
Attaching chairs

*Jamie looks at the space between them leting out a laugh.*

"So I get alittle wet. Its not going to kill me."

*Jamie scans the faces that stair back at them and the hooting. Turning back to Con she gives a small roll of here eyes.*

"How about I drive you back to your place so you can change out of those wet cloths and we can run someplace to grab a bit to eat. Its not how you planed but as long as you go with me its more than enough."

*Angelica's cheeks turn a bit red at the mention of candlight. Looking at Reese and than back to Kyle she trys to compose herself. Giving her head a small shake she looks back to Kyle.*

"If I could get some more tea that would be great. I think we are ok on everything alse? Unless you need something alse Mike."

*Katie snuggles with Scott and Domino on the tiny coutch in her bedroom whole a movie plays as noise in the backfround.*

"Ok, so get this, after all this happen Clint who you met was trying so hard to empress Wendy it was funny. You though you had it bad? He went to leave the room and triped over a chair to regain his composture he said the chairs where attacking and grabed a plastic fort to fend them off. At the time I dident think it was very funny buy back them I dident think much was. Now...."

*For a moment Katie stops talking as she can start to feel Jason's emotions creep up. He wasent upset, but maybe he felt like he was missing out on something...Katie consintrates for a moment almost landing on something, but as soon as the feelings came up the door was closed. Regaining herself she starts up talking with Scott again.*

"..Now when I think about it, its darn funny. Those two are great though, its like they just fit together. There's no trying, no words that need to be said they just are what they are and everyone assumes they are together and no one tells them differntly. If you see Clint you know Wendy is around the courner."

*Katie smiles as she takes a bit of her ice cream. Tonight had been a good night. Scott, Domino and herself piged out on ice cream and watched movies though half the time they were to busy kissing or talking to really know what was going on.

Katie reachs down and gives Domino a scratch behind the ears so she dident feel left out.*

Anything else?

Looking into Jamie’s eyes, Con receives her words of acceptance, and he can finally breath again, his heart pounding in his chest. As she comes for an embrace, he takes her close, finally standing up and just hugging her.

Other people on the floor hear Nate’s cheering and move closer to see what’s going on. It doesn’t take long for them to figure it out, and soon there are more cheers and clapping.

Jason stops his route to his office, a huge smile spreading across his face. “Way to go, Con!” He watches for several moments before shaking his head, still smiling and continuing his route to his office.

Laura gets up from her desk and comes over close to Nate, grinning, and linking her arm in his. “Woo, Jamie and Con! Yeah!”

Susanne claps and laughs at the sight. Hal pokes his head around the corner and gives a shrill whistle, adding his claps.

Con’s face gets red but he doesn’t pay attention to the audience as he draws back just a little to look down at Jamie. Tilting up her chin, he cocks his head and leans in to plant a passionate kiss on her lips.

The cheering around them finally brings a smile to his face and he can’t hold the kiss. Lifting his head, he’s still smiling. “I love you,” he whispers.

Looking down at himself, he can’t help but chuckle. “And I’m getting you all wet.”

Once back in his office, Jason eases down in his chair, trying to finish up what he’d been doing. All of a sudden though, it was hard to concentrate. He was thrilled for Con and Jamie…they’d been happy for so long, and deserved this. They really seemed like a good pair, and Jason was proud of his friend for finally asking the woman he loved to marry him.

But…what was this strange feeling that was also trying to hide? Jason wasn’t sure. He blocked nothing as his mind wanders a little. Was that…melancholy? Was that…envy? He rolls his eyes and tries to get back to work.

His ringing cell phone startles him and he answers. “Yeah?”

“Hey, Handsome.”

Jason automatically shuts out some of his emotions as he hears Camryn’s voice. “Hey. You home?”

“Yeah, but I thought maybe we could do a late night run for ice cream or something.”

“…and here you go.” Kyle sets down Angelica’s plate in front of her with a bit of a flourish. “Enjoy.”

Reese smiles his thanks. “Could I get another diet coke?”

“Sure.” Kyle takes his glass. “We have a special tonight. Free refills.”

“You always have free refills.”

“Well that’s what makes us special.” Kyle grins and looks to Angelica. “Do you need anything else? More to drink? Extra napkins? Candlelight?”

Conrad Gibbs

*Jamie sits at her desk trying to keep her mind off the late hour but she perks up as she finally hears the door open. Hearing the squishing sound of work boots coming down the hall Jamie waits tilll they get closer turning in her chair she was about to make a smart comment but see the long on Con's face and cant tell but his soaked clothing he probley was not doing to well. Before Jamie can even ask if Con is ok he starts to speak and she just listens note sure what will happen next.*

*As Nate sits at his desk and hears Con he stops for a moment. Con dident sound to happy. Standing Nate starts to walk twords them but stops, something told him not to go so insted he stands back and just watches.*

*Jamie continues to listen to Con not being able to get a word in. As he pulls the small box from his pocket her heart starts to race. That cant be what she thinks it is. As Con gets to one knee her heart starts to race even faster and everything seems to spin than stop at once, time standing still. He was....
As Con's large hand takes hers she cant help the smile that spreads across her face as she lets Con slip the ring on her finger.*

"Conrad Gibbs, this is more than I could ever ask for. A while back you were my best friend and you helped though so much. Than you became more. You gave me hope when I though I wasent going to ever have a second chanse. How could I say no. I love you so much Con. Yes, Yes I will marry you."

*Jamie cant help the smile and though Con is on his knees She jumps up and throws her arms around him huging him tight. She couldent remember the last time she had been this happy. This was love, true love and it was only going to get better now that she was going to be able to spend the rest of her life with Con.*

*Nate smiles and starts claping as he can guess what is going on why the motions, and the reaction.*


*Nate continues to cheer drawing more attachen to Con and Jamie.*

Now or never

Scott’s eyes widen as Katie pulls him inside, his arm automatically going around her. “Mm.” He draws away with a smile. “That’s quite a welcome. I should be a little late every time if that’s what I get.”

Domino looks up at them and gives a little bark, putting a paw up on Katie’s leg.

Scott glances down and grins. “Someone is jealous. Better get used to it, Bub.” He closes the door behind him and glances around. “Henry safely away?”

“Great.” Reese grins and waits for Angelica to come. Planning on going home right after supper, they take separate vehicles and Reese makes sure Angelica follows him until they reach the Pizza Box. There were other cars there, proving it was suppertime, and Reese holds the door open for Angelica. Entering, they find their own table to sit at.

Going inside, some music is playing, and the atmosphere is light and fun. Noise from the back kitchen wafts through the main room and someone looks up as the door opens.

Coming from behind the counter, he grins, a couple menus in hand. “Well, good evening. I’m Kyle and I’ll be your inept waiter tonight since Jenny isn’t working.” He gives Reese and Angelica their menus. “Pardon my greasy apron, we’re short on hands tonight. But not to worry, we have no shortage of food. Can I get you something to drink?”

Trudging across TJY’s parking lot, Con was about as fed up as he could get. This wasn’t how he’d planned this…it was far from it. Everything was ruined. But he was going to follow through if it was the last thing he did. He’d spent too much time dwelling on it, and if he waited again, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.

By the time Con reaches the main floor, his jaw is clenched with irritation, his stride lengthened as he stalks towards Jamie’s desk. Reaching her cubicle, he stops, a puddle of rain water forming around him as his clothes dripped. His hair was plastered to his head as water ran down the side of his face.

“Jamie.” His voice holds a strange tone…he wasn’t angry, but obviously frustrated with his current condition. “I planned my whole day around picking you up tonight, and nothing has gone right. I haven’t been home since this morning, I banged my hand with a hammer, I dropped my lunch from the top of a roof into a mud puddle, I got stuck in traffic, I got a flat tire, and I walked three miles in the pouring rain. I got flipped off by two drivers and almost run over by a semi. There’s no way I can go out like this tonight, but so help me, I’m here and I’m staying until I’m finished with what I came to say.”

Several people around the office stop what they’re doing as they hear Con’s raised voice. Heads peek around their cubicle doorways to see what was going on.

Con heaves a short irritated sigh. “If I had any sense at all, I would call off our date and go to bed where nothing else can go wrong. But after I’ve spent the last three weeks making myself sick over this whole thing, I don’t care what else gets in my way, I’m not going to put this off another day!”

All eyes in the office go ignored. Con can feel his pulse start to race and he struggles to maintain control as he reaches into his pocket. Withdrawing a small box that had amazingly stayed dry, he opens it up and removes the contents, setting the empty box aside. Holding the sparking diamond ring, his eyes drift to Jamie to lock with hers.

Lowering his large frame to one knee, he takes her hand gently in his, offering the gift.
He looks up at her face, searching for her answer. “Before anything else can go wrong, Jamie Franklin…will you marry me?”


*As Katie hears the door bell she scurrys to the door. She cant help but blush as she dashes from the kitchen opening the door with enthuseasum. Smile at Scott and Domino.*

"I though you got lost on the way over to was going to send a search party."

*Katie reaches out and pulls Scott inside planting a big kiss on his lips.*

*Angelica gives a nod grabing her purse and keys.*

"Subs sounds perfect. I need to learn where all these places are anyway."

*Angelica heads out following Reese.*

*Jamie sits at her desk still typing glancing at the clock now and than. It was growing late and Con hadent shown yet. She had called his cell but got no answer. Growing worryed she tryed to keep her mind off of it for now thinking maybe he just had to stay late at work.*

*Misty smiles back at Carson leaning her head into his hand.*

"I'll try harder not too. I'm sorry I made you worry."

*Misty smiles.*


Scott scurries around his house, having arrived late from work. Domino trots at his heels, following him everywhere until he shuts her out of the bathroom and she sighs, lying in front of the door to wait. As soon as her master appears again though, she’s right back to following him around.

“What?” Scott looks down at her wiggling form. “How do you know I’m taking you with me tonight, hmm?”

Reaching down, he picks her up and cuddles her for a moment, receiving her enthusiastic licks to his face. “Alright, alright. Not too many kisses now, I’ll be getting plenty of those.”

Grabbing a leash, he sets the dog back down again, makes sure he’s got his wallet and keys and heads outside.

It doesn’t take long, and he’s on Katie and Laura’s porch, ringing the doorbell.

Reese raises an eyebrow at Angelica’s invitation. It had been a long time since a spontaneous offer like this. He was exhausted from a lack of sleep the night before and it had been an awfully long day. But…going home to an empty house just yet wasn’t that appealing.

He finds himself nodding. “Alright. How about subs? The Pizza Box has good ones.”

TJY grows quiet. Most offices are dark with the lights off, but some still remain, working late.

Laura types away, wanting to finish up this report before going home. Jason makes his way on crutches from his office, to the copy room, to Susanne’s office and back several times. Ty and Hal come for their nightly cleaning and others remain as well.

The clock ticks by the minutes. The entrance doesn’t open. No Con. The thunder shakes the building.

Carson tilts his head to see Misty, giving her a little grin and moving to lean an elbow on the bed again. “You certainly did.” He gives a little sigh. “I will say, you’re an expert at making a bloke worry. If you don’t cut this out, it’s gonna be me in that bed from a nervous breakdown here pretty soon.”

He reaches out to brush her cheek with the back of his hand. His tone goes quiet. “Quit getting hurt, will ya?”


*Misty's eyes slowly drift shut again feeling Carson's comfort put her at ease.*

"I'm glad your here."

*The sedation kicking in again Misty drifts back to sleep her mind calling dark for now though still felt as though she could hear what was going on around her. Carson's breathing, the thunder and rain. If felt strange to be awake, yet asleep not being able to talk to move. Yet the comfort of being safe was there, the knowledge of knowing her protector was next to her gave Misty what was needed to sleep peacefully.*

*Katie laughs as she sits on Scott's lap returning his kiss. *

"I think I could get use to this chair its very comfortable."

*Katie grins and laughs again snuggling her head into Scott's shoulder for a moment.*

"I'd help you, but I dont think much work would be done and than both out hindends would be in trouble."

*Katie gives Scott another kiss before standing and heading for the door. Stoping she throws Scott a wink and before disapearing down the hall she calls.*

"Ice cream, my place, 8:00, bring the kid."

Later that evening...

*Angerlica smiles and looks up from her desk as Reese enters. Closing the open file she had on her desk.*

"I was thinking about it. I've still got a bunch of stuff here I need to straten through and I havent even been here 24 hours yet and Jake sent me a case to look over."

*Angelica stands and heads to the filing cabnit puting away the file she was looking at. Turning back around she can tell the look on Reese face proves to be one that shows he is werry. Maybe, she should take a chanse.*

"I havent had anything to eat yet though. Would you like to grab some dinner with me?"

*Jamie sits at her desk typing away. The day had gone pretty fast and she felt like she was never going to catch up in work. Glancing at he clock her excitment starts to grow as the time draws near to Con's arrivle. They hadent gone out and done much since everything happend with Titan Inc. most of there nights they spent watching movies and ordering in. Once and a while they would stop by Mom and Pop's for a quick bite and to say hi to the fokes but nothing more than that. Not that Jamie minded it would just be nice to get out and do something as well. Smiling Jamie starts working again hoping the last few hours would go fast.*

*Misty slowly opens her eyes again hearing the rain it sounded like soft music. The room is dim and it takes a moment for Misty to get her bearing. Her mouth was dry and she hurt all over. Turning her hear slowly she looks at Carson and gives a small smile.*

"My mouth feels like I've been chewing on cotton balls."

*Misty's trys to sit up and realizes she cant when a serge of pain goes from the top of her head down to her feet causing her to shutter. Leaning out a grown she lets her head rest into the pillow closing her eyes to fight the pain for a moment and than opens them again.*

"I guess I really did a number on myself this time huh?"

Gone wrong

Carson hears Misty’s voice and lifts his head, her hand still in his. “Hey, stranger.” His voice is gentle and low, a smile playing at his lips. “Just rest. You’re okay now. You’re at the hospital and everything is going to be just fine.”

He gives her hand a squeeze. “And I’m not going anywhere, so just relax and get some rest.”

Another roll of thunder vibrates the room, and Carson looks to the window, noting that clouds have finally covered the sun. The weather seemed to almost match the moods around here…there was turmoil everywhere it seemed. But for now…for now, they had a haven and could rest.

Scott takes Katie’s hands as she wraps them around him, and turns his head to give her a kiss. Smiling, he looks back over his office. “I know, I know, it’s a mess. But you’re chair IS here.”

Getting a mischievous glint in his eye, he takes Katie’s arms and pulls her over behind his desk. Sitting down in his chair, he sets Katie down on his lap. “See? You got a chair right here.”

Spinning the chair around, he laughs and gives her another kiss. “So you gonna get back to work, or do I get to recruit you to help me with this mess?”

What had started out a gorgeous sun-filled morning turned into a gray and stormy day. Cloudbursts scattered through the day kept things constantly wet, and dampened spirits of those who wanted to be outdoors.

But time progressed and hours passed, slowly leaving the day behind.

Carson opens one eye groggily, realizing that he’s fallen asleep in the hospital chair, still beside Misty’s bed. Straightening, he cringes at the crick in his neck. His shoulder is throbbing now, the earlier pain killers having worn off.

Reese checks his watch and finally steps out of his office. Half the floor was quiet by now. Many had already headed home for the evening. He’d been to the hospital twice today to check on Misty and finding she was stable, had finished out his day at work.

He heads down the hall towards Angelica’s office and pokes his head in the door, seeing if she’s been able to get settled at all. “Hey…working late?”


Con steps on the brakes and steers his car off onto the shoulder of the road. “No!” he groans and leans his head down to rest on the steering wheel. He didn’t have a spare tire, his cell phone was back at home, and he was three miles from TJY. “Why me?!” He glares upward as the rain pelts down onto the windshield. “Why now? Why today? What else can go wrong?!”

Con just sits for several minutes. He’d promised Jamie he would come pick her up from work and take her out to dinner tonight somewhere special. But since arriving at work this morning, nothing had gone right all day. The rain had made a mess out of the construction site, there had been two fights, three vehicles break down, and numerous little things that just had not gone right at all.

He was even still in his work clothes. Planning on having enough time to get home, then pick up Jamie, swing by her place and get to the restaurant just wasn’t going to work. Now not only was he still in his work clothes, but he was going to be late, without a vehicle, and with no way to call Jamie.

But the rain wasn’t going to let up, and sitting here wasn’t going to do anything but feed his frustration. Not that walking would help calm it, but it was his only choice.

Getting out, Con locks his car and starts trudging down the road. It took about ten minutes for him to be completely drenched. His denim jacket did no good, and his feet were soaked after stepping in several puddles.


*Katie slowly and quietly come up behind Scott and puts her arms under his arms and around his waist resting her head on his shoulder.*

"I think something is wrong. There is only one chair! Where's mine? And that desk is looks crooked. What with that crap over there."

*Katie cant help but laugh. As she keeps her arms around Scott's waist.*

"Heya Babe. The office looks nice!"

*Nate follow Reese into Misty's room. Standing by her bed for a moment Nate gives her hand a gentil squeeze as he lifts his own prayer up. Seeing Reese turn to leave Nate follow passing Carson he gives him a pat on the shoulder and than heads out.*

*Misty hears a familiar voice her mind wake slightly. Not opening her eyes she gives Carson's hand a gentle squeeze. Keeping her eyes shut Misty trys to sort through things in her mind. What had happened and where was she now. Everything seemed fuzzy and she felt strange.*


*Misty's voice was soft and quiet.*

"Where am I?"

Storm on the horizon

Carson stands up with Reese and Nate as Dr. Fuller comes through, his arm cradled in a sling. They’d wanted him to stay in a room overnight, but he’d refused, more intent on seeing Misty than getting his own rest that he could get later.

Looking at the x-rays, the men understand more, and though still worried, some relief had been added to the mix now. Misty wasn’t out of the woods yet, but she was a whole lot closer to being well than she had been, and that was something to be grateful for.

By now, the sun was fully up, casting it’s bright light over the land. But storm clouds were building in the near distance, threatening to block out the warmth and send water on the land.

Reese looks down at his niece, a few tears behind his eyes as he watches her sleeping. A prayer was on his mind…a prayer of thanks for bringing her home, and saving her life. Though missing out on a lot of years of Misty’s life as her uncle, since she’d been here and working at TJY, Reese had found himself looking on her as a daughter. Seeing her hurt in any way hurt him too, and though he knew this was out of anyone’s control, he wished he could have done more to prevent these bad things from happening.

Sighing a little, he pats her hand and turns to leave the room. Seeing Carson standing back a little, Reese nods to Nate to exit with him, leaving Carson alone. He might not agree with Carson’s methods, but he couldn’t deny him the time he wanted to spend with Misty. His dedication was commendable – doubly so, considering his past.

Carson sees the other two men leave, and finally approaches the bed. Reaching down, he takes a gentle finger to move a stray lock of hair from Misty’s face. Cocking his head, he just looks at her sleeping form, studying her peaceful face…the horror of the night slowly draining from his veins.

Finally he pulls a chair close and sits down, not caring about the quietness of the room. A low rumble of thunder reaches his ears. Looking to the window, it was strange to hear thunder and see the sunshine at the same time.

Carson leans forward to rest an elbow on the bed and takes Misty’s hand in his, planting a kiss on it. “You’re gonna make it Sassy,” he speaks quietly. “You’re one tough chick, you know that?”

“Hey, Con!”

Con grins and waves at the guys on the site, heading to the office to clock in and grab a hardhat. “Hey, Duane, you still here?!”

A heavyset man points a crowbar at Con teasingly, shouting from the distance. “Only to keep you in line!”

Con laughs and soon is back out, joining the crew again.

“How’s the shoulder?”

Con rotates it and shrugs. “It’s still there.”

Pat shakes his head. “Just don’t ever pull a stunt like that again, alright?”

“Aw, did you miss me?” Con puts his arm around Pat’s shoulder, giving him a teasing squeeze.

Pat squirms from his grip, grimacing. “Man, you gonna give us a reputation I ain’t fond of!”

Con just keeps on grinning as he sets to work.

A few minutes later, he’s joined by someone else. “Good to see you back.”

Con turns and smiles. “Hey, Bret. How’s it going?”

“It’s going alright.” Bret shrugs. “Kinda hectic around here. They got us on a tight schedule.”

“Yeah, I see that.” Con looks at several blueprints and printouts. “How come we’re starting on this end instead of the north, there? Wouldn’t that be easier?”

Bret looks around him. “Looks like it to me, but I’m not in charge.”

“Who’s been filling in?”


“No wonder.” Con rolls his eyes.

Bret grins. “Seeing as though you’re replacing Dean until he gets back, I’d say you can switch things up.”

“I think you’re right.” Con nods in agreement. “Go get Ted for me, will ya?”

“Sure thing…boss.”

Con throws him a smirk. As Bret starts to walk away, Con stops him. “Hey…?”


“You doing okay?”

Bret looks down for a minute, fidgeting with his leather gloves. He knew Con’s question wasn’t one of simple everyday comings and goings. It was hard not to think about Brandon when working on the site. “Yeah.” He looks up again, forcing a nod. “Yeah, I’m okay.” He manages a small grin. “I got some help in keeping me in line, so…yeah.”

“And don’t come back!” Jason’s teasing shout comes from his office.

Camryn skips down the hall, laughing. Stopping, she spins around, goes back, and sticks just her head in Jason’s office. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

Jason quirks a grin as he looks at her. “Good.”

Camryn smiles and turns around to run. “You made me late for work!”

“Me?!” Jason calls after her. “You’re the one that wanted to stay for an hour!” Still grinning, he picks up the paperwork he’d been going through, and stands to hobble to the filing cabinet and put them away. It was no longer unusual for Camryn to be seen around TJY, and Jason didn’t mind it one bit. Thinking about it, he knew he’d probably miss it if she stopped visiting.

Scott puts his weight against the heavy desk and moves it several inches to the right, then stands back, looks and nods with satisfaction. That would do. Going out into the hall he takes another piece of furniture to move it into his new office, trying to find a place for everything. One corner was already occupied by a huge mass of equipment that would need to be sorted through and papers, folders, and stacks of who knows what were all over the place. He’d moved in alright, and it would take a bit of work to get everything straightened out.

Classical music plays from his CD player and a can of mountain dew keeps him company. Scott sets his hands on his hips and surveys the mess for a moment, deciding what to do next.

Any longer

*Dr. Fuller gives a small nod of her head before she turns.*

"Don't worry I'll do all I can."

*She signals to a nurse to take care of Carson as she disappears begins the swinging door.*

Minutes seem like hours and hours seem like days. When someone you love and care for life is out of your control the time seems to slip away. The sun comes up chasing away the night and all you can do is sit and hope everything is alright. Time marches on playing to its own toon, Time marches on and all you can do is hope answers will come soon..

*Finally Dr. Fuller exits the the doors she disappeared though 4 hours earlier. Going behind the nurses station desk a nurses nods to the small group of three men sitting in the waiting room. Making she way around the desk Dr. Fuller extends her hand to Reese being told he was her Uncle.*

"I'm Dr. Fuller, I am the one who worked on your niece."

*Dr. Fuller scans the three faces that stared back at her. Choosing her words carefully. Looking down at her notes once again than looking up.*

Misty is resting comfortably now. She is sleeping and probably will for a day or two. I am keep her heavily sedated so she can get the rest she needs. What had happened is Misty suffer a blow to the head that put a crack in her skull."

*Dr. Fuller pulls out an x-ray to show the guys the a copy of the same one in Misty's file.*

"A normal person wouldn't know its there and at first nether did Misty. She was getting headaches and didn't know why. As Carson had told me she was taking Advil heavily where as it was helping the pain is was hurting her more thinning her blood out so it slipped through the crack in her skull faster. Drowning her brain and causing her body to malfunction. Being a Dr. herself she should of known that's what the Advil would do but my guess she was scared, or just not thinking and wanted to pain to go away."

*Dr. Fuller lets out a small sigh as she thinks putting the one picture away and pulling another one out to point to.*

"I went in from here at the base of the skull removing the hair and cutting an opening going up from the back. I used a certain type of bone glue kind of like super glue to connect her skull back together and than down at the back I drilled a small hole in her skill to drain her brain of the blood that had filled it.
From what I can see there is no brain damage but in a few day I want to do some more tests just to make sure."

*Dr. Fuller turns to Carson and gives a nod.*

"Your lucky you brought her in when you did, if she had waited any longer we would of lost her."

*Looking back at all three smiles.*

" You guys can see her now if you want. Like I said she is sleeping and she might wake up but she'll probley be delilaros and confused as to whats going on, and will probley fall back to sleep. But your more than welcome to see her. It would do her good to see faces she knows when she wakes up because it will take her a while to work through the confusion. Just try and keep the noise down and don't move to fast around her. If you guys need anymore information or anymore help let me know. I'll keep you filled in."

*Misty lays in the quiet white room with only the sound of beeping machines. The underside of her hair was shaved leaving the long brown locks on top to cover it up though you could still tell the understand was missing. Part of her head was wrapped in bandage. Lying still in the bed the only thing signaling she was alive was the machines next to her and her soft breathing.*


Relieved to have someone there who knows what they’re doing, Carson steps back, finally willing to let the others do their work.

Receiving instructions and questions from Dr. Fuller, Carson rubs his head, trying to think straight. He was getting woozy himself, from a loss of blood.

“Um…yeah, yeah, she was taking Advil pretty heavily. She, um…her moods were…I don’t know…” He gives a frustrated sigh that he can’t think. “She was fine, a little edgy I guess maybe. And yeah, stress was bad. Look, that’s all I know, just take care of her, will ya?”

The police cruiser pulls into the lot and Reese gets out of the back with Nate. Frankie and Morgan were in the custody of the police and being taken care of and held until they would decide what to do. For now, Reese wanted to be here to check on his niece.

He makes sure Nate is with him, and goes quickly to the doors. The sky has turned an eerie gray, signaling the early morning hour. The night had slipped away.


*A tall slender doctor comes through the swinging doors. Her blonde hair was cut short, and her blue eye focused. She looked to be about in her mid 30's. Carrying files she quickly sets them down hearing her name. Hurrying over to Carson and Misty.*

"Whats going on here?"

*Dr. Fullers voice was strong yet had a soft edge to it. Looking down at Misty and relizing who she was she pulling out her flashlight fast opening Misty eyes and shinning it to them. Quickly Dr. Fuller barks orders to the nurses.*

"Starts her on 40 CCs of fluid, and prep her for surgary. I also need you to get the sergan that is on tonight to get down here and assist me stat."

*As the nurses wheel Misty into the back Dr. Fuller turns back to telling him he has to get his own arm looked at than asks him a few question.*

"What happend here? She grew wrose rapidly, sooner than I exspected she would. Was she taking any pain killers? How were she moods? Was she under any stress?"

*Dr. Fuller quickly shoots the questions off at Carson one after another moving for her clipboard as she waits for Carson's answers.*


Carson glances back at Misty as she talks and though wanting her to just rest, he doesn’t stop her from speaking.

Reaching a hand behind him to the backseat, he grasps one of Misty’s hands. “Just hang in there, Sass…we’re almost there.”

Never did the drive to the hospital seem to take so long. Not until they reach the parking lot does Carson let go of Misty’s hand.

Getting out, he quickly but gently takes her from the backseat and holds her close as he heads inside.

Bursting through the doors, several overnight nurses look up quickly, their eyes widening at seeing him bloody and carrying a young woman. Several move to go to him, while others pick up phones to call doctors.

There’s a bit of confusion and Carson’s frustration sets in as he doesn’t understand everything going on around him. He shrugs off several nurses who try to look at his shoulder, and tries to communicate with them about what’s wrong with Misty, but no one seems to listen.

Reaching his limit, he finally raises his voice. “I want Dr. Fuller NOW!”

“Sir, we…”

“NOW!” Carson repeats. “Get her in here!”

Count on you

*Nate lets out his own sigh as he watches Carson drive off knowing Misty was in good hands now and would get to the hospetil safly. Hearing Reese words Nate does not even turn his head.*

"Whats happend is a once blood thirsty assassin found his place and reason in life."

*Nate lets out a tired sigh believing the words he spoke were true. Carson might of done some stupid things in his life but he'd changed so much since the first time Nate saw him.*

"He's pretty much give or do anything for that girl."

*Nate gives Reese a side long glance and than stands over top of Frankie and Morgan for a long while shaking his head and keeping an eye on them till Officer Brown showed up to take them away.*

*As Misty feels herself being lifted from the ground and hears Carson's voice a wave of warmth fills her cold body. Though she was still in pain and she was weak she felt the comfort of Carson's arms. Being put into the back of the car and feeling it jolt forward Misty manages to turn her head a little and force a smile on her lips as she speaks softly.*

"Carson...I new you'd come. I can always count on you."

*Misty gives alittle cough as a bit more blood comes up. Misty continues to talk anyways.*

"So many times I wanted to give up, but....I kept thinking of you and remembering, I couldent let go and let you get into trouble with me."

*Misty sucks in a deep breath.*

"Clide is nothing without Bonnie you know."

*Misty gives a gargled low laugh before drawing silent again.*


In the blink of an eye, Carson sees Nate move Frankie, and it registers that his shot did not land where intended. For a moment, the anger continues to boil and seeing the flesh wound in Frankie’s side, Carson glares at Nate, throwing his ire in his direction for saving the life.

Gripping his handgun Carson lets it fly through the air at force, sending it clattering down the hall. Then ignoring anything else, he goes to Misty, kneeling down to brush her hair from her face. “Misty…Misty, can you hear me?” He sees blood, he feels her weakness. “Come on babe,” he begs. “Don’t leave…not now.”

Looking up at Nate, he grits his teeth. “You wait for help. I’m taking Misty.”

Getting to his feet, he aims for the door again, his goal to bring the car so Misty doesn’t have to be moved so far.

Carson’s feet pound the gravel drive as he sprints for the vehicle. He ignores his blood-soaked shirt, and only once inside the car does he even remember his own wound. Choosing to not pay attention to it, he throws the car in gear.

Within minutes, Carson’s back by Misty’s side and lifting her into his arms. Gently placing her in the back seat, Carson goes back to Nate and Reese one more time. “I’m going to the hospital. Join me when you’re done.”

Not even waiting for an answer, he goes back out to the car and in moments he’s gone.

Reese looks after the disappearing taillights and breathes a heavy sigh. “Good heavens, what has happened…”

Just in time

*As Nate strattles Frankie to the ground his knee in his back he glances up and see Carson.*


*Its was to late the shot was fired. Nate refelxs act fast as he hoysts Frankie from the ground. Though Nate movies the cry that came from his mouth signaled he was still hit. Nate throws him to the ground again and see the bullit had hit him in the side but he wouldent die from it. Acting fast Nate finds some rope on the ground and uses it for make shift ropes around Frankie's wrists. Frankie looked dazed but Nate would rather be safe than sorry talking to Frankie.*

"You better not move any part of your body or I wont move you next time her shoot at you."

*Turning Nate looks to Reese and Carson.*

"Carson check Misty, take her go to get help!! Reese call bown and get someone down her to get these two skum bags."

*Nate drags Frankie up and past Misty to the where Morgan was lay.*

*Frankie's eyes were glazes and watchs his sisters lifeless body as he pass. Misary passing over him, his sister, what had he done to her. The one person she new she could always trust and now...now that was gone. Frankie looks to Carson and than to Nate an than back at his sister.*

"Is she going to be ok?"

*Nate dosent say anything and just pushes Frankie to the ground.*


Seeing Nate go for Frankie, Carson lowers his weapon. He cringes as he sees Misty thrown to the ground, reflexes causing him to step forward.

But taking two steps, he sees the battle intensify, and hesitates, waiting to go to Misty, his mind working overtime on logic. Seeing her still form, Carson’s anger begins to boil. He stares at Nate and Frankie, not caring that Nate apparently had the upper hand once more.

Taking several steps, he continues to ignore his own injury, and raises his gun. Frankie’s head lines up with his pistol sights. He squeezes the trigger. The shot rings through the hallway.