
Where are you?

*Nate stairs back at Laura. Speeking in a strong voice.*

"I'm not going with out you Laura. Your time is up, let go the way you are. I dont care what you look like."

*Katie pokes hear head out of her room and smiles.*

"Would you just go with him already man Laura.*

*Nate see Katie and smiles giving her alittle wave.*

"Hey Hero you look like you doing better. Good viset with Jason?"

*Kaite trys to smiles back the best she can.*

"Things are gonna be ok Nate."

*Kaite disapreas back into her room closing the door.*

*Nate turns his attachen back to Laura and grins.*

"Lets go Laura. I'll sit out on your pourch all night waiting if I have to. Now get your coat."

*Misty smiles at her cousin and waves. Finishing up what she was doing in the infermary Misty gathers her things and heads over to Carson's. Geting out of her car she goes to the door and knocking. Not geting any answer Misty leaves a note. "Wyatt needs you to call him. *kiss* -Misty.* Sticking the note to the door Misty makes her way back to her car but as she walks a worry set in. Something wasent right she could feel it. Pulling out her phone she dial's Carson's number and waits geting the voice mail she hangs up. Leting out a sigh she decieds to driveby the laundrymat to see if he was there. Seeing he is not Misty sighs again. He was problye at the store or somthing. The sicking feeling in Misty's tummy continues put she pushes it away felling silly. Dialying Wyatt's number she makes her way home.*

"Hey Cus. Ya Carson wasent home. Sorry I left a note for him..."

*Misty continues to talk as she drives.*

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