

In the blink of an eye, Carson sees Nate move Frankie, and it registers that his shot did not land where intended. For a moment, the anger continues to boil and seeing the flesh wound in Frankie’s side, Carson glares at Nate, throwing his ire in his direction for saving the life.

Gripping his handgun Carson lets it fly through the air at force, sending it clattering down the hall. Then ignoring anything else, he goes to Misty, kneeling down to brush her hair from her face. “Misty…Misty, can you hear me?” He sees blood, he feels her weakness. “Come on babe,” he begs. “Don’t leave…not now.”

Looking up at Nate, he grits his teeth. “You wait for help. I’m taking Misty.”

Getting to his feet, he aims for the door again, his goal to bring the car so Misty doesn’t have to be moved so far.

Carson’s feet pound the gravel drive as he sprints for the vehicle. He ignores his blood-soaked shirt, and only once inside the car does he even remember his own wound. Choosing to not pay attention to it, he throws the car in gear.

Within minutes, Carson’s back by Misty’s side and lifting her into his arms. Gently placing her in the back seat, Carson goes back to Nate and Reese one more time. “I’m going to the hospital. Join me when you’re done.”

Not even waiting for an answer, he goes back out to the car and in moments he’s gone.

Reese looks after the disappearing taillights and breathes a heavy sigh. “Good heavens, what has happened…”

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