

Gage continues just to sit, even when Sapphire rises to clean things up. His brow is furrowed as he tries to understand what she's saying. The whole story felt so unreal, yet real at the same time. Someone loved him? God? Love... really? It was as if he knew it was the truth, but it was just too good to be true at the same time. He'd never thought about what would happen after he died... now all of a sudden it seemed like a pretty important thing to ponder. But there was so much he didn't understand.

"Oh." Bringing his legs up on his chair to sit Indian style, he picks at a thread in in his jeans around a hole that had appeared in the knee.

Quiet for several minutes, he finally looks up at Sapphire again. "I like blue." Pausing, he then realizes that he'd jumped topics. "Um, lights, I mean. You know, the trees with all-blue lights. Those are my favorites."

"Oh, yeah, sure." Clint's voice is muffled against the floor. "Never better."

Becky looks over and down to her son, trying not to laugh as well. "You sure you're alright? Do you need help?"

"Nope." Getting to his hands and knees, Clint shakes off the shock of landing on the floor, then finally stands, wobbling just a little. His face was red as he turns back to the little group at his table. "If you'll excuse me... I have to go dry myself off... and round me up a new chair - one that doesn't buck so high."

As he walks away, Jade flops her head down on the table, still trying to stop laughing. "It was all my fault," she manages. "I didn't mean to knock over his water - honest!"

"Uh, yeah." Sparky nods as he takes a bite of meat. "Day wasn't bad. Got a lot done. Remington threw a fit being left in his stall today so I let him out for a while and gave him a workout. Otherwise, things were quiet."

Pausing, he closes his eyes, savoring the taste of the food. "Mmm... this tastes even better than it smelled. I don't know what you do, but you do it right."

Just enjoying the meal, talk is kept light - the weather, horses, BJ, who was at church on Sunday, and the fences that needed to be fixed. Before Sparky knew it, he'd had two helpings of dinner and the dishes were cleared away.

Now sipping a hot cup of coffee, the atmosphere was warm and relaxed. Leaning back in his chair, he gets a softer look in his eye. "Ya know... I always though Mick was a lucky guy... now I know he is." A wry grin curves his lips and he gives a quiet laugh. "It's a good thing I know he's coming back."

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