
BJ wakes

*Slowly BJ brings his hand to his eyes trys to to ajust to the light. This room, it was differnt...Where was he?Siting up slowly BJ looks around. Seeing Mick in the kitchen slowly everything comes back to him. Swinging his legs off the coutch BJ slowly waddles into the kitchen not making a sound. Geting up on one of the chairs he sits. Waiting for breakfest.*

~*~At Laura's House~*~

*As Katie wonders her room she cant shake the feeling she was having. It felt like something had changed again. A new life was home. Katie sits and remembers Baby Jason. How she missed her baby brother. Shaking the feeling again from her mind she stands today she would start her new job. She couldent be distracted. Exiting her room she heads downstair and grabs a cup of coffee. Smileing at Laura and ready to go.* "Morning."

A new day

Mick opens one eye wearily and straightens his neck from the crooked position it’s been in all night. He glances down, to his chest, BJ’s warm body still covered in a blanket, and still lying peacefully. He hadn’t moved once…poor kid must have been completely exhausted.

Trying to shift his weight a little, Mick realizes just how stiff he’s become. Looking up at the clock, he knows people will start stirring soon. Moving carefully, he takes BJ in his arms to lower his legs back to the floor, standing up just a little unsteadily as his blood circulation starts to flow again. He takes the boy into the living room, setting him down quietly on the couch, then heads to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

Jason stares into the gray light with no motivation to get out of bed. There’s something unfinished…unsettling, that will not allow his mind to rest. All night he’d tossed and turned, wanting just to sleep, but dreams continued to invade his mind.

Laura rolls out of bed, slapping her own alarm clock with a groan. Rising, she showers and dresses quickly, heading for the kitchen. After feeing Henry, she puts a pot of coffee on, and puts a light breakfast on the table, having heard Katie already up.

Chase away

*Wes nods at his brother.* "We could always take rounds at watching outside. In case anyone shows up."

*Rosetta lets out a loud laugh as she comes through the door with the others. Apon entering Rosetta see Mick with BJ. A look of confustion cross her face.* "What on earth?"

*Wendy finds Clint not to far away from the door at a table and walks over.* "Hey. Whats with the little Kid?"

*As the night pass the story oh how BJ came to the ranch is told. As the boy lays silently sleeping in Mick's lap. A few hours pass some find a place in the mess hall to sleep, while others go back to there bunks. The night drags on and finally the Sun starts to shine As the trees reach there shadows away as if running for cover from the light.*

~*~At Laura's Apt~*~


*Katie rubs her eyes as she alarm jolts her out of sleep. It was a restless night and Katie dident sleep well. Something layed heavy on her mind. Finally geting out of bed Katie heads to the shower.*


The women finally relent, giving into the late evening, and get ready to leave the restaurant. On their way, the ride home is quiet, all tired, and all lost in their own thoughts.
Arriving back, the light is still on in the mess hall, signaling that most are still up and active.

Mick shakes his head at Wes. “I don’t know…I just don’t know… we were so confused for so long… and the Agency did such a good job covering up our family ties that…. I guess if they wanted to cover up Sam bad enough, they could have succeeded.” His mind wanders to the past, when no one knew anything about their families. It had been an uphill battle all the way with confusion, lies, and extreme highs and lows. And now…a new element had been added. He had a sister he’d never even known about…that he might never even see. Mick wasn’t so sure how he was supposed to feel about that. “No wonder he came to me,” he thinks aloud. “I must remind him of Sam.”

Trying to block further confusing emotions from his mind, he tries to concentrate on a more important avenue and nods to Angel. “Yeah, he seems alright, just tired. I wonder what the note means…he must have an implant too, poor kid. I believe what’s said, that the Agency is after him. If they’ve been going after us because of the chips, then this can’t be any different, if not worse….” Mick glances at the note again. “I wonder why for what other reason he would be important to us… or to ‘some’ of us.” He sighs deeply and sticks his foot out to draw another chair close enough to set both his feet up on. Adjusting BJ gently so he can’t fall off his lap if Mick let’s go, he straightens out the boy’s shirt and settles himself down. “For now, he’s alright here. I don’t feel comfortable letting him out of anyone’s sight without knowing more. Sam said she was leading the Agency away from here, but we can’t bet everything on it.”

Con nods from his spot at the window. “Austin, why don’t you call the guys and tell them what’s up so they keep a close eye on those cameras. I’m not sure if the were watching the driveway tonight, so I don’t know if they’d have any footage of the car, but at least for tonight they should stay alert.”

Austin agrees and moves to the side to make the call.

Jason looks at BJ, compassion stirring within him. He wasn’t that young, but he knows the pain of being without a family…he knows the fear… who would do this to such a cute kid as this? He finally shakes his head at Angel. “We can try looking for his family, but it’s not going to be easy, seeing as though the Agency is involved. Besides that…his parents may think he’s dead, if Sam has been taking care of him for that long. We should probably give TJY a heads up too though – they’ve got a lot more feelers out there.”

Jade finally makes it from the living room, and leans on the doorway, catching bits and pieces of what’s going on. She spies her father with BJ, and her heart melts. A memory surfaces of when she was a little girl, sitting with her daddy on the couch with Dylan. She remembers the good times…

Everyone looks up as the headlights from a couple vehicles shine into the windows. “The girls are home,” Con announces, and waits for them to come in, seeing Rosetta in the lead.

What should

*As Katie plays with her phone her eyes scan the room. So many picstures. Con and Laura looked happy in every single one. It was strange no to see any sign of parents in any of the. Katie shrugs maybe she would ask Laura about it in the morning. Changing into her PJ's Katie climbs into bed. It was going to be a long day tomarrow and Katie wanted to be rested for it. Tossing and turning Katie trys to push all thoughts out of her mind, finally falling asleep.*

~*~Girl's night out.~*~

*As the night goes on the ladys all laugh,joke, and have a great time. For a moment forgeting about all that was said earlyer. As time goes by Rosetta finally stands.* "Well ladys as much as I dont want this to end, I am geting to old to stay up late and my eyes are slowly closing. I think its time I head back to the ranch. I had a wonderful time."

~*~ Back at the Ranch~*~

*Wes stands and comes closer studing BJ.*"I never new." *Reading the letter his eyes grow wide.* " I dont understand what any of this means. How did we not find information on another sister?"

*Angel looks over BJ circling Mick.* "Well from looking at him here he looks to be ok. I dont want to force him to let me right now. It seems like he has had a long jouurny and very fragil. I can look at him more tomarrow." *Angel steps out onto the porch and drags BJ's bags into the mess hall.*

*BJ lifts his head slightly. Running his eyes and yawning he says.* "Dose are my toys and cloths.." *BJ replaces his head onto Mick's shoulder. and drifting off to sleep.*

*Angel gives a small smile at BJ and Mick.* "I wonder if we could find anything in the files or online." *Angel looks from Austin, Jason and Con.* " Do you guys have any idea at all about this? Whoever's boy this is they have to be pritty worryed about him. He's a cute kid. We could alwyas put him in the spair bedroom. I wouldent want to leave him in a bunk alone. He is to small."