
Just in time!

Giving a smile and a nod rubbing her head into Wyatt hand Aerith gives a tiny chuckle.

"I'll make sure to tell Carson I cant. Your orders."

Stealing another quick kiss Aerith watchs Wyatt leave before turning to head back to her own work, and help Thirteen out with a tray she was struggling with.

Another soft smile comes to Sapphire's face at Gage's innocent question. She could see how he would get confused. It wasnt something easy to understand with out getting the meaning behind it.

"Well, you see...the trees and gifts, lights and Santa Claus, really have nothing to do with that barn or as we like to call it manger scene."

Sapphire is quiet for a moment as she sips some OJ through her straw forming her words together in her head.

"You see, a long time ago in a little town there was a woman and her name was Mary...."

For the next half hour Sapphire sate talking with Gage about Mary, and Baby Jesus, the Angels, Shepard, and the reason God had sent his son. Doing her best to offer information in a way that wouldnt offent Gage, or make him feel dumb.

"...So the lights, the trees, and the gifts really have nothing to do with the real reason we have Christmas. Its only a tradition someone thought up a long time ago that is fun. As for the mangers you see, they remind us what the real reason for Christmas is so we dont get wrapped up in the little things and remember the day God came to save us."

Sapphire cocks her head as she finishes off her food giving a soft smile to Gage. She wasnt sure if he would understand or not? Be if he didnt she hoped he would ask some question.

Without any warning the day slowly turns to night as the darkness sets in earlyer now that is was close to winter time. Time seemed to slip away when we least exspect it leaving us to wonder what we did with out day.

Laughter and great smells filled the dinning hall tonight as everyone gathered around to talk, fellowship, and just have a great time.

A playful jab to Clint's side by Wendy as she trys to feel the baby sends him into a fit of laughter as he shook his little fists in the air thinking everyone was there because of him.

Dan sat next to Jade not being able to help but pick on her and make her blush at the same time. Only to end it with slipping his hand under the table and taking Jade's giving it a gentile squeeze. His smile reassuring he was only joking.

Than down just a ways in the little house across from the dinning hall Rosetta moved around her kitchen making the last preparations for dinner. Roast and potatoes, along with Carrots and some Italian bread was on the menu tonight.

Hearing the knock on the door Rosetta goes to answer it. Dressed in one of her nicer black shirts with the scoop neck, a nice pare of blue jeans and her black boots. Giving a small smile as she answered it.

"You have good timing, I was just about to pull the roast out and cut it."

Stepping aside so Sparky would come in Rosetta closed the door behind him and walked back into the kitchen knowing he would follow, or make himself at him. She would have put him to work but really there wasnt much left to do. The table was already set and dinner was almost done.

"What would you like to drink Sparky? We have water, juice, milk...pretty much anything."

Though it seemed like Rosetta was in a good mood and felt herself on the inside her heart was still hurting. It was nice making up such a grand meal tonight giving her something to do to take her mind off a lot of things.

Farther down and into the woods just a little ways another house was lit up, a suprise waiting for a special person. The table was set, and two candles were placed with care. Steak, peas, mashed potatoes, and a chocolate cake was for desert.

A little child sits in her high chair girggling, dressed in a little red dress, and her hair up in two little pig tails. Kaylee had spend the day with Daddy, while mom went out and ran around doing a few things. This had been planned but father and Daughter tonight.

With his hands over Cindy's eyes Wes leads her into the room, looking at his daughter and giving a small nod he removed his hands.

"Kaylee and I just wanted to say thank you for being the best mom and wife in the world."

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