
Drive Home

*Katie gives a little nod and stands turning back to Scott.*

"Ok, I'm ready."

*Leading the way Katie makes her way down the trail making sure Scott stays close behind. Getting to the Car Katie gets into the passanger side of Scott's car.

The drive twords home is quiet for the most part though Katie trys to make conversation with Scott. She was tired and had alot of things playing through her mind. She dident want to be a downer but her mind was just so full at the moment.*

"You can stop wherever for Breakfest Scott, I'm not picky today."

*Mable looks up as the bell rings and see Carson straggle in. Giving a little wave she grabs a menu and places it in front of him.*

"What can I get you to drink Hun?"


Jason feels Katie coming before he hears her, but he doesn’t move. He’d like to stand up, look her in the eye and be strong about this whole thing, but he couldn’t even do that.

He gives a shrug, but knows he owes Katie more than that. Finally he nods. “No, don’t stay. Get home and get some rest.” He quiets his tone for her. “I’ll be fine. These guys won’t let me get away with not taking care of myself, let alone Camryn.”

He yanks up a tall blade of grass to shred with his fingers, taking his frustration out on something. “It’s over…we’re good to go… I’ve screwed everything up again, so… might as well just move on, right? You should leave with Scott before anything else happens to keep you here.”

Rising to his feet, he gives Katie’s shoulder a pat and heads back to the tent to get some dry clothes on.

Scott stands and waits for Katie, wishing there were more he could do to help.

Carson sifts through the mail on his table, seeing yet another letter that he didn’t want to open. He knew what it held…he knew what would be asked… He hated himself for not responding, but he couldn’t. Not with the way things were now. What did he have to show? Nothing. What did he have to offer? Nothing. The one person he longed to see again, and he was screwing that up too. How could he respond? He couldn't live up to what he should be able to. It had been over two months now and he knew if he didn't do something, he would lose them for good all over again. How could he be afraid of such a little thing?

Muttering to himself, he heads to the door. He’d already made several phone calls this morning with no luck. There was only one thing left to do, and it would be humiliating, but he had to do it.

Not fifteen minutes later, the bell at Mom and Pop’s is ringing. Carson ambles to the counter and waves a greeting to Mabel, forcing half a smile and trying to convince himself that Misty had been right about these people.


*Jason and Kyle's argument hit Katie like a bucket of ice snaping out her her tought and taking the focus off herself but to them. Not turning on the log she just sits and listens feeling Jason's tention, the anger and pain. She wished she could help Jason more but she new this was his fight and she could do nothing. Katie can feel herself cring inside as the fight continues only to come to an abrupt stop.

Scott's offer to go home was kind of a bit of releaf to Katie. She new she couldent get away from the tention, Jason's feeling but she felt like all eyes were on he with question. Katie stand and gives Scott a small nod speaking softly.*

"Yeah, I'll be fine. We can stop and get something on the way back. I'll be ok, just give me a sec."

*Katie gives Scott's hand a slight squeeze as she slowly breaks away and goes over to Jason. Bending down for a moment Katie is silent but than speaks knowing Jason is upset and irratated but she dosent want to leave without leting him know.*

"J, I'm gonna head back out now unless you want me to stay?! At least drink some OJ ok for me and dont be to upset ok?"

Raised voices

Jason lifts his head from where it had been resting on his knees. He could feel movement. The only way he could describe it would be to say it was like he was a paperclip that was held in place, and a magnet was moving around him. It wasn’t a bad feeling…it wasn’t even a strong feeling. It was just…there.

Glancing around, Jason spots a figure down a ways from where he was sitting. Though he wasn’t close enough to make them out with his eyes, he didn’t have to. Someone else with just as much turmoil on their mind was walking the morning air as he had.

Letting out a long sigh, Jason returns his chin to his knees, squinting in the now-risen sun. He couldn’t remember everything that had happened last night, or everything that had been said. He vaguely remembered words of reassurance that this thing wasn’t a curse. But he had other ideas about it.

Camryn lies on her back, staring up at the ceiling of the tent. She absentmindedly twirled the ring on the finger of her left hand. There were so many thing running through her mind, and most of it she didn’t even want to think about. This could be overcome…couldn’t it? She loathed the doubt in her mind. Yet…hadn’t there been doubt from the beginning? She loved Jason. There was no question of that. She’d fallen for him the first time she’d seen him on stage and had been determined enough to pursue him, then more than thrilled when he had returned her affections. She wanted this. She wanted her future with him so much.

So why now were there tears threatening to fill her eyes again? Why did she have the pangs of guilt for things that she’d implied she’d done but hadn’t because she’d been afraid of the results? Why was she trying so hard not to look too deeply, for fear of finding more than she wanted? Wasn’t love enough? Wasn’t it enough to overcome these other things?

Jason walks slowly back to the campsite, favoring his knee. Last night’s episode hadn’t helped it much, that was for sure. As he approaches, he sees Katie sitting on a log, and he pauses for a moment. He thought this was hard on him…what was it doing to her? He still remembered his conversation with Aerith that seemed ages ago now. She’d reminded him that this whole thing was more than just about him…Katie was suffering too, and knowing that was killing him. If he could take on her pain along with his, he would do so gladly, just to know that she was no longer hurting. But he couldn’t. And that was the greatest curse of all.

In his bare feet and still in his damp shorts from his brief dip in the lake, he comes up slowly, quietly behind her. He knew good and well that she would know he was there, but he still remained quiet.

Letting the breeze come through his wet hair, the morning felt good on the outside. If only the peace could be applied to the inside.

Slowly, Jason’s hands come to rest on Katie’s shoulders…just resting…just trying to convey that he was grateful she was there…that he was thankful for her help…that he was hurting for her too.

“Man, Jason, I thought you slept walked away from us!”

At Kyle’s loud voice from the tent, Jason’s hands slip from Katie and he walks past her towards his other friend. “Sorry. I didn’t want to wake you guys.”

Kyle stands and crosses his arms, his tone serious. “How you doing?”

“I’m okay.”

“You sure?”


Kyle cocks his head at Jason’s attire. “A bit cold for swimming.”

“You think?” Jason forces a grin. “It was a little chilly.”

Kyle laughs. “Yeah, well, Phil and I were just talking, and we don’t mind taking our time to hike back down today. Stopping a couple places along the way, then getting back in town later tonight.”

Jason’s eyebrows rise quickly. “What happened to four days out here?”

Kyle knows he’s in for a fight, but goes ahead anyway. “You’re in no shape to stay out here.”

A new angry frustration rises within Jason. “Look, I’m fine. I just told you that.”

Kyle hooks his thumbs in his pockets and looks to the ground. “We don’t want you pushing yourself, Jase. Not with your mind the way it is, and not with that knee of yours.”

“You weren’t worried about my knee yesterday,” Jason snaps.

“You weren’t favoring it this much either,” Kyle counters. “We just…”

“I’m not letting you all cut your trip short because of me,” Jason interrupts. “I don’t care how much it hurts to walk, I’m not letting you quit because of me.”

Kyle shakes his head. “We care more about you than this vacation.” He tries to convince Jason of that truth. “I know you say when a nightmare is over, it’s over and you can move on, but…don’t push it, huh? You need rest. You just had a night of heck, and I know good and well you’re not up to par.”

Jason grits his teeth. He couldn’t believe this was happening. The argument pauses for just as moment as he tries to collect his thoughts.

Scott emerges from the tent, witnessing the tension, and looks between Kyle and Jason for a moment before seeing Katie a short distance away. He was sorry she had to be going through this…in all honesty he really didn’t know what to think. He didn’t know what to do…he didn’t know how to react. He’d been praying every time he’d woken up in the night, and was still without answers.

Jason keeps himself from glaring at Scott. Scott didn’t deserve his ire, and neither did Kyle, but that didn’t keep him from getting upset. “Just…can’t we finish out this hike? We’ll go on, and I’ll be slower, but I’ll be fine.”

Kyle shakes his head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Jase. What if it happens again?”

That was the last straw. “What if it happens again?” Jason throws his arms in the air. “What if it happens again on the way home? What if it happens again when I’m in the grocery store, or out to eat? What if it happens when I’m making out with Camryn in my own house?!” His words were thrown out carelessly, driven by his anger, not by caution. “What if, Kyle! What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t know!” Kyle’s own voices rises. “I don’t know, alright?! I just think it would be best to cut this trip short. Phil and I both do.”

“And my opinion doesn’t count?”

Phil is next to emerge from the tent, having been listening from inside. “How about we just calm down, have some breakfast and think this over?” He looks to Jason gently but sternly. “You haven’t had anything to eat since last night, and that’s not helping your thinking any. Now come on…both of you cool it for just a while, eh?”

Jason’s hands are on his hips and he lets his head hang. Finally without another word, he walks away to find a solitary place to sit in the grass. Arguing with Kyle was something new and it didn’t feel good.

Camryn stands at her own tent, watching her fiancĂ©. Her heart ached. She wanted to go to him…put her arms around him and tell him that it would be okay. But she knew he was not approachable right now. She could just wait in tortured silence until he was willing to talk.

Scott lets out a long slow breath and looks to Kyle, then Phil, no words being spoken. Finally he goes to Katie. He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what’s best. He just wanted to protect her. “I need to get you home,” he suggests quietly. “You alright for the hike back? You want to eat something first?”


*Katie slowly back up out of the tent. Personaly she dident feel comfortable sleeping with Camryn last night. Not that she had anything aganst her but she just felt a strange vibe or something lingering. Slowly Katie stands taking in the nice crisp air. As she walks through the grass Katie can feel the dew on her feel looking down she remembers her date with Scott last night and how it had been intarupted. She felt bad, it was her night with him something they dident get to do often and she had runed it.

Katie finds herself walking to the lake not relizing anyone alse was up yet her mind just wondering. She could only imagen how Scott felt and than, than his face as they left the restront last night enters her mind. The disapointmint, the hurt and the confustion. She's let Scott down.

Reaching the waters edge Katie lets the water run over her feet. It was cold but it felt good as the sun rised calling forth the new day. As Katie stands there a sicking feeling enters her mind. Last night Jason had been bad, he'd been almost past bad and she had to be there to help him would. No matter who they had learned to block parts of there mind it had still happend and she needed to touch him to help. What if this was to happen again? What if it happend in the middle of her and Scott's wedding, or on there hunnymoon? What if they were are dinner again and Jason needed her causing her to leave. What kind of relationship would that be for Scott?

Leting out a long sigh Katie gives her head a small shake and trys to push the thoughts away. She dident want to think about this not now. But no matter how she pushed they seemed to pop back. Turning and steping out of the water Katie can feel Jason close but why wouldent she he was asleep (Or so she thought) up at the camp sight. Heading back to the sit herself Katie finds a log to sit down one, feeling herself drift a million miles away.*


Scott is the first one to Katie, and knowing now Jason is okay and she's okay, he takes her in his arms in a strong embrace. He didn't know why, but for a moment he'd almost been afraid he'd been losing her too.

Camryn starts to dry her tears and can't manage any words, but simply retreats to the tent again, needing to see for herself that Jason was alright.

Crawling up next to him, she just kneels and watches him sleep, another tear running down her face. She'd been so scared...and this thing was so complex...she didn't understand it. She didn't understand what went through his mind, the emotions it brought on, or how it could affect him physically, so violently.

Reaching out, she brushes a strand of his hair from his forehead and just strokes his head for a minute. She felt as though she'd almost lost him, and it was a despairing thought. And yet...there was a new feeling there now. Something that troubled her. She'd known about these episodes, she'd known about how Katie could help, but this was the first time she'd been there and...how was it that Katie could help Jason and not her? The unexplainable connection almost upset her...her words hadn't been enough. Her prompting had done no good. What if this ever happened again?

Biting her lip against more tears and forcing those kinds of thought out of her mind, she places a kiss on Jason's cheek and finally withdraws again. Seeing Kyle and Phil's looks of question, she gives a little nod, then heads to her own tent.

Scott finally releases Katie from his hold and looks her in the eye at arm's length. "The guys said we could spend the night up here...I think it's a good idea. It's really late and by the time we walk back down to the car it'll almost be time to get up anyway. I already called Laura so she knows what's going on, and she's going to check on Domino for me too."

Questions flicker in his eyes. Unvoiced questions that he dared not ask. This had been a little more traumatic than anyone there would like to admit, but it was so confusing, and something that no one could fully understand. The confusion created a form of fear that the future was foggier than anyone would like.

Drawing Katie back again, Scott gives her a tender kiss on the lips before brushing her cheek with his hand. "Get some rest, alright? You can bunk with Camryn...I'll come get you if anything changes with Jason."

The night isn't long enough. After the frightening experience, only a few hours remained until morning. Minds raced with a strange combination of fears and relief...confusion and prayers of thanks.

Jason's eyes flutter open and he blinks, taking in the dim surroundings of the tent. Moving just a little, he feels like his whole body is one big dead weight. Managing to prop himself up on an elbow, he counts the bodies in the tents and realizes there is one more than there should have been. Squinting, he realizes it's Scott. ...Scott?

All at once, the night before comes flooding back. From when he'd fallen, to the nightmare, to finally being pulled out of it by Katie. Amazingly, he'd experienced no nightmares after that, though he'd been so exhausted, his mind had probably just shut down.

The others in the tent were still sleeping peacefully. Jason was glad of that...he'd probably caused them all enough trouble the way it was, without them losing all their sleep over him too.

Sliding out from under his blankets, he realizes that he's slept in sweaty clothes all night...what he wanted most right now was a shower, but that wasn't possible. Grabbing a pair of shorts, he crawls to the entrance of the tent, careful not to wake anyone up.

The gray morning was damp and cool, the sun just waiting to peek over the horizon. A thin fog had settled over the campsite and the small lake. Jason's legs didn't want to work...his mind was lethargic and it hurt to think, but he needed to start functioning again. He needed to settle down again to make sure he really was okay and could proceed with the day. He needed to think through what had happened, and process the discouragement he felt for putting his friends through this.

Heading to a small corner of the lake right by the campsite, Jason slips into his shorts and eases himself down into the water. It was cold. Cold enough to make him shiver at first. But it was refreshing. It was revitalizing. It woke up his senses and helped clear his mind.

Dunking himself, he comes up freezing, but unwilling to get out yet. Instead he stays a while, just letting his thought wander. He was confused...hurting. He didn't understand what had happened to him. He thought he could always pull himself out of a nightmare, but last night...he had no doubt in his mind that if it weren't for Katie, he'd still be in the darkness, or dead from the shock his body had gone through. Another thought had struck him that he didn't like either...Katie had been able to help him before from a distance, just by their connection or through her voice over a phone. But last night...Jason didn't like admitting it, but he had felt absolutely nothing until she had been close to him, touching him. What if she hadn't been able to come?

Too scared to even think down that path, Jason finally gets out of the lake and finds a nice large rock to sit on, pulling his knees up to his chest. The air was cold on his bare skin, but he didn't mind. Just letting himself drip dry he watches for the sun, staring out across the lake.

Good as new

*Katie smiles down at Jason still running a hand though his hair. He was going to be ok. Her own emotions, feeling start to calm though she is left tired herself, everything alse returns to normal.

Seeing Jason fall asleep she just smiles and shakes her head.*

"Your welcome!"

*Moving just a little Katie brings a pillow over for Jason to rest his head on and gently lowers it. Bringing the blanket up she tucks it under Jason's chin and smiles down at him. Giving him a friendly kiss to the forhead and pat to his hand Katie knows Jason will be ok now.

Slowly she backs out of the tent and stands for a moment her back to the other. The breeze feeling good on her face. She was hot she was tired and she probley looked a mess but she dident care.

Finally Katie turns and gives a small worn out smile to the others and a little nod.*

"He's ok now. He's sleeping and in the morning she should be as good as new."


Katie’s words continue to be the soothing balm to Jason. Her tone, her voice, everything about it was the cure to wipe out the torment.

Being held…feeling her fingers run through his hair…it was a comfort beyond anything else. It always had been.

The nightmare begins to fade in the distance, the images and emotions dispersing once more.

Jason hears Katie’s desperate prayer, and though unsure exactly what’s happening, or what she’s really saying or meaning, something about it stirs him deep inside.

Prayers of the righteous never go unheard and never go unanswered. The desperate cry of one’s heart is always received, always cared for, and always comforted in that hour of turmoil.

A sudden cool breeze blows through the tent bringing a feeling of fresh life. Jason’s breathing is finally brought completely back to normal, along with his pulse.

His eyes open for a moment and look up at Katie’s face. He used to feel embarrassed for these times…he used to be upset when she’d see him like this. But not any more. He licks his dry lips and swallows hard, giving her hand a squeeze. He remembered where he was now…he didn’t know how Katie had gotten there, or how long he’d actually been out of it, but reality was coming back to him. “Thanks, Katie,” he manages to whisper. “It just…hit so hard and…I couldn’t…get out again. I…” His voice drifts off with his subconscious, and all of a sudden, his body has relented to sleep. Completely exhausted from the emotional and physical strain, his eyes close, taking him to sleep.

Scott continues to pace outside. He hears Katie’s voice, though is far enough away, not able to distinguish her words. What was she saying? Was it helping? Was Jason okay? What was going on?

Camryn is pacing now again as well. She pulls her jacket tighter around herself and holds back from doing what she wanted – running back to Jason’s side.

Phil and Kyle remain on high alert, both praying, both ready to get more help if needed for their friend.

A Prayer

*Katie continues to hold Jason as she cant still feel him fighting, she can still feel his emotions. She despretly holds on to him, giving him what he needs. Not leting go until he throws up but not leting it bother her she wraps her arms around him once more. Running a hand trough his hand and pulling a blanket over him her soft huming turns into a tranquil song.*

"Let the water of life wash over you....
Let the water of life make you whole....
Drink it in,
Soak it up,
Let his love build you up.

You can J, I know you can. Your strong and I'm here to help you. I'm not going anywhere and you have all those people out there praying for you.

He builds you up,
He wont let you down,
He gives you what you need,
You dont have to plead,
He know your heart request.

Dont be sorry J, you dont need to be sorry. I think I'm starting to see why God gave me this gift, he's saving you through me in more ways than one. I'll never tire of being your Hero Jason. Not if thats what God wants.

He has us walk through the fire,
And puts to the test,
And in the end he still love us
as much as the rest.
He wont leave you there,
He wont say he dosent care,
He'll always feel you safe.

Come back to us J, come back."

*Katies own hands shakes as she holds Jason's and runs the other through his hair. Her eyes never leaving his face. Katie says her own prayer.*

"Dear Heavenly father I come before you tonight not asking a request for myself but for my friend Lord. He's hurting and saten is attaching him. Thats what these attaches her gets are Lord and you know that. They Satans way of keeping a hold on Jason, of clinging to him and not leting him see the light. But we know you are strong Lord and we have seeing you turn those deamins away before. You cast them out and into the pigs and you help so many others. People say its me who calms Jason Lord, but I say its you. You gave me this peace, this comfort, this gift. So many times we called it a curse but I see now Lord its not, you have a reason and without this reason Jason would be lost in the darkness. I am a Hero, but I am a hero because thats how you made me. You made me special and you let me have this connction with Jason. No longer will I think this a curse no longer will I try and run. I live for you, I work for you...I let you live in me. Now I ask you, I lay myself before you and ask you to once again heal my friend and turn Satan running....TURN SATAN AWAY NOW AND LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE."

*A few of Katie own tears fall landing on Jason's cheek. She wasent sure how to describe how she felt right now because she wasent even sure herself. She felt tired, but she felt strong, she felt differnt from anything she ever felt before.*


Ordered out of the tent, the other four do so hesitantly, but obey. None knew what would happen, but none had any other ideas. Katie had to be trusted.

Once outside, Scott paces, desperate for this whole thing to be over. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much, but it did. It just…it just wasn’t fair. Stopping a moment, he looks over and catches Camryn’s eyes. They seemed to reflect his own feelings.

Camryn hangs her head and goes to sit on a log by the fire that was no completely out. Rocking herself a little, she prays and tries not to worry. She wanted to be in there…to be with Jason. She didn’t like it that she couldn’t help. She didn’t like it that someone else could. But what choice did she and the others have…but to wait?

Jason flinches as he’s touched, his breathing shallow and rapid. Drenched in sweat, he fights for several more minutes, desperate…so desperate.

Alex raises his had for another blow… but…that voice….that voice Jason knew…it was sweet…soft…real. And that touch. Like an electrical shock, it jolts his system, sending a surge through him that clashes with the darkness head-on.

It hurt. All his emotions, all that pain at once, and trying to get out…trying so hard…

Jason’s fist loosens for just a moment to wrap around Katie’s hand, putting her in a vice grip as he fights. “K…Katie…” He can feel reality…he can taste it…. His eyes flutter for a moment, then roll back in his head as the battle continues.

But as she stays with him, as she speaks, as she sings, slowly, slowly, Jason begins to relax. Like a cool breeze calms a raging summer day, her presence dissolves the tension and the fears.

Finally, Jason’s breathing slows, his heart rate beginning to come down. His grip on Katie’s hand loosens and his head sinks further in her lap, his muscles starting to relax.

Jason tries to open his eyes and he blinks. Alex was fading…Jason was…here…somewhere…but it wasn’t there…it wasn’t his past.

Trying to move, he winces. Every muscle in his body ached from the tension they’d been under. But he had to move. His body was revolting against the trauma it had experienced, and he couldn’t stop it.

Still in a daze, Jason suddenly is on his hands and knees to half crawl, half stumble to zippered back of the tent, his stomach refusing to keep his supper down. Throwing up several times spends the rest of any energy he had left, and all he can do is collapse, his head once more in Katie’s lap.

Tears fill his eyes. Like cold water putting out a fire, remaining heat is released in steam, and leftover emotions seep out. Everything hurt, everything was pain…the past, the present…he didn’t even know where he was. All he knew was what he’d just experienced and he knew it had been bad.

A sob sticks in his throat as his hand finds Katie’s again, desperately seeking for strength. “I hurts…” His voice is strained against the uncontrolled tears. “I can’t…it’s too hard…I can’t…”

He grips her hand tighter. “I’m sorry.”

His temperature back down, he starts to shiver from his wet clothes, but he doesn’t have the energy to find a blanket. All he can do is lie still and let Katie soothe him back to reality.