
Attaching chairs

*Jamie looks at the space between them leting out a laugh.*

"So I get alittle wet. Its not going to kill me."

*Jamie scans the faces that stair back at them and the hooting. Turning back to Con she gives a small roll of here eyes.*

"How about I drive you back to your place so you can change out of those wet cloths and we can run someplace to grab a bit to eat. Its not how you planed but as long as you go with me its more than enough."

*Angelica's cheeks turn a bit red at the mention of candlight. Looking at Reese and than back to Kyle she trys to compose herself. Giving her head a small shake she looks back to Kyle.*

"If I could get some more tea that would be great. I think we are ok on everything alse? Unless you need something alse Mike."

*Katie snuggles with Scott and Domino on the tiny coutch in her bedroom whole a movie plays as noise in the backfround.*

"Ok, so get this, after all this happen Clint who you met was trying so hard to empress Wendy it was funny. You though you had it bad? He went to leave the room and triped over a chair to regain his composture he said the chairs where attacking and grabed a plastic fort to fend them off. At the time I dident think it was very funny buy back them I dident think much was. Now...."

*For a moment Katie stops talking as she can start to feel Jason's emotions creep up. He wasent upset, but maybe he felt like he was missing out on something...Katie consintrates for a moment almost landing on something, but as soon as the feelings came up the door was closed. Regaining herself she starts up talking with Scott again.*

"..Now when I think about it, its darn funny. Those two are great though, its like they just fit together. There's no trying, no words that need to be said they just are what they are and everyone assumes they are together and no one tells them differntly. If you see Clint you know Wendy is around the courner."

*Katie smiles as she takes a bit of her ice cream. Tonight had been a good night. Scott, Domino and herself piged out on ice cream and watched movies though half the time they were to busy kissing or talking to really know what was going on.

Katie reachs down and gives Domino a scratch behind the ears so she dident feel left out.*

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