
Any longer

*Dr. Fuller gives a small nod of her head before she turns.*

"Don't worry I'll do all I can."

*She signals to a nurse to take care of Carson as she disappears begins the swinging door.*

Minutes seem like hours and hours seem like days. When someone you love and care for life is out of your control the time seems to slip away. The sun comes up chasing away the night and all you can do is sit and hope everything is alright. Time marches on playing to its own toon, Time marches on and all you can do is hope answers will come soon..

*Finally Dr. Fuller exits the the doors she disappeared though 4 hours earlier. Going behind the nurses station desk a nurses nods to the small group of three men sitting in the waiting room. Making she way around the desk Dr. Fuller extends her hand to Reese being told he was her Uncle.*

"I'm Dr. Fuller, I am the one who worked on your niece."

*Dr. Fuller scans the three faces that stared back at her. Choosing her words carefully. Looking down at her notes once again than looking up.*

Misty is resting comfortably now. She is sleeping and probably will for a day or two. I am keep her heavily sedated so she can get the rest she needs. What had happened is Misty suffer a blow to the head that put a crack in her skull."

*Dr. Fuller pulls out an x-ray to show the guys the a copy of the same one in Misty's file.*

"A normal person wouldn't know its there and at first nether did Misty. She was getting headaches and didn't know why. As Carson had told me she was taking Advil heavily where as it was helping the pain is was hurting her more thinning her blood out so it slipped through the crack in her skull faster. Drowning her brain and causing her body to malfunction. Being a Dr. herself she should of known that's what the Advil would do but my guess she was scared, or just not thinking and wanted to pain to go away."

*Dr. Fuller lets out a small sigh as she thinks putting the one picture away and pulling another one out to point to.*

"I went in from here at the base of the skull removing the hair and cutting an opening going up from the back. I used a certain type of bone glue kind of like super glue to connect her skull back together and than down at the back I drilled a small hole in her skill to drain her brain of the blood that had filled it.
From what I can see there is no brain damage but in a few day I want to do some more tests just to make sure."

*Dr. Fuller turns to Carson and gives a nod.*

"Your lucky you brought her in when you did, if she had waited any longer we would of lost her."

*Looking back at all three smiles.*

" You guys can see her now if you want. Like I said she is sleeping and she might wake up but she'll probley be delilaros and confused as to whats going on, and will probley fall back to sleep. But your more than welcome to see her. It would do her good to see faces she knows when she wakes up because it will take her a while to work through the confusion. Just try and keep the noise down and don't move to fast around her. If you guys need anymore information or anymore help let me know. I'll keep you filled in."

*Misty lays in the quiet white room with only the sound of beeping machines. The underside of her hair was shaved leaving the long brown locks on top to cover it up though you could still tell the understand was missing. Part of her head was wrapped in bandage. Lying still in the bed the only thing signaling she was alive was the machines next to her and her soft breathing.*

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