

*As Katie hears the door bell she scurrys to the door. She cant help but blush as she dashes from the kitchen opening the door with enthuseasum. Smile at Scott and Domino.*

"I though you got lost on the way over to was going to send a search party."

*Katie reaches out and pulls Scott inside planting a big kiss on his lips.*

*Angelica gives a nod grabing her purse and keys.*

"Subs sounds perfect. I need to learn where all these places are anyway."

*Angelica heads out following Reese.*

*Jamie sits at her desk still typing glancing at the clock now and than. It was growing late and Con hadent shown yet. She had called his cell but got no answer. Growing worryed she tryed to keep her mind off of it for now thinking maybe he just had to stay late at work.*

*Misty smiles back at Carson leaning her head into his hand.*

"I'll try harder not too. I'm sorry I made you worry."

*Misty smiles.*

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