
The letter

*Misty sits at her desk in the infermary this morning deep in thought. She had passes Carson this morning but he hadent said hi. Once again he was late and in a hurry. She had noticed this morning he dident have her necklace on. Once again Misty reminds herself he was in a hurry and just forgot. Something pulls on Misty's heart and her mind screams to her to open her eyes. But Misty pushes the though and sounds of her mind. This was silly. She couldent exspect Carson to spend every moment with her. He had his own life away from her too. Misty ran her fingers over Carson's braclet. Leting out a long sigh Misty grabs some papers and heads over to Carson's cubicle before making the rest of her destination.*

"Morning. We still going to go out to lunch today? A new chinese place opened up across town and I though it would be fun to check it out."

*Misty smile and gives alittle giggle.*

"You must of been in a hurry this morning you forgot to put my locket back on."

*Misty holds her smile and scruntches up her nose at Carson.*

*As Katie sits at her desk she lets out a sigh. It had ben a while since she saw Jason and she was starting to miss him horrably again. She had done good so far keeping her hopes, and spirits up, but time was wairing on her again. Pulling out a peace of paper Katie starts a letter.*

{Dear J,
Its been a while since I saw you late and I am trying my best to keep my head high for you. My birthday will be in another week and I wish you were going to be here with me to celabrate it. Though you wont be here in body you will be with me in spirite.

I got to talk to you mom alittle bit the other day and toldher hi for you. She said to let you know she loves you very much and miss you. Once you get out she wants you to come visit. Wes and your mom's house should be done soon. They building had to stop for a few days due to some heavy rain so that set things back but the building has started again and could be ready very soon. Wes told me to let you know to keep you head up and before you know it you will be out of there.

The band says hi and they cant wait for your return. Everyone at TJY wishs you the best.

I cant wait till you get home J, when you do you better exspect me to bombard you with hugs and shower you with kisses. You mean the world to me J and dont you forget it. Well I better let you go....J dont worry about me to much I am doing ok. *hugs,kiss*

I love you always.

Always in my heart,
Katie }

*Katie puts the note in an envalope and puts it in her send out box to be picked up with the rest of her mail.*

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