Taking a deep breath, he dives into work again, his eye on the clock.

Things in Texas move steadily. Though awkward without Mick around, everyone pitches in, making things as easy as possible. Chores are done, errands are run, breaks are taken, and the normal day-to-day tasks are completed. Jeff takes on BJ for most of the day, filling time with nature walks, a hunt for "the great last grasshopper" from some story, and stealing cookies from the kitchen like two stealthy cat burglars. It's only late in the day that Jim and Becky take back over again, playing some games and making popcorn balls at the house.

Jade spends her time in and out of the barn, stealing free moments with Dan, then winding up with Wendy, Angel then Becky to help out with little tasks. Another irate call from her mother goes ignored, as for the first time, Jade leaves her cell phone in the bunkhouse. She'd found refuge in one of the empty bunks, quietly moving her things from the main house. She didn't want to be a burden to Rosetta, and finding her own alone time was nice too.

Eventually, seven o'clock rolls around and most are starting to gather in the main dining room. All the visitors had their own supper at their normal visitor's dining room, while the main hall for all the ranch personnel was filled up as usual. Chattering, laughing and dishes clanging fills the air as it did most nights. Clint had convinced Wendy to join everyone else tonight, so they wind up at a table with Jade, while Jim and Becky keep an eye on BJ. Jade makes sure a spot is saved for Dan too, forming the "younger corner" of the room. Soup and sandwiches are served and everyone is hungry.

Outside, Sparky's boots crunch on the gravel as he heads to the main house. He'd squeezed in time for a shower and a change of clothes after chores, though he knew he'd have to make a few more rounds after supper before bedding down for the night.

Getting to the porch, he pauses at the door. Hesitating with his hand in the air, he finally rings the doorbell. He'd walked right in this morning, but tonight... tonight, he leaned more toward formality, at least for now.


Looking at Wyatt with stern eyes for a moment Aerith brings her head close to Wyatt's.

"Don't blame yourself. No one new what was going to happen, and you cant beat yourself up over it ok?"

Though her words were strong they still had there soft edge, and her face held the look of love on it like always. Something that never faded when she looked at Wyatt. Giving him a small kiss on the lips to show her love.

Slipping out of the booth again so Wyatt could get up as well. It was a bummer there lunch was cut short but dinner sounded like a great plan. Though it wasnt out of the ordinary Aerith and Wyatt were insepratable.

"I don't see why he would have a problem. I have a bit of over time I need to cut anyways. Just name the time and place and I will be there."

Not being able to help the laugh that escaped her lips Bree shakes her head, her own cheek a crimson color.

"Oh, I guess I can save a little for you. What fun would it be if I took all the glory for myself right?"

Taking Gunner's glass and putting it in the sink Bree follows him to the door before heading to take her own shower.

"Have a good day at work, and I'll see you tonight."

Giving a wave Bree closes the door behind Gunner and locks it double checking to make sure it was locked. Than heads down to the spair bed room to grab some clean clothing than head to the shower to start her day.

Looking at Sparky Rosetta thinks for a moment before answering. She wasnt the greatest company right now and she would hate to have BJ see her like this. It really was not something a little boy his age should have to. Especially when she couldn't predict the tears would turn on.

"BJ has been having alot of fun with Becky and Jim. Right now that what he needs and I can't give it to him. Becky and Jim already offered to watch him another day or two for me and I figured that would be good. Than he will come back here."

Taking another sjp of her coffee Rosetta gives a small sigh and than a nod.

"So it will just be me and you. If you dont mind that is ok."

Smile with satifaction in seeing that Gage likes the meal Sapphire felt good. She liked being able to help Gage, and show him new things to experience. Being able to shair things with another and seeing if they liked it, having them give there honest thought about it was nice.

"Oh yeah, they have alot of differnt things there. Sometime we will just have to take a tip so you can see everything they have. Pie, cookies, shakes, chicken..there is alot."

Taking a bit out of her crassont Sapphire is quiet for a moment thinking about Gage's question about a Christmas tree.

"Well because its pretty to have one, and fun to put it up. I figured it might be fun to put one up. Not to mention I enjoying doing it myself and its just a tradition thats fun. There is no ryme or reason to it."

Never been told

Wyatt sighs deeply, letting Aerith soothe him. She had a way of doing that, that he'd never figured out. She was always so calm... so quiet.

Finally straightening again, Wyatt shakes his head. "I don't have time... I gotta get to work and start on the report. I'm... the only one who can write it right now."

Turning his gaze he searches Aerith's deep eyes. "Thanks for letting me talk a few minutes though... just... pray that Jason and Katie will be alright. If I woulda just reacted one second sooner..." He shakes his head again. He knew he'd be blaming himself for a while. It wasn't the first time. "Think Carson would let you off early so we could go have dinner tonight?"

As Bree withdraws from her light kiss, Gunner holds back a pleased smile. He'd like to try that again, but he didn't have time. "Yeah... I will. I'll see you after work then."

Gathering the last few things, then remembering to return and put his glass in the sink, he starts to leave, then turns back around again. "Oh, what the hey."

Leaning down, he gives Bree one more quick kiss, still grinning as his face burns. "Don't give the waitress too hard of a time about that float... save some of her annoyance for me."

Sparky is just turning to leave, when Rosetta's offer for dinner hits his ears. Turning back around, he cocks his head. "Boy you know your cooking is hard to pass up."

Looking down a moment, his gaze eventually wanders back up to her face. A long, quiet moment passes before he finally speaks again. "Yeah... yeah, okay." A smile creases his lips. "You don't have to do it to thank me though. You know good and well you don't owe me a thing."

Turning again, he fishes his leather gloves from his back pocket, pausing before the door. "You want Jim and Becky to watch BJ all day and night again or, you want him back here for supper?"

Gage's grin widens, a spark finally coming to his eye. It didn't show very often - mostly when Sapphire was around because she was one of the few that made him feel good enough to smile. "Sounds great." He nods, referring to the food. "And... thank you." He knew she didn't need thanks. And he was too appreciative to turn anything down, even though she regularly had surprises for him. He only wished that sometime he could give her something in return.

Taking a bite of breakfast, he sighs with content. "Mmm... this is good. I've never had breakfast from Burger King before. I always just had what anybody else had... I guess I didn't even know they had more than a couple different kinds of hamburgers."

Sipping the orange juice, he suddenly stops at Sapphire's mention of shopping. "Christmas tree?" He looks at her, a bit confused. He knew Christmas was a holiday, and apparently some people gave gifts and the like, and he'd seen a few Christmas trees here and there, but at the Agency compound, holidays didn't exist. He'd never celebrated anything, let alone the December holiday, and he never really had figured out the point of it all. "Why... would I want one?"