
Gone wrong

Carson hears Misty’s voice and lifts his head, her hand still in his. “Hey, stranger.” His voice is gentle and low, a smile playing at his lips. “Just rest. You’re okay now. You’re at the hospital and everything is going to be just fine.”

He gives her hand a squeeze. “And I’m not going anywhere, so just relax and get some rest.”

Another roll of thunder vibrates the room, and Carson looks to the window, noting that clouds have finally covered the sun. The weather seemed to almost match the moods around here…there was turmoil everywhere it seemed. But for now…for now, they had a haven and could rest.

Scott takes Katie’s hands as she wraps them around him, and turns his head to give her a kiss. Smiling, he looks back over his office. “I know, I know, it’s a mess. But you’re chair IS here.”

Getting a mischievous glint in his eye, he takes Katie’s arms and pulls her over behind his desk. Sitting down in his chair, he sets Katie down on his lap. “See? You got a chair right here.”

Spinning the chair around, he laughs and gives her another kiss. “So you gonna get back to work, or do I get to recruit you to help me with this mess?”

What had started out a gorgeous sun-filled morning turned into a gray and stormy day. Cloudbursts scattered through the day kept things constantly wet, and dampened spirits of those who wanted to be outdoors.

But time progressed and hours passed, slowly leaving the day behind.

Carson opens one eye groggily, realizing that he’s fallen asleep in the hospital chair, still beside Misty’s bed. Straightening, he cringes at the crick in his neck. His shoulder is throbbing now, the earlier pain killers having worn off.

Reese checks his watch and finally steps out of his office. Half the floor was quiet by now. Many had already headed home for the evening. He’d been to the hospital twice today to check on Misty and finding she was stable, had finished out his day at work.

He heads down the hall towards Angelica’s office and pokes his head in the door, seeing if she’s been able to get settled at all. “Hey…working late?”


Con steps on the brakes and steers his car off onto the shoulder of the road. “No!” he groans and leans his head down to rest on the steering wheel. He didn’t have a spare tire, his cell phone was back at home, and he was three miles from TJY. “Why me?!” He glares upward as the rain pelts down onto the windshield. “Why now? Why today? What else can go wrong?!”

Con just sits for several minutes. He’d promised Jamie he would come pick her up from work and take her out to dinner tonight somewhere special. But since arriving at work this morning, nothing had gone right all day. The rain had made a mess out of the construction site, there had been two fights, three vehicles break down, and numerous little things that just had not gone right at all.

He was even still in his work clothes. Planning on having enough time to get home, then pick up Jamie, swing by her place and get to the restaurant just wasn’t going to work. Now not only was he still in his work clothes, but he was going to be late, without a vehicle, and with no way to call Jamie.

But the rain wasn’t going to let up, and sitting here wasn’t going to do anything but feed his frustration. Not that walking would help calm it, but it was his only choice.

Getting out, Con locks his car and starts trudging down the road. It took about ten minutes for him to be completely drenched. His denim jacket did no good, and his feet were soaked after stepping in several puddles.

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