

Placing all the food on the table Rosetta gives a smile heading back to the kitchen one last time to get the drinks putting one at each place before sitting.

"I don't cook nearly as much as I use too. More often than not we would eat at the dinning hall, sometimes its just easier. But your right I am surprised he is not fatter."

Rosetta did miss cooking like she used to, but it seemed like there was not enough hours in a day between the business, and taking care of BJ.

Thinking about Mick for just that moment let a sad look pass in her eyes. But looking up again and giving a smile to Sparky Rosetta was determined not to get down tonight. Not when she had great company over. A little color comes to her face at Sparky's comment.

"Thank you! I figured it would be nice to dress up a little. Your very welcome by the way."

A prayer was said for the food, and than it was dished out. Rosetta making sure to give Sparky some hearty helpings. Sitting down again and placing her napkin in her lap.

"You look good tonight as well. Did you have a good day?"

Wendy's eyes go wide as Clint goes head over heals not one time but two. Not being able to help the laugh that escapes her lips. She was worryed about her husband but it was so funny at the same time.

Looking at Chase Wendy speaks loud enough Clint could hear her but soft still.

"Let this be a lesson little Chase. Never mess with chairs. Once your Dad have to save me with a fork aganst one."

Pushing the chair back and standing leaning on the table a little to be able to see Clint better Wendy shakes her head her eyes sparkling.

"Clint, darling are you ok?"

Thinking for another moment Sapphire sits back in the chair and puts her hands in her lap for a moment. Choosing her words wisly here would be important. She didn't want to confuse Gage even more, or even scare him away. Not when they had come so far.

"Well Gage, thats the nice think about Jesus. He loves us no matter who we are. "

Sapphire gives a smile standing and starting to clear the table while she talks.

"As long as we believe in him, and ask him to come into out lifes, he can wash out sins away. No matter what you have done in the past in God's eyes it will be gone. Because Gage, he does love you."

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