
A Prayer

*Katie continues to hold Jason as she cant still feel him fighting, she can still feel his emotions. She despretly holds on to him, giving him what he needs. Not leting go until he throws up but not leting it bother her she wraps her arms around him once more. Running a hand trough his hand and pulling a blanket over him her soft huming turns into a tranquil song.*

"Let the water of life wash over you....
Let the water of life make you whole....
Drink it in,
Soak it up,
Let his love build you up.

You can J, I know you can. Your strong and I'm here to help you. I'm not going anywhere and you have all those people out there praying for you.

He builds you up,
He wont let you down,
He gives you what you need,
You dont have to plead,
He know your heart request.

Dont be sorry J, you dont need to be sorry. I think I'm starting to see why God gave me this gift, he's saving you through me in more ways than one. I'll never tire of being your Hero Jason. Not if thats what God wants.

He has us walk through the fire,
And puts to the test,
And in the end he still love us
as much as the rest.
He wont leave you there,
He wont say he dosent care,
He'll always feel you safe.

Come back to us J, come back."

*Katies own hands shakes as she holds Jason's and runs the other through his hair. Her eyes never leaving his face. Katie says her own prayer.*

"Dear Heavenly father I come before you tonight not asking a request for myself but for my friend Lord. He's hurting and saten is attaching him. Thats what these attaches her gets are Lord and you know that. They Satans way of keeping a hold on Jason, of clinging to him and not leting him see the light. But we know you are strong Lord and we have seeing you turn those deamins away before. You cast them out and into the pigs and you help so many others. People say its me who calms Jason Lord, but I say its you. You gave me this peace, this comfort, this gift. So many times we called it a curse but I see now Lord its not, you have a reason and without this reason Jason would be lost in the darkness. I am a Hero, but I am a hero because thats how you made me. You made me special and you let me have this connction with Jason. No longer will I think this a curse no longer will I try and run. I live for you, I work for you...I let you live in me. Now I ask you, I lay myself before you and ask you to once again heal my friend and turn Satan running....TURN SATAN AWAY NOW AND LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE."

*A few of Katie own tears fall landing on Jason's cheek. She wasent sure how to describe how she felt right now because she wasent even sure herself. She felt tired, but she felt strong, she felt differnt from anything she ever felt before.*

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