

Looking at Wyatt with stern eyes for a moment Aerith brings her head close to Wyatt's.

"Don't blame yourself. No one new what was going to happen, and you cant beat yourself up over it ok?"

Though her words were strong they still had there soft edge, and her face held the look of love on it like always. Something that never faded when she looked at Wyatt. Giving him a small kiss on the lips to show her love.

Slipping out of the booth again so Wyatt could get up as well. It was a bummer there lunch was cut short but dinner sounded like a great plan. Though it wasnt out of the ordinary Aerith and Wyatt were insepratable.

"I don't see why he would have a problem. I have a bit of over time I need to cut anyways. Just name the time and place and I will be there."

Not being able to help the laugh that escaped her lips Bree shakes her head, her own cheek a crimson color.

"Oh, I guess I can save a little for you. What fun would it be if I took all the glory for myself right?"

Taking Gunner's glass and putting it in the sink Bree follows him to the door before heading to take her own shower.

"Have a good day at work, and I'll see you tonight."

Giving a wave Bree closes the door behind Gunner and locks it double checking to make sure it was locked. Than heads down to the spair bed room to grab some clean clothing than head to the shower to start her day.

Looking at Sparky Rosetta thinks for a moment before answering. She wasnt the greatest company right now and she would hate to have BJ see her like this. It really was not something a little boy his age should have to. Especially when she couldn't predict the tears would turn on.

"BJ has been having alot of fun with Becky and Jim. Right now that what he needs and I can't give it to him. Becky and Jim already offered to watch him another day or two for me and I figured that would be good. Than he will come back here."

Taking another sjp of her coffee Rosetta gives a small sigh and than a nod.

"So it will just be me and you. If you dont mind that is ok."

Smile with satifaction in seeing that Gage likes the meal Sapphire felt good. She liked being able to help Gage, and show him new things to experience. Being able to shair things with another and seeing if they liked it, having them give there honest thought about it was nice.

"Oh yeah, they have alot of differnt things there. Sometime we will just have to take a tip so you can see everything they have. Pie, cookies, shakes, chicken..there is alot."

Taking a bit out of her crassont Sapphire is quiet for a moment thinking about Gage's question about a Christmas tree.

"Well because its pretty to have one, and fun to put it up. I figured it might be fun to put one up. Not to mention I enjoying doing it myself and its just a tradition thats fun. There is no ryme or reason to it."

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