

*As Misty sits in the infermay letsing her tears run her fingers run along Carson's braclet on her wrist. She had seen the good and new it was there. Misty dident know what had happend or why Carson had done this. That was the part that hurt Misty the most. The whys that might never be answered. Misty could only think it had something to do with her.

Misty's tears continue to flow through she despritly trys to stop them. Being able to hear the yelling and the fighting n the floor wasent helping. Every inch of Misty wanted to go out there and stop this. To defent Carson like she did so many times before, but this time sh couldent. Nothing could be done to explain or rashinlize Carson's actions. This time he was on his own, at the mercy of the others.*

*For a long while Nate stands and watches Carson and Wyatt duke it out. On one hand Nate dispided Carson right now. He had hurt Misty bad after she put so much trust in him and give him everything she could. Nate had seen Misty cry and that was enough to make him want to choke Carson. And yet on the other hand he felt bad for Carson. He had started making friends here and there at TJY, but he still felt like an outcase. He had lived his whole life working for The Agency and in a months time his world had been turned upside down.

Leting out a sight Nate walks over to Carson and Wyatt leting out a sharp whistle he reaches down to stop the flying fists. Nate hoysts both boy to there feet.*

"Alright knock it off both of you. Carson you owe it to us to answer a few questions. Than you can go."

*Nate lets go of Wyatt and Carson's arm but stands behind him so he cant run. Giving him a little push to the intaragation room. Before entering himself Nate turns and looks at Wyatt sternly.*

"Wyatt I need you to controll you temper. If you dont think you can than go check on Misty and make sure she is ok. If you think you will be find than you can come on in, but I wont hesatat to throw you out."

*Nate's expresstion shows he understands how Eyatt felt but geting upset wouldent slove anything and if Misty over hurd it might make matters worse.*

Carson gets to his feet as Ashlyn is called a tramp, though he doesn't advance. Misty's words hit him like a kick to the gut, and he feels as though he's going to be sick. Never in his life has he felt this low, and it's not something he wants to endure.

As Misty kisses his forehead, he makes no move, but remains motionless, staring at her as she walks away. There is a portion of him that wants to reach out and pull her back, but he does not. It was too late. The damage was done. It was over.

Glancing down to Ashlyn's picture, he picks it up with anger. Looking at it for just a moment, he crumples it in his fist and hurls it across the floor with such force that it makes distance despite its light weight.

Grabbing his keys, he heads for the exit. He wasn't going to sit around here all day and get lambasted for his personal life.

Wyatt's eyes catch movement and he looks out to see Carson starting to leave. "Oh, no you don't," he hisses. "Not this time."

Shouldering past Nate, he yells across the floor. "Carson, you swine, make one more move and I'll shoot you where you stand!"

Carson stops dead in his tracks and spins around, noting Wyatt's hand on his sidearm. "Stay out of my life," he growls.

"It's not your life anymore," Wyatt shoots back, stalking towards him. "This is TJY business now." He grabs Carson roughly by the arm and starts to drag him to the interrogation room. "You're coming with me," he orders. "And you better have some straght answers for what you told that woman about TJY."

Carson resists, planting his feet. "Whoa, whoa, I didn't tell her anything!"

"Like you want me to believe she didn't ask you!"

"Of course she did!" Carson glares at Wyatt. "I told her nothing!"

"Then why were you there?" Wyatt shouts.

Carson's voice matches his. "Because I wanted to be!"

Wyatt yanks him toward the hall. "You miserable, lying..." he bites his tongue.

"I don't have to do this," Carson resists, stopping again. "Just let me go."


"Let me go, or you'll pay," Carson threatens.

Wyatt whirls around to face him with anger. "Take your best shot."

Pushed to the limit, Carson does just that, his knuckles meeting Wyatt's chin. Wyatt is knocked into the wall, but bounces back, tackling Carson to bring him to the floor. Before anything can stop them, an all-out brawl has ensued.

Thank you

*MIsty's eyes narrow as she stairs back at Carson.*

"Thats a cop out and you know it. When going gets rough Carson and someone calls you on something you always revery to that huh."

*Misty shakes her head as she lets out another long sigh feeling her anger build she trys to quiet it down. Though thinking this was her own fault starts to sink in.*

"I'm sorry I wasent pritty enough for you, or smart enough, or whatever the reson you had to be with that tramp I'm sorry."

*Misty starts to turn but than stops once again.*

"This ISENT who you are Carson. I saw the good in you, I saw the true Carson Banks and thats the Man I fell in love with. That man, that little boy I found is the one I will carry with me always."

*A few tears finally break free from Misty's eyes as she steps closer to Carson and give him a kiss on the forhead.*

"Thank you for even if it was a short time for shairing that man with me and I hope someday you can find him again."

*Finally Misty turns again and heads back to the infermary shuting the door and leting her tears breakefree and the pain wash over her sending her to her knees.*

*Nate just stands looking at Wyatt dumb foundedly for a moment. Than goes to the office door and stands watching Misty and Carson interact. His own anger inside him rages on.*

"Oh man...how could this happen. I...dont even know what to say. This is bad."

Bad guy

Carson focuses upward as Misty approaches. Like seeing storm clouds on the horizon, he instantly knows something is wrong. His eyes drift downward to follow the picture as it lands on his desk. His veins run cold and he just stares at it. They knew. He didn't know how, but they knew.

His mind automatically sifts through the last several days, trying to pinpoint any time when he could have slipped up enough to have been found out.... He lands on one person: Wyatt.

Not even thinking about the fact that he was now under suspicion for leaking TJY information, his ears receive Misty's words, her voice pleading with him to tell her truthfully that he had not been at fault.

His first reaction is to feel the guilt...feel the shame...feel what a worthless being he really was. But almost instantly, it's overtaken by anger so it doesn't hurt so much. He's angry at TJY, he's angry at Ashlyn, he's angry at himself, and Misty was the closest target.

Carson finally raises his gaze to see her tear-filled eyes. Those eyes that had drawn him in..those eyes that had shown him a whole new world...those eyes that could stare straight through to his lying, cheating soul.

Maintaining his composure, Carson remains seated, his jaw muscles working at the thick tension in the air.

"I warned you." His response is cold, his very being fighting not to feel the guilt. "I told you not to get involved with a guy like me." He swallows hard, the raging battle inside of him intensifying beyond anything he's felt before. "I'm a bad guy, Misty, and I like a good time." The hard steel-like gaze that he'd come to TJY with seeps into his eyes, covering the warmth that Misty had drawn out of him. "You shouldn't have trusted me."

Wyatt looks at Nate, fighting with himself not to go choke the living daylights out of Carson right now. He knew Carson wouldn't run that fast, and most likely, Misty was cornering him right now. Wyatt shakes his head in sheer disgust, unable to hold back his bluntness. "Carson's been sleeping with a woman from the Agency. How's that?"

Say it isent so

*As the information hits Misty hard her heart feels as thought its being ripped from her chesk. The tear well in her eyes but dont break free as she takes a few steps backwords. Misty slowly shakes her head though she knows inside what Wyatt was saying was true. *

"No...this...there has to be an explanation. There has to be a reason."

*Misty keeps Ashlyn's picture in her hand as she leaves Reese office and makes her way to Carson's desk. For a moment she just stands there not sure what to say. After a moment Misty clears her throt.*

"Carson....I need to talk to you. Your work can wait this is important...please."

*Misty looks down at the picture of Ashlyn again her anger still there as the tears behind her eyes well but dont break free. Misty was deturmened to be strong. Misty throws the picture down in front of Carson. Misty keeps her eyes locked with Carson. He could lie all he wanted but his eyes could not. Inside him was the guy she had grown to love and trust and that guy was the one she could see in his eyes no matter how he tryed to hide it. She keeps her voice even and soft, with the hint of hurt and pain.*

"Tell me what they said isent trust Carson? Tell me you had a good reason to be spending your nights with Ashlyn. You where threatend, in trouble with the Agency again. They made you? Tell me Carson...something."

*Misty's eyes glissin with hope, but the truth shows there is no hope she new the truth. Misty's heart was breaking in her chest and she wanted to turn and run away right now but she had to hear the words from Carson himself before she could believe it was really true. Misty waited to hear Carson's reply.*

*As Nate makes his way across the floor to Reese office his eyes fall on Misty is Carson. I look on Misty's face proved something was wrong. Something tugged at Nate's heart telling him all was not right. Finishing his walk to Reese office she steps in and see Wyatt proving there was a problem.*

"Whats going on? Misty and Carson dont seem right out there? What happend?"

*Nate feels his gut tighten bad new was on the way.*

I'm sorry

Wyatt whirls around and stares at Misty. The anger is still fresh in his eyes...not towards her, but for these unkind circumstances. A part of him wants to say "I told you so" but he knows that she is too deeply involved with Carson for him to be that harsh with her. Wyatt wishes he would have done more from the beginning to keep those two apart...if only they'd restrained Carson more or turned him in to the authorities. But they hadn't...Misty was in love with him, and she was about to get her heart broken.

Wyatt looks at her, trying to soften his tone, though it's difficult. He knows he has to tell her...it's only right. "Misty...look..." He swallows hard, his gaze shifting to the floor, then back up again. He exchanges a look with Reese, though doesn't receive much help from his father. "I...I dug up that information on Ashlyn because..." He searches his cousin's eyes. This was harder than he thought. He just had to be honest. "I'm sorry, Misty, but Carson's been spending his nights with her at a hotel in town for about two weeks now. We have no choice but to interrogate him." He pauses, hurting for Misty. "I'm sorry that he wasn't who you thought."


*Misty enters work she seems in a pritty good mood today as she enters work. Stoping at Carson's desk she gives him a quick kiss.*

"Morning you. I'd stop and talk more but I have to get these papers signed from Reese and get them in the mail before I am late on my addmitions to stay here for the rest of school. I'll see you for lunch though."

*Misty throws a wink at Carson and makes her way to Reese office. Seeing the door open and hearing voices inside Misty steps in.*

"For whos done what to me?"

*Misty holds her smiles as she walks to Reese desk.*

"Uncle I need you to sigh these for me. They are my papers to stay here for the rest of school and I need who I did my intership for sign them. So if you would be so kind.*

*Looking down at Reese desk Misty see the picture of Ashlynn. Reaching down she pics it up a anger boiling in her at the face that staired back at her. Looking up to Reese and than to Wyatt she questions.*

"Why do you guys have a picture of Ashlynn? What trouble is she starting now?"

*Half joking Misty laughs and says.*

"I can take her out for ya."


Wyatt slowly pulls into the outer edge of the parking lot, ensuring that his vehicle is out of sight from the entrance of the building. Tailing Carson had been easy in town after he'd left TJY for the night, and winding up here increased suspicion all the more.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, Wyatt sees his target entering the building. He reaches into the passenger seat and pulls out a photo from a file he'd brought from work. He'd had a hunch, and was hoping to be proved wrong. But he needed to be sure...he needed to get to the bottom of this. He'd gotten on this path from information Carson had been feeding him, apparently not realizing that he'd been under investigation by Wyatt this last week. Now it was time to find out the truth.

Waiting ten minutes and seeing no one emerge, Wyatt gets out of his car and heads inside. Approaching the front desk, he greets the woman with a friendly smile and dives into a conversation, leading into his nonchalant line of questioning. After another ten minutes, he has what he came for, and quietly slips back to his car.

Anger boiled within his veins. This was worse than he'd thought, and it ripped him in two for more reasons that one. Wyatt has to take a minute or two to calm himself before he can drive away. His hands shake as his ire builds within. He would be working tonight from home, so that tomorrow he would be ready.

...The next morning...

Carson sinks down at his desk as usual, actually making it to work on time today. He hoped no one had called his place last night...he hadn't gotten home before coming to work this morning. Taking a swig of coffee, he starts in on his work for the day, his mind only half-concentrating.

Wyatt stalks down the line of cubicles, heading for his father's office. His heels click on the tilted floor, his eyes like stone, greeting no one on the way. Not even bothering to knock, he enters Reese's office, the door remaining ajar. "We have a traitor in our midst," he states flatly.

Reese looks up in surprise, then furrows his brow. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Wyatt throws down several papers of a profile, lists, and bio information, including a photo of a dark-haired woman.

Reese picks it up and looks at it, his confusion growing. "Ashlyn Turner?"

"Yep." Wyatt crosses his arms, his face showing his anger that had persisted since the evening before. "She's a part of the Agency."

"And..." Reese fishes for more information. "How does that make her a traitor?"

"It's not her," Wyatt states evenly. "This is the woman that Misty's Aussie boyfriend has been spending his nights with for the last two weeks."

"What?!" Reese's eyes widen.

"I tailed him last night," Wyatt informs. "He went to a hotel at the edge of town. I questioned the staff and let's just say there's not a whole lot left to the imagination on this one."

Reese's mind reels. "Do you think he's been leaking information?"

"Well what do you think?" Wyatt spits out. "He's cheating on TJY, and he's cheating on Misty! I highly recommend going out there right now and throwing him into the interrogation room. This is unacceptable, and if he's leaked information, we've got a whole lot more on our hands than a moral issue." His glare remains steady. "And you better not let me in that room unless you want a dead witness for what he's done to my cousin."


*Jamie answers her phone and smiles. Her heart sinks alittle hearing Con would be missing lunch again but trys not to let it get her two down. She new Con was busy and having a hard time at work the last few days.*

"Ok Con...Its not a problem. Maybe we can go out to dinner tonight or something. Ok...Love you too. Con try and have a good day for me. Ok...talk to you later. Bye Babe!"

*Jamie hangs up her phone and smiles. Con was down but and Jamie was sad about Lunch but hearing Con's voice always made her feel better. Standing Jamie makes her way to the infermary. Last Misty hadent been herself and she hadent seen Carson spend to much time with her. Jamie wondered if something was going on. Maybe Misty just needed some cheering up.*

*Misty sits at her desk trying to consintrate on her work but not being able to. Her mind wondered to and fro. Rick had paper work for her to work on to keep her busy but Misty just couldent keep her mind on it. She had hardly see Carson at all today and that was something she wasent use to. Looking up from her desk Misty see Jamie and smiles.*

"Hey Jamie. Rick isent here if you needed him."

"Hey. I wanted to see if you would like to go to lunch today with me? Con had to do something and cant come so I need someone alse to take."

*Misty smiles at Jamie it was nice of her to offer it made Misty feel good.*

"Sorry Jamie I cant today Carson and I are gonna go out to lunch. Maybe tomarrow or something we can go."

*Jamie nods and smiles leaving the infermary and heading to the breakroom.*

*After a few more min of trying to keep her mind on her work Misty stands and heads over to Carson's cubicle. Trying her best to smile she leans on the wall.*

"Ready for lunch? I know I'm starving."

Thin ice

Carson looks up as Misty approaches, and gives her a grin, though his eyes aren't smiling. "Mm, Chinese sounds good, and of course we're going out. I'd hate to see what wrath I'd receive if I bailed on you two times in a row." He throws her a wink.

At the mention of him forgetting the locket, his eyes widen slightly. "Oh, crap, I took it off when I showered and it must still be on my sink." He leans back in his chair with a little smirk. "I was probably thinking about having your arms wrapped around my neck instead."

Left alone a while later, Carson stares at his computer screen, though isn't paying attention to it. The sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach was getting worse, and try as he might, it just wouldn't go away. He'd done things like this before...it had never bothered him...he was just getting what he wanted when he wanted it. Why was this tiny feeling of guilt growing? And being around Misty just made it worse. He'd ridden fences all his life, but this time it was uncomfortable... Deep down he knew why...he could see between right and wrong much clearer now than he'd used to, and his relationship with Misty was different than anything he'd had before. But he'd still chosen a route that put him on thin ice...and it was getting thinner.

The persistent ringing of the phone finally brings Con into a slight state of groggy alertness. Rolling over, he grabs at the phone, mumbling. "Yeah?"

"Con, where are you?"

Con's eyes fly open, suddenly fully awake. He looks at the clock and groans. "I'm on my way."

"You better be - Leonard's on the warpath today."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Con throws the receiver back in place. Mad at himself, he stumbles out of bed, finding clean clothes, not even bothering to shower. He'd slept on his right side and hadn't heard his alarm go off an hour before. Now not only was he going to be in trouble, but he wasn't going to get a lunch break, which mean he'd have to miss going out with Jamie...for the third time. That in itself made him even madder. He was sore and exhausted, and his body just wanted rest - it wasn't surprising he hadn't woken up when he was supposed to. But he couldn't keep on going like this. He had to try harder at not lying on his good ear.

Out of the house in ten minutes flat, Con dials Jamie as he gets into his car. "Hey, it's me...I'm so sorry...I'm gonna have to take a rain check on lunch...again."

Wyatt keeps an eye on Carson that morning, watching his every move. He'd gotten a couple calls on his cell phone...he hadn't gone down the hall to visit Misty but once - that was strange in itself. He'd been on edge whenever someone had approached him, and the look on his face said he was irritated. Something was definitely wrong, and Wyatt was going to find out. He'd have to wait until Carson left today, but when he did, it would provide ample opportunity.

The letter

*Misty sits at her desk in the infermary this morning deep in thought. She had passes Carson this morning but he hadent said hi. Once again he was late and in a hurry. She had noticed this morning he dident have her necklace on. Once again Misty reminds herself he was in a hurry and just forgot. Something pulls on Misty's heart and her mind screams to her to open her eyes. But Misty pushes the though and sounds of her mind. This was silly. She couldent exspect Carson to spend every moment with her. He had his own life away from her too. Misty ran her fingers over Carson's braclet. Leting out a long sigh Misty grabs some papers and heads over to Carson's cubicle before making the rest of her destination.*

"Morning. We still going to go out to lunch today? A new chinese place opened up across town and I though it would be fun to check it out."

*Misty smile and gives alittle giggle.*

"You must of been in a hurry this morning you forgot to put my locket back on."

*Misty holds her smile and scruntches up her nose at Carson.*

*As Katie sits at her desk she lets out a sigh. It had ben a while since she saw Jason and she was starting to miss him horrably again. She had done good so far keeping her hopes, and spirits up, but time was wairing on her again. Pulling out a peace of paper Katie starts a letter.*

{Dear J,
Its been a while since I saw you late and I am trying my best to keep my head high for you. My birthday will be in another week and I wish you were going to be here with me to celabrate it. Though you wont be here in body you will be with me in spirite.

I got to talk to you mom alittle bit the other day and toldher hi for you. She said to let you know she loves you very much and miss you. Once you get out she wants you to come visit. Wes and your mom's house should be done soon. They building had to stop for a few days due to some heavy rain so that set things back but the building has started again and could be ready very soon. Wes told me to let you know to keep you head up and before you know it you will be out of there.

The band says hi and they cant wait for your return. Everyone at TJY wishs you the best.

I cant wait till you get home J, when you do you better exspect me to bombard you with hugs and shower you with kisses. You mean the world to me J and dont you forget it. Well I better let you go....J dont worry about me to much I am doing ok. *hugs,kiss*

I love you always.

Always in my heart,
Katie }

*Katie puts the note in an envalope and puts it in her send out box to be picked up with the rest of her mail.*

Ten days later

Carson quirks an eyebrow, his playfulness dissolving for a moment. “You just asked me if I was in trouble. Do I have a sign on my back this morning or what?”

He lets her go and shakes his head, another grin surfacing. “Miss sass has turned into a worrywart. Better stop, or I’ll have to show you how well I’m doing… but then Rick would yell at me again.”

He rolls his eyes and gives her cheek a brush with the back of his hand. “Get to work and I’ll see you at noon.”

Wyatt leans against the wall, scanning the main floor, his eyes once again landing on Carson’s cubicle… it was empty…again. For a week, he’d been on time, holding regular hours, though hadn’t been reachable otherwise. But for the last few days, he’d started being late again. And there was more too it…Wyatt had noticed Carson starting to dodge people…he’d never been that sociable, but it was even less now.

Wyatt didn’t want to jump to conclusions or doubt Carson after everyone had emphasized trust in him…but something just wasn’t right, and Wyatt feared Agency involvement. He hadn’t voiced these fears to anyone…but today was the last straw. He was going to find out once and for all what was going on because something…something was. His gut instincts were too strong to deny.

Seeing Carson finally enter the building, Wyatt turns to head back to his own office.

Carson swaggers down through the cubicles, flopping down in his chair and stifling a yawn as he stretches. Wincing at the crick in his neck, he sighs and flips on his computer.

Glancing down, he sees the sticky note he’d left for himself the day before. He was supposed to take Misty out for lunch today – yesterday he’d bailed on her, so he had some making up to do.


*Misty smiles up at Carson.*

"Ok, But you owe me."

*Misty squints alittle bit the strange feeling coming back to her. Looking up at Carson she searches his eyes.*

"Carson is everything ok? Are you in some kind of trouble? Dont ask why I am asking I've just been geting funny feelings since I was at your place yesterday. Its probley nothing but I just....idk. Wanted to make sure I guess."


Carson holds his grin. “Mm, but the adrenaline rush of racing the clock is so much fun.”

He pulls Misty even closer. “And I’ll have you know, I never blew you off…I simply chose laundry over you.”

Mischief glints in his eyes and he leans down to set his forehead against hers. “Lunch. Noon. I’ll drive.”

Blew off

*Misty gets a quirky smile on her face as she thinks for a moment.*

"How about dinner. That way Reese cant chew you out. You owe me dinner anyways since you blew me off yesterday."


Carson stumbles a little bit as Misty knocks him off balance, but he chuckles, giving her a kiss back, and looping his arms around her waist. “Me, trouble?” He winks at her. “Never!”

He cocks his head a little. “I did see your note, so I knew you’d been to my place, though I distinctly remember telling you I’d be out.” He grins. “I had to cancel a date because of it, but I’ll make it up today by taking you out for lunch…anywhere you want to go as long as we get back to work in a decent time so Reese doesn’t chew my butt out.”


*Misty pokes head head out of the infermary door thinking she hurd Carson's voice. A smile cross her face as she see him walk to his cubicle. A playful smile crossing her face Misty runs up behind Carson and jumps on his back.*

"I GOT HIM I GOT HIM...The wild cow girl caught her prize bull."

*Misty slips down and swings around to the front of Carson giving him a kiss.*

"Good Morning, Your on time thats amazing."

*Misty lets out a giggle.*

"After your late night I though for sure you would be late again. After work I ran over to your apt for Wyatt but ya wernt him. Where you geting into trouble?"

*Misty squintes her eyes in a playful mannor.*


Laura bites her lower lip, trying to suppress the grin that tries to slip out. She leans her head on the open door, just looking at Nate and watching his eyes to ensure they match his words.

“Well…I wouldn’t want the neighbors to call the cops on a strange guy camping out on my porch, so…I suppose in order to avoid any misunderstandings, I should let you have your way.”

She pauses just a moment, but doesn’t invite him in. “Let me at least get some shoes and socks on.” She disappears for a few moments, leaving the door ajar. Returning, she hasn’t bothered to change clothes, still comfy and casual, having only thrown on socks and sneakers, and grabbed her purse.

“So are you ready or what?” she asks in a sarcastically exasperated tone. “Quit lollygagging.”

Wyatt answers his phone as Misty calls, and furrows his brow. “Oh, well, that’s alright. Thanks for trying. We’ll just go on with out him. No problem. See you tomorrow.”

Laura yawns as she makes her way to her desk the next morning. She’d had a good time last night, she had to admit. Supper had been fun, and so had the movie. It had gotten her to bed late though, and she was paying for it this morning…but it was worth it.


Wyatt looks up from his desk, raising his eyebrows at Carson. For once, he wasn’t late. But wasn’t that the same shirt he’d worn the day before? Ignoring his silly random thoughts, he nods. “Yeah, morning. I take it you got my messages last night.”

“Sorry about that.” Carson leans on the doorframe. “Cell phone’s ringer got turned off and I didn’t know it had slipped down in my truck seat – took me an hour to find it after I finally realized it was gone. I had a bunch of running around to do, and by the time I got back to my apartment it was too late to call anyone.”

Wyatt shrugs. “Eh, well, we got it worked out alright I guess.”

“Alright. Catch you later.” Carson ambles back down the hall, aiming for his cubicle, not stopping to see anyone else.

Where are you?

*Nate stairs back at Laura. Speeking in a strong voice.*

"I'm not going with out you Laura. Your time is up, let go the way you are. I dont care what you look like."

*Katie pokes hear head out of her room and smiles.*

"Would you just go with him already man Laura.*

*Nate see Katie and smiles giving her alittle wave.*

"Hey Hero you look like you doing better. Good viset with Jason?"

*Kaite trys to smiles back the best she can.*

"Things are gonna be ok Nate."

*Kaite disapreas back into her room closing the door.*

*Nate turns his attachen back to Laura and grins.*

"Lets go Laura. I'll sit out on your pourch all night waiting if I have to. Now get your coat."

*Misty smiles at her cousin and waves. Finishing up what she was doing in the infermary Misty gathers her things and heads over to Carson's. Geting out of her car she goes to the door and knocking. Not geting any answer Misty leaves a note. "Wyatt needs you to call him. *kiss* -Misty.* Sticking the note to the door Misty makes her way back to her car but as she walks a worry set in. Something wasent right she could feel it. Pulling out her phone she dial's Carson's number and waits geting the voice mail she hangs up. Leting out a sigh she decieds to driveby the laundrymat to see if he was there. Seeing he is not Misty sighs again. He was problye at the store or somthing. The sicking feeling in Misty's tummy continues put she pushes it away felling silly. Dialying Wyatt's number she makes her way home.*

"Hey Cus. Ya Carson wasent home. Sorry I left a note for him..."

*Misty continues to talk as she drives.*

No one home

Laura looks up from her seat on the couch, lifting an eyebrow. She glances at the clock. Hiding her grin, she gets up and takes her time going to the door. Opening it just far enough to show her face, she looks up at Nate. “If you don’t get going, you’re going to miss your movie,” she states dryly.

Wyatt sighs, then nods. “Yeah, okay. If you want to stop by his place, great. I left a message, but maybe he won’t see it.” If I don’t hear from him, we’ll just have to make a judgment call.” He turns, leaving. “Thanks, Misty,” he calls over his shoulder.

…The apartment on the second floor remains dark and unvisited since that morning. A parking space sits empty in the lot, void of a small grey pickup.